Oct. 22nd, 2020



Day 56.

Weather: It's in the low 80s, and is just another good clear day.

Events: So, the survey yesterday was mostly to give ExB some material to work with, but that doesn't mean that TPTB was going to do nothing with it. Today, everyone wakes up to this message on the network.

We would like to thank everyone in the household for their participation in yesterday's questionnaire. In a moment these questions will reappear, this time with a real reply from one of your fellow housemates. We ask that you determine which response came from which housemate to the best of your ability. Unlike yesterday this activity is not a requirement, and no punishments will be given for lack of participation. However, the most correct answers provided will be rewarded.

Once you dismiss that note, the survey pops up with it's anonymous responses, and a place to put text under each response.

Here's the survey. )

And yet again, all there is for today is this network stuff. It's been pretty chill around here lately. Hopefully this isn't all leading up to something horrible...

Mod Note: Once again, all responses can be put on the network, marked privately. And I don't think I need to tell you this, but do things in character, even though all the answers are readily available. The only ones allowed to cheat are ExB.