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November 7th, 2012

[info]sparks_flying in [info]rrinitiative

Breaking and entering

Characters: Jun-he
Setting: Early morning, By the Space Invaders machine and then outside Mazie's room

There was something about the way Jun-he wandered over to the arcade machine sitting all by its lonesome that just seemed suspicious. He wasn't at all intending to come off as though he were really up to something he shouldn't be doing but the circumstances certainly looked otherwise. At least for all he knew, no one was around to see him creep around with the small gardening shovel and pliers he had commandeered from the farm block.

Finishing his smoke, Jun-he looked around him, as though about to break into someone's house, then wandered over from the cafeteria doorway to the Space Invaders game against the outside wall. He bend down and got a good grip on the thing, pulling it so the back end was exposed. Once finished, he crouched down and took a look at the back panel. It wasn't at all complicated. A simple break and enter with a little effort.

Slipping the end of the shovel in to the space between the panel door and rest of the machine, he put a small amount of weight on it to see what would happen. The door moved slightly, but he decided it was best not to straight up break it with simple force. After a little work, he took apart the door, having to practically break his own arms to force a couple of those bolts holding it in place. At least it was done.

Reaching in to his back pocket, Jun-he pulled out two folded up pieces of paper and a pen from his back pocket. "I have opened it for you. Have fun with the inside. - Jun-he" His writing wasn't exactly the best. There was a different stroke involved with English writing that Hangul just didn't have.

With the door done, he headed to the kitchen, placing the two objects on the counter. Once his hands were washed, he nabbed an apple form the bowl of fruits sitting upon it. Though it took him a while, he peeled and sliced it, following with a kiwi, and then a few strawberries from the fridge. He took his time to scrummage through the cupboards to find a plastic container and once h had, he put everything inside, taking it and the rest of his stuff down to Mazie's room.

Jun-he thought about knocking, even placing his hand up ready to do so but after hesitating, he decided otherwise. Taking the second piece of paper form his pocket, he wrote another note. "Good morning, Mazie. Please see your Space Invaders game. - Jun-he". For whatever reason, he just couldn't bring himself to try and give the fruit breakfast to her. After thinking about it, he felt a little silly. This sort of thing was meant for women with way too much time on their hands to fuss. Not that he thought it was what they should do, it was just something of a cultural thing he figured might come off as weird. It probably still would.

Leaving it on the ground in front of her door, Jun-he stared at it for a moment before leaving.

[info]itwaskasper in [info]rrinitiative

Burning the nest down

Characters: Kasper
Setting: Her room, late morning

Completely aware of just how many cigarettes she had smoked in the last couple hours, Kasper lit up one more for the road after leaving Reggie's room. Her step was quick, racing back to her room to take care of a few things before she went off for her little lunch date with Charlie. Whoever he was.

She had made a point of addressing the little invitation she gave Jeremy earlier on in stopping by, scratching her head to work through why she bothered to make the effort at all. It wasn't really like her. Or maybe with all the chaos evaporating, it was. She wasn't about to go picking it apart though and instead stood up from the chair at her computer, ashes falling on to the desk.

Watching where they landed, Kasper stared down momentarily, glancing along the desk and coming to the realization that she hadn't taken very good care of the place at all. She reached for the ashtray on the far corner and swept up all the ashes with her pinky finger, moving off in to the ashtray. At least it was in use now. She took the little effort to flick the cigarette over it before turning around to the debris of her life upon the floor.

Clothes were everywhere. What was once a mountain of clothes was now a hill, different articles of clothing scattered about it. In a rush, she piled them all together, quickly folding them half-assed before shoving them in to the drawers. It had been a long time since she bothered to take care of herself and her surroundings. Not that she didn't know how but life was always from one place to the next, what was the point of ever settling in? Even she did things like the pile of bedsheets and blankets turned itself in to a nest. There was a space in the middle of it all next to her bed where she had curled up among the pillows and warmth at odd times of the night.

She had a solid six year stretch of taking care of herself. All in all she had done a pretty swell job. Deciding not to dwell on those years, she made her bed with much more care than she had given to her clothing.

Jumping on it to sit back, she stuck one arm behind her head and simply stared at the ceiling. Who really gives a shit? she told herself, nearly jumping off the bed to tear apart her room again. With a funny face, she sat back from her jerked up position and ignored the thought. There was a long wander of her mind that just went wild with memories of the last couple days; the people she met, the things she had done. All of it just seemed so chaotic on its own. None of this needed her to set it off, but it was definitely the place to set her off. But then there was Jeremy. The prick already made her clean up her room. That guy.

She gave herself a little chuckle before finally jumping off her bed. The clouds may have been parting but she made sure to grab the black hoodie still hanging from her doorknob as she left the room.