May. 27th, 2021


Who: Felix [Narrative]
Where: The barn
When: Mid afternoon
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, underaged sex

The gift that apparently keeps on fucking giving.... )

May. 19th, 2021


Who: Lennon and Marco
Where: the barn
When: late morning

another day, another batch of weirdness )

May. 17th, 2021


Who: Lucy and Chase
Where: The old lodge
When: Mid morning

Fewer surprises would be nice )

May. 7th, 2021


Who: Ulani Kahananui and OPEN
What: Arriving in Zenith
Where: Just outside the barn
When: Around 8:45 am.

Need a vacation, I'll send you a card From Honololu, a greeting from happy Hawaii )

May. 6th, 2021



Day 66.

Weather: High 70s and getting warmer every day.

Events: Things are waiting to be found in the stalls in the barn again. Here's what's in each stall today:

The first stall has a dozen metal spring traps, with all the parts needed to fix them into place wherever people decide that they need to go. They all seem large enough to catch the creatures in the woods, though if they're strong enough to hold them there depends on how well they're set up. They're sturdy, though. They'd have to be to catch monsters, wouldn't they?

The second stall has two clothing racks, set up like a miniature Cassi's. All the clothes looks familiar, either stuff people left behind when they chose the clothes that they wanted to bring with them, or stuff that's been on the racks at Cassi's for a while. The back wall has stacks of shoe boxes, with new shoes and socks for everyone.

The third stall has four neat rows of toys sitting in the middle of it. There's a variety of toys, from plush to barbies to action figures to toy cars. Each toy is well loved, specifically by the people of Zenith. Everyone will be able to find one of their old toys, one that they had called one of their favorites at a point in time where they were able to make memories of playing with that toy. They're also all toys that had been removed from everyone's lives, whether the toy had been thought lost, destroyed, or just given or thrown away once their owner had grown out of playing with them. Here they are. They've been with Zenith the whole time. There's also one extra doll. It's a small interpretation of the creatures in the woods, made out of plastic.

The fourth stall is the most important, because in that stall, Ulani wakes up around 8am. Ulani's experience will be similar to those on Day 1, but unfortunately without the fun of a room perfectly suited to her. She'll find her clothes in a box near her, as well as a phone that will give her access to the network, like everyone else.

TPTB seems to like to use these stalls, so if anyone wants to keep anything, they might want to remove whatever they're keeping and find it a new home before the day is over.

Also happening this morning, Jack will find that the items he requested with his voucher have been delivered, and conveniently have already been put away in the kitchen, in a way that he would probably find convenient, though he is of course welcome to move items around. Except the boxes, of course, which have just been set on the dining table.

There's nothing else going on at the houses, but the people who do end up heading out to the abandoned outpost will come across something unexpected. The main building at the outpost, the one that used to be some sort of lodging, is covered in a red and blue striped tent that some might recognize as an extermination tent. If people are brave enough to slip inside, they thankfully won't be poisoned, but it's not quite normal in there, either.

Inside the main building, it's unnaturally cold. It's almost 80 degrees outside, but inside, there's ice on all the floors. There are icicles on the ceiling and hanging off of furniture. Everything inside is completely frozen. It's not clear where the water for the ice had come from, or where the cold is even coming from, but there's solid ice everywhere, all lit up with a blue and red glow from the sun coming through whatever stripe is covering the nearest window. It's weirdly easy to lose track of time in here with the unnatural lighting, assuming there's not something else going on here that's making it weirdly easy to lose track of time, so anyone who's ducking in here to look for supplies should be careful, we don't need anyone freezing as we head into summer...