Dec. 23rd, 2020


Who: Lennon, Tobias and Chase
Where: Tobias and Lennon's room
When: Early afternoon

Waiting games )

Dec. 21st, 2020


Who: Harper and Marco
When: around 11
Where: main room; the lodge

Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. )

Dec. 17th, 2020



Day 60.

Weather: There's a small rain shower around 8am, but it goes back to being sunny and warm for the rest of the day.

Events: There's no mention or sight of the thing outside once the sun comes up, and despite the possible threat outside, everyone ends up asleep by 4am, whether they like it or not. They will wake up any time after 7:30am in their rooms, though surprisingly, no one is actually locked in. As can be predicted, everyone also has a message waiting for them on their phones:


Many of you have been part of this experiment long enough to have a decent understanding of who your housemates are. Today, we have a series of superlatives that we would like you to assign to one of your fellow subjects. There is no limit to how many times you may put down a specific name, including your own. All we ask is that you leave no spaces blank, and only choose from subjects who are still currently present in this part of our experiment.

Tomorrow, we will announce who received the most votes in each category, as well as acknowledge the recipients of these superlatives with something based on their new title.

Participation is mandatory.

Once that message is dismissed, a new window appears, listing out the worst yearbook superlatives you've ever seen, each with a text space underneath for responses.

Who among you is most likely to...

1. have been popular in high school?

2. secretly have a strange collection at home?

3. have been to a monster truck show at some point in their life?

4. lose their temper over an insignificant issue?

5. become a successful game show host?

6. have an intimate relationship with one of their teachers?

7. watch porn as soon as they wake up?

8. have the highest body count?

9. fake their death?

10. spend time in jail?

It doesn't seem like there's a way to skip any of the questions, and any response of "I don't know" or anything similar is automatically erased and will not be accepted, making this challenge particularly hard for poor Harper. You can close the window and go about your day, but any time anyone glances at their phone, the unfinished questions will be the first thing that they see until the survey is completed. Ignoring it only works for so long, however, as once it hits 12pm, anyone who hasn't completed the prompt will be reminded that they still have a fully functioning implant against their spines with a quick, sharp zap. After that, the zaps will continue every 15 minutes for the first two hours, then every ten minutes after that, until that person has submitted their responses.

Luckily with only ten questions, zapping can probably be kept to a minimum.

Survey responses can be posted privately to the network.