Oct. 9th, 2020


Who: Edwin & Oliver
When: Mid-morning
Where: The Nature Center

Surveys, Sun, and Skinny-Dipping )

Oct. 8th, 2020



Day 55.

Weather: Another nice day. Cloudless sky, high 70s, and a slight breeze. It'd be a great day to take a walk on some nice new paths...

Events: ...but there are no nice new paths. There are no new food items, and there's no new pool. It seems like the questions yesterday are either being thought over by someone who could do something about it, or they were just there to make everyone think about the things that they don't have.

Except, that's not entirely true. There was one request that was fulfilled, though it wasn't exactly a formal request, or even a real private message. Just one that was typed out, and then erased, by Felix.

So, no one is locked in their room this morning, but everyone does have a message waiting for them on the network.

Please take the time to complete this survey at some point during your day. We have chosen to allow you some time to think over your answers throughout the day, but we do ask that you have your survey completed and privately submitted to us by 10pm tonight. Anyone who fails to do so will receive a punishment.

Oh yeah, it's been a while since TPTB has threatened punishments, hasn't it? Hopefully everyone will get their answers in before then. They seem to want everyone to remember to answer the survey, at least, as the message will be the first thing to pop up any time someone even glances at their phone until the survey is completed. The survey goes like this:

1. What's something that you know you do differently than most people?
2. Who in this experiment makes you feel safe?
3. Who in this experiment makes you feel unsafe?
4. What goals have you set in the past that you haven't achieved?
5. Where do you wish you were right now?
6. Thinking back to the best day of your life, how do you think those feelings could be recreated?
7. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
8. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
9. How do you feel you've changed since becoming part of this experiment? (This question is not required for Harper.)
10. How are your fears related to your childhood?
11. Do you ever replay something, like an embarrassing moment or words left unsaid, in your head? What is it?
12. How do you deal with hurt and pain?
13. Is it easier for you to love or to hate?
14. What do you do when you feel afraid?
15. If you could bring back one person that was part of this experiment but has since been removed, who would it be, and why? (This question is not required for Harper.)
16. What are three things you like about yourself?
17. What are three things you don't like about yourself?
18. Do you believe in a higher power?
19. What makes you special?
20. How do you feel in this moment?

MOD NOTE: Survey responses can be left on the network, marked as Private, along with a timestamp.