Dec. 23rd, 2019


Who: Felix [Narrative]
Where: Heading towards K27
When: Late Morning

Morning woods )

Dec. 14th, 2019


Who: Jerome & Pam
Where: Their room, later woods
When: early morning until probably much later

Back into the creepy woods )


Who: Marco & Lucy
When: Before 9am
Where: Their room, and probably around the lodge

Find the Phone )

Dec. 13th, 2019


Who: Oliver and Edwin
Where: their room in the barn
When: around noon

The walls have to go )

Dec. 12th, 2019



Day 37.

Weather: The temperature remains in the mid-50s during daylight hours. It's a clear, breezy day.

Events: With a warning like the one found on the lodge's floor, people might have expected to hear things overnight, lurking in the dark. There were no such sounds. There was nothing to suggest that the warning was worth paying attention to... except with Lucy's phone.

Last night, Lucy had set up her phone in the open window, recording directly outside overnight. This morning, her phone is no longer in the window. It's in the yard, halfway between the lodge and the barn. When she finds it, the battery will be dead, having been recording all night. Once it's charged, there doesn't appear to be anything on the recording showing what it was that moved her phone.

The Powers That Be were kind enough to allow everyone to sleep in today, opting to not make everyone's phones chime when their message appears. Does that mean that anyone who wakes up and sees it earlier will have an advantage today? Maybe, but not necessarily. The message on the network today is as follows:

We would like to formally welcome you to your new home. While your setting and living situations have changed, we would like to remind you that your reason for being here remains the same. Our agreement to give you both rewards and punishments remains the same as well. To start off your stay here, we will be focusing on the former.

Today, we would like to give you the chance to find something that we have left for you that we think could improve your time here. We would also like to give you the chance to expand your current designated space. Both of these things have been made available to you, they just need to be located. They will remain available until they are found, whether that be today or in the future. We will not be providing more opportunities for improvement until you have located these prizes.

(MOD NOTE: For threads in which characters are searching for these mystery items, please make a note of where they are looking in the Where part of the thread header, either using the map coordinates or cardinal directions.)