Feb. 7th, 2020


Who: Ivy, Chase and Scotty
Where: In the woooooooods
When: sunset and beyond

Why do I sign up for shit? )

Feb. 6th, 2020


A Visit

Who: Lennon and Felix (and the bunny)
When: around 3:30PM and onward
Where: the mill
Warnings: innuendo and sex talk

opportunity is often delivered in a fog of uncertainty )

Jan. 31st, 2020


Who: Marco & Kiley & OPEN (Multiples welcome!)
When: Around noon
Where: Lodge living room, off to wherever Marco chases people

Did the receptionist have you fill out the paperwork when you came in? )

Jan. 30th, 2020



Day 40.

Weather: There is a thick fog that doesn't seem to want to let up. Visibility is low. Speaking of...

Events: If anyone was going to go exploring today, they're going to find it a little bit harder than it has been. That fog? It's a problem. Near the lodge, it's not too bad, but within a hundred feet, it's thick and disorienting. Shapes within only a few feet of you disappear, and unless you're very good at remembering which way you were going, it's going to be easy to get turned around. It's good that everyone has that GPS app now, right?

Well, the GPS might not be as reliable as usual.

The way that the GPS usually works is that everyone can identify themselves on the map, as their app shows which little red dot belongs to that specific phone. Every other red dot is unlabeled, but goes with another housemate. It has, up to this point, been accurate in showing where people are, even though it doesn't show who is where.

Maybe it's just the fog, but the GPS seems to be glitching today. A lot. At random points throughout the day, if anyone's looking at their maps, they'll see that sometimes, their name is assigned to a dot that is very clearly not them. Or that some dots are two miles to the right of their actual location. Or maybe there are dots completely missing from the map. Maybe their dot is missing from the map.

The glitches can last anywhere between a few seconds and half an hour, and there's no real pattern to how frequently they happen.

It's of note that there are two dots on the GPS that are specifically glitchy today, though you'd really have to be paying attention to notice. These two dots seem to be moving away from the lodge, though the direction that they're going keeps changing. It's not that the two dots keep switching directions, it's that the GPS keeps changing the location of these two dots, and at points the two disappear completely.

By 5pm, the fog will clear, and with it, the GPS glitches will disappear, giving everybody about an hour to get reoriented and find their way back home before sunset.

Oh, and those weird two dots? They seem to have stabilized at the northernmost point of the border, where they remain, unmoving. They're also weirdly inconvenient for even ExB members to see through their camera feed, with them always being at the edge of the frame, only ever catching a shoulder, or a foot. Hmm.

That is, of course, not the only thing happening today. There's another message waiting for everyone on the network this morning!

Most of you did not take our question yesterday seriously. For this reason, we will not be giving you additional information on your presence here.

Some of you, however, managed to correctly identify aspects of the reason for your presence here, whether you intended to or not. For that, we would at least like to offer some insight into your fellow subjects once again. Here are a couple things to know about your housemates:

1. While more than one of you have taken a human life, and we believe that more of you have the capability to do so, only one of you has done so under the order of a crime boss.

2. One of you is showing signs of a previously undiagnosed illness. We are currently doing our best to keep the illness in it's early stages, and are reviewing our options as far as how to proceed.

3. There was not just one person responsible for the multiple fires at the mansion. At least one of the people responsible is still currently among you.

One last thing of importance: Jerome and Vanessa have not been seen since yesterday. All their stuff is still in their rooms, but they don't seem to be in the lodge, barn, or mill, and no one saw them leave.