[Dream Event | Open]
27 May 2011 at 12:26 am
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Should I Break You Before You Fall? )

{OOC: This is Alma's world. The mirrors will show each person a part of themselves, whether it be one they know or one they've never seen before. Feel free to do damage to the room! Alma sure is. Event-style threadjacking is allowed as long as permission was asked for first, and your character does not see what other characters see in the mirrors or pools unless the player(s) say so. Also be warned: Violent and disturbing content is possible in these threads.}
[Dream Event] [Possible sexual content and violence]
26 May 2011 at 11:00 pm
[Dream 1 | Home Sweet Home | Open]
[Surprise! You're not in Kansas anymore or in an underwater dome. You're in a ravaged landscape. There used to be a city here. There used to be families and lives and trees and birds and laughter. Today there is a super battle. You might want to take cover if you're going to be useless. Otherwise, join in. You might face Apocalypse's horseman, Holocaust; a genetically-modified legion of armored infinites, or a fleet of robotic sentinels several stories tall. Kitty is already part of the fray.]

OOC 1 )

[Dream 2 | Orphan | Open]
[Welcome to Chicago! Land of deep dish pizza, hot dogs that have never been touched by ketchup, the Cubs, and thirteen-year-old Kitty Pryde. Six months ago this wasn't her life. Six months ago she was top of her class, popular even if she had a nerdy side, always busy with computers or dance practice, and her biggest concern was whether or not her parents would ever stop fighting. Today her biggest concern is whether or not the mutants who killed her parents would find her and just under that came worries about finding food and shelter. It was nice of you to volunteer to help though. You won't be needing your wallet, right? Or that watch? She's pretty good at this. After all, you can't feel what you can't touch.]

OOC 2 )

[Dream 3 | Strange Bedfellows | Open to CR]
[It's a familiar scene—the Marina club. There's a girl sitting on the bar and she's looking at you. Maybe she's had one too many. Maybe she's had just enough. Either way, you're starting to look like a good idea.]

OOC 3 )
[Event] Night of Floating Lanterns
20 May 2011 at 08:18 pm
[It starts with one light at first, lifting itself from a roof nearest the beach--a solitary lantern glowing and drifting away on the light breeze. From one come many, several burning glows bursting to life and rising up above the trees and the buildings, lanterns of all shapes and sizes floating along like a river of lights. They bob and weave around each other, lightly bumping to change their directions, similar to stars high up near the apex of the dome, the waters below sparkling from the glow.

At the beach there are several tables where inmates may receive a lantern of their own to light and send on its way into the sky, joining the others as they burn through the night.]

[The lanterns are all around the dome, but they will eventually make their way to floating above the waters at the beach. Feel free to see them just about anywhere outdoors! If you want the full effect, check out the full scene from Tangled.]
[Voice | Open | Action | Closed]
17 May 2011 at 05:38 pm
[It was really hard to keep track of the months in this place. The seasons went by so fast. If he was keeping track right, then it should have been sometime around May. And May was... So he was 18 now, huh? It probably wasn't the exact right day, but with how time moved in the prison, it wasn't a huge deal. Plus, what better day to decide for your birthday to be than when Acumen was going to have a floating lantern display?]

[His plan for the day wasn't exactly much of a celebration, but he didn't see the point in making a big fuss about it. There was only one person in the dome who might have known anyways. So what was his plan for the day? Well, someone said they owed him a favor, and he intended to use it. It was about time for lunch now, so.]

Sasuke, wasn't it? Are you busy?

((OOC: Fuuma is too lazy to filter things. Voice is open to anyone, but action will be for Sasuke only. Unless someone REALLY wants him that much.]
[action, open | voice, closed]
17 May 2011 at 04:13 pm
[His frustration has been steadily mounting over the past few minutes, and as he opens a cupboard just so a mess of pans can clatter onto the floor... well, the boy has to visibly pull himself away for a moment and force himself to take a deep breath. This was a stupid idea. Still, he needs to go through with it. It will get his mind off of Kitty, and the meal she offered him for seemingly no reason at all. She was probably digging for information to relay back to Itachi... but this way, he won't owe her a thing.]

[He'd managed to scrounge up the supplies he would need, and now the young Uchiha is focused on cooking. It's nothing complex, but he's been making meals for himself for a long time now. Hopefully Kitty likes onigiri. The sooner he cooks it up, the sooner he can get out of the shelter before anyone tries to talk to him. He probably wont' be that lucky.]

[His fingers flex with unconscious agitation even he hesitates for a moment, and then, before he can back out of it, he patches a voice through to the one inmate in this facility that he plans on murdering as soon as he gets the opportunity. So long as he can't see his face, itll be fine. Hell, maybe Itachi won't even talk--that'll be better. But Kitty brought up points he couldn't ignore, and this sudden, suicidal streak has made him... well, he's pissed off.]

[Voice, filtered to Itachi]

You're hiding something. [It's easy to keep his voice flat and cold when he's half-hoping he won't get an answer.]
Location: Shelter, community kitchen
[semi-open | action | backdated to early morning]
12 May 2011 at 11:19 pm
[The artificial sun or whatever it is has just started to peak over the waves. Sasuke has been watching it impassively as he waits for Saya to arrive, seemingly lost in thought though he won't be easy to sneak up on him.]

[It's his conversations with Kitty that have kept his mind churning, but he's ready to shut them up and focus when it gets down to it. Everything else can wait until after practice. He just hopes the girl won't utterly disappoint him.]

Read more... )
[closed action | early morning]
09 May 2011 at 10:05 pm
[It might have taken all night, but his search hadn't been in vain. Thanks to Fuuma, he was no longer weighed down by the restraint--which meant he had plenty of speed and endurance to systematically search the houses and apartments for the place that Itachi stayed. A dorm just didn't seem to fit.]

[The door was locked. That had meant a quick detour until he'd managed to pick up some paperclips that he could mangle into appropriate shapes. Sure, he could simply smash the door down, but if there was any possibility he might be able to ambush Itachi, he would take it. After some fiddling, the soft click of the lock let him know he was in, and he silently pushed the door open. Wordlessly, his pupils bloomed red, and the boy stepped inside. He needed to be quiet, quick, and efficient. There was no time to waste. If no one was home, then he could at least scout it out, and perhaps leave some gifts for his brother behind before lying in wait.]
05 May 2011 at 11:45 am
[They released him from the hospital, and he took that opportunity to vanish before he could allow himself to dwell on what had happened. 'Avoid the robots', she'd said. Done and done. It was dark out now, and though there was ample opportunity for him to seek out his brother once more--well, Sasuke stayed away.]

[He'd just stood there. He'd taken the blow, and Sasuke... had stopped. He could have killed him, twisted the blade about and done as much damage as possible, but he'd been so shocked that he hadn't done anything. Hadn't done anything but fail, anyway.]

[The boy was standing in front of the tombstones, not really seeing them, but imagining they bore the names of his family, nonetheless. He had failed his clan. He'd failed himself. Itachi had somehow known--and the thought of that was enough to make a lump in his throat that he hadn't felt in nearly five years.]

((OOC: Tragic tsun!princess, coming right up. His left wrist is a little swollen, and idk how talkative he'll be, but here he is!))
04 May 2011 at 10:25 pm
[His voice is soft, inquisitive, and free of any expression of pain. That wound this morning may as well have never happened.]

What is in a name? Sounds. Letters. Identity. Reputation. Expectations. Limits.

Would you rather defend your name or your life? [a pause] Provided you had the skills in which to do so.

[He wonders if Sasuke is awake now, listening.]

{OOC: He is hiding away cauterizing licking his wounds in private so Kitty certain people won't find him.}
02 May 2011 at 08:49 pm
[It seems he's accidentally turned the video on without realizing, and one can see the teenage boy is quickly taking in his surroundings with frightening intensity. He doesn't seem to be aware of the screen for now, and he thoroughly checks himself over once. No weapons. They were on him just a moment ago.]

I know this is an illusion. [Points out simply, but he seems irked that they're resorting to these sorts of games. When he tries to activate the Sharingan, however--well, his dark eyes widen when nothing happens, and only then does he seem to spot the chain around his leg. This isn't good.]

[His guard is up, and he's ready for an attack. He's currently located in Sector 4, and will be attempting to gain his bearings. Harass him?]
07 September 2010 at 12:14 am
[This was not where he last remembered being. And the chain is not something he remembers either. The basket is useful only for the information it provides that he had not had before. He has no memory of being moved, but his change in location, the addition of the restraint, and the basket implies everything otherwise.]

The warden seems to have made up its mind about my stay here. [deadpan]

Are there others who have been kept?
17 August 2010 at 02:24 am

Have one gorgeous, brightly colored, intricately patterned rug plopping down on the ground. The view tumbles and spins as the communicator falls with it, hitting the ground on top of it and bouncing once or twice; perhaps it was turned on by a recklessly flapping tassel, flung by the wind? It's one of the more unusual kinds of communicator, judging by the stability and speed of its fall--the PDA simply has a fair bit more heft and a more compact design than the headset variant.

The carpet ripples and flows on the ground as though blown by a breeze, before one end lifts up and curves, serpentine. The rest of it soon follows, and the carpet--or rather, Carpet--hovers several feet off the ground, timidly curling one gleaming gold tassel around the communicator and lifting it up to.... its front edge. Presumably what would pass for a face or head, if one would care to anthropomorphize a rug so far.

....Then again, it's a little hard not to do so, isn't it? The way the upwards-facing end of the Carpet twists is almost as though it's tilting a head in confusion. And the tassels holding and patting the front of the communicator are certainly moving like hands might....]

((OOC: Magic Carpet, of the Disney movie Aladdin! From post-movie, specifically. *pretty sure the character could never be apped here, but this is by request, so~ ♥*))
17 August 2010 at 01:23 am
Is it a mirage? )

Hn. Madara. End your little game.

[Suddenly the video comes on and dark eyes stare blankly into the screen. The face is so familiar. Almost unchanged. But it's softer. Less sharp. Lacking the weathering of age.]

I'm in no mood for it.
[voice | action | open]
13 August 2010 at 11:09 am
I think we should have a memorial service for Itachi.

He'd hate that.

Tonight on the beach. I'm not your social director so if you want stuff bring it.

[The sun has set and the stars are back in their appropriate positions following the astronomy class. The only thing people will find set up on the beach when they arrive is a bonfire.]

(OOC: Event style for action. Specify whether it's action or voice.)
The 75th Day
09 August 2010 at 08:59 pm
Good morning inmates. It is the 75th day of the third generation.

A shipment of blood has arrived, and the allotted refrigerator should be completely filled come mid-morning; convenience store shelves restocked with blood substitutes by this afternoon. I will consider altering the shipments and schedule in order to better prevent this from happening again.

System protocol and code review has finished, and I have found only a few errors remaining. They will be repaired in a timely manner.

Inmates Kaien Kurosu and Shiki Misaki, your requests are at the entrance to Sector 0.
video, open // oh jesus, re-introduction // mid-afternoon
06 August 2010 at 04:58 pm
[There is a face on the video which may be familiar to some. His eyes are a little red, as though he has been rubbing at them excessively, and he looks entirely exhausted. But the frown proves that once again, Uchiha Sasuke has returned to the asylum.]


[Those who understand how Sasuke communicates may interpret this as not this shit again.]

Itachi. Where are you?

((OOC: Sasuke retains all memories from Marina.))

((OOC again: Itachi is still alive at the time of this broadcast. ;;))
15 June 2010 at 09:52 am
[It's been some time since Itachi came out on his own to train. He's been teaching Sakura defensive techniques, but he withholds most of his skills lest he injure the child. Today, he had chosen to exercise himself and how easily he was able to procure what he needed through use of one of the remote units.

Currently he stands in a field with trees and other obstructions surrounding him on different sides.

And there are targets. Some out in the open, others hidden. He has already handled each one and marked it with his own chakra--with his blood.

Now to see how well he can find them all when he was not the one to hide them.]
Location: Sector 6 / Morning
10 June 2010 at 04:09 pm

[deadpan] Looks like I’m a hot commodity, these days, passed around from one prison to another. Nobody knows how to keep their hands to themselves. [long, long long-suffering sigh]

Least you can do is throw me a bone and give me a water bottle. With a bendy straw. Blue. None of that pink crap. Thanks, sweetheart.
[backdated to morning/action open]
09 June 2010 at 05:45 pm
[One of the volleyball courts on the far side of the complex is littered with volleyballs; results from an intensive training session. But hitting volleyballs doesn't quite let out the stress bottled inside Minako, so she's hurling golden hearts instead.]

Venus love and beauty shock! )
[Video | Open]
07 June 2010 at 08:20 pm
[There’s a lot of what sounds like button smashing before the image of a blond teen appears on the screen.]

Uh…hello? Are people actually in this thing? I need some help getting out of here. This is all a mistake and I need to get back to my training!

[His bottom lip pokes out in what he’ll never admit is a pout and speaks half to himself.]

Yamato-san won’t like that I’m being kept here. And trust me; you don’t want to make him mad. Not to mention Sakura-chan!

[This isn’t a threat at all. They both really are quite scary when angry.]