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Feb. 15th, 2021


Who: Oliver, Harper, Ivy, Edwin, & anyone else who might want to be outside with the losers group
When: around 9pm
Where: Between the lodge and the barn

A nice campfire is always nicer with marshmallows. )

Jun. 16th, 2020


Who: Pam, Harper, & Ivy
When: Probably around noon?
Where: On the way to Marker 4

To Grandmother's house we go )

Apr. 10th, 2020


Who: Ivy and Marco
When: Morning, around 10
Where: The small lake at H34

please don't be dead )

Mar. 20th, 2020


Who: Ivy & Scotty
When: Closer to 10
Where: Ivy's room

Should I be naked for this? )

Mar. 6th, 2020


Who: Ivy, Lucy and Pam
When: Morning, close to 10:15 or so
Where: The river (coordinates tbd)

good things come to those who bait )
Tags: , , ,

Feb. 25th, 2020


When: Around 2pm
Where: The Lodge's main room

First meeting in a new house! Not as fun as it sounds! )

Feb. 13th, 2020


Who: Ivy and Chase [and eventually multiples?]
Where: The barn
When: Sunrise

Out of the woods )

Feb. 7th, 2020


Who: Ivy, Chase and Scotty
Where: In the woooooooods
When: sunset and beyond

Why do I sign up for shit? )

Jan. 7th, 2020


Who: Ivy & Jerome
Where: The woods (O30/31)
When: around noon

Back into the creepy woods - again. )

Nov. 20th, 2019


When: Once people start arriving at the lodge
Where: The lodge

Welcome Home )

Nov. 15th, 2019


Who: Lennon and Ivy
When: morning
Where: deep in the forest
Status: complete

interesting )

Sep. 14th, 2019


Who: Ivy & Vanessa
Where: the halls of the first floor
When: around noon


Aug. 6th, 2019


Who: Pam & Ivy (and later Dylan)
When: Mid-Morning
Where: Cassi's & beyond

It'd be weird if they stuck people in the clothes racks... )

Jun. 20th, 2019


Who: Anyone & Everyone (FREE FOR ALL TAGGING! ANARCHY!)
When: 6:30am
Where: The main platform of today's course

Oh hi ceiling! )

May. 13th, 2019


Who: Scotty & Ivy
When: Mid-morning
Where: Out on the front porch

Vooooodooooooo )

Dec. 24th, 2018


Who: Abra, Kate, Kai, Ivy, and Dylan
When: Morning
Where: Room #4

Wake up, bitches. )

Dec. 8th, 2018


Who: Abra, Justice, and... well, at some point I assume someone will object to the screaming.
When: Shortly after 8am
Where: Second floor, outside their rooms
WARNINGS: TW/racist language
Sections between */brackets/* are spoken in Arabic.

It's a wonder she lasted this long. )

Nov. 16th, 2018


Where: The Billiards Room/Kitchen
When: 10:30am

Note: I'm figuring free-for-all rules? Maybe not separate mini-threads just in case the group actually wants to do meeting-type stuff and actually share info.

No way this will be weird )

Oct. 27th, 2018


Who: Ivy and Justice
When: Early afternoon
Where: The gym

super dicks )

Oct. 19th, 2018


Who: Scotty and Ivy
When: A little bit into the obstacle course challenge
Where: On the obstacle course

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! )

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