12 January 2012 at 09:33 pm
Good afternoon, Marina! It's been a few days since I've spoken to you all like this, hasn't it? I think the last time was on Halloween when the candy turned me into a diamond! [Which he still kind of thinks was a tiny bit awesome.]

It seems that Haruhi and Ranka both went home already. It's very lucky that they got to go home together so that they don't have to be alone. I'm sure that they're a lot happier being at home than they would have been here so I'm not really upset, but I wish they would have stayed for a little longer. Haruhi taught me how to make sugar cookies and I've been practicing a lot since then so that I could impress her with my skills! It would have also been nice to talk to Ranka since we got off on the wrong foot when he first got here. [Smiling through all of this, as usual, despite the fact that he is upset by their disappearance. There's no reason to make that known to everyone.]

Since they aren't here I have a lot of extra cookies so if anyone wants to try them you can come over! I don't think I have enough for everyone, but I wouldn't mind making more if I have to! It's no wonder commoners like cooking so much, it's a lot of fun! Maybe after this I can find even more recipes and try to make even more things!

Everyone who arrived yesterday are especially invited! I know that suddenly finding yourself here can be very stressful and cookies are always good for cheering people up so this might be very nice! [And suddenly his smile goes away and is replaced with a thoughtful look.] Ah, but there are cookies in the welcome basket aren't there? I guess this would be a lot of cookies to add to those... [But his smile is back right after that.]

[And one last thing before he ends the feed.] Everyone who comes over can meet my parrot, too! He's very loud and likes to sing, but he's also very friendly and I think a lot of people will like him!
11 January 2012 at 10:38 pm


[ pause. Um, what is he supposed to say...? Have some uncertain wibbling - he's really not good at the whole communication thing. ]


[ ... He thinks that has it just about covered? Hopefully people will come. Um... ]


[ So you might as well attend, because maybe then he'll give you an important position in his New Order once he has conquered Marina with matchbox-sized robots. ]
11 January 2012 at 05:29 pm
[The feed comes on and Nill adjusts the communicator, smiling nice and wide at the screen. She just... stares at it for a moment, then looks down. A few seconds later, finally some text shows up:]

was reading book this morning
and found one that said this

[Her face? SO EXCITED.]

looks like smile !!
and this

[Just then, she frowns, trying to imitate the face, followed by a sheepish smile. It's okay! She wasn't really sad! This next part it takes her a big longer to type, but she manages,]

also saw this
ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ ☆⌒(>。≪)
but do not know what it is supposed to be???
that book was fun
[MINGLE / Open to ALL] Snowball Fight in Sector 4!
11 January 2012 at 07:35 pm
[ Wandering around the snowy park? There are two things to look out for: (1) don't trip over the bright orange ropes that close off a large open area, (2) take cover and watch for a stray snowball, and (3) ... you know, you might want to join in for this is a Snowball Fight.

Only guidelines: no weapons, no head shots, no stuffing snow down someone's mouth, collar or anywhere else uncomfortable. Play to your heart's content! Spoiler: there's no winner.

Warm drinks and snacks are served in a nearby tent (ah, thank goodness for space heaters!), while towels and blankets are also available. You might want to take advantage of the snow as well -- make snowmen, snow angels, your own sculpture as you wind down~ ]

--- OOC Guidelines; PLEASE READ --- )
04 January 2012 at 08:30 pm
So, we're starting with the psychological torture first? Different. Cute, even. I wasn't even sure you bothered with that down here.

[calm, confident, with only a slight quirk of an eyebrow to show for her exasperation. going to Hell, getting arrested -- such a drag, right? and she's certainly not hoarse and red-eyed from crying. she made damn sure of that before even touching the camera. even if she has no idea what's going on, she can still save face.

if her smile's a little on edge, you'll have to forgive her, but she's expecting this cosy little place to disappear in a puff of black smoke any second now.

Well then, if we're to communicate, then I suppose introductions are in order. You can call me Bela. And yourselves? [thin-lipped smile.] Come on, I'm guessing the idea is that we all bond over our damned souls now, yeah? Then after we've swapped all friendship bracelets, we can start flaying each other alive. If we're lucky, it might even be fun by that point.
03 January 2012 at 01:35 pm
And then Monopoly wasn't the only hoarder with a "Go Directly to Jail" card. Good to know.

[This teenage boy looks like he went five rounds with a patch of dirt. And lost. Battered appearance aside, he seems ready to go for a sixth round. The way he's fidgeting is also a dead giveaway of something being up and it also doesn't help that he's in prison. Tommy and prison? That didn't go so well the last time.]

I went through the entire place twice and what did I find? No exit in sight, that's what. Big surprise there. Anyone thinking third time's the charm? 'Cause at this point, I'm willing to try anything. I'll even bring down a building or two if it means grabbing the warden's attention.

[Normally cheeky Tommy isn't in the mood to fool around right now. Which is saying something. With his general dislike of prisons and the aftermath of Doom's attack, he seriously needed out.]
[Closed to Housemates]
03 January 2012 at 11:52 pm
[ They had come in into the Shelter as a fairly large group and now they have come back out with two members less. It was as if the Shelter had swallowed them and thus left a gaping hole in the black thing that Frankenstein has for a heart.

He showed no sorrow, no anger -- he lead the members of his household back home in the same manner that he had lead them in. With the same, casual and cheerful voice, he reminds them not to leave mud tracks all over the floor and to leave their shoes by the door.

Tonight's dinner will... not be ramen.

Frankenstein is in the kitchen, wrapping up jars of rose jam and jotting down notes for the recipients, occasionally looking out the window.

He should be glad. He was able to wait for eight hundred and twenty years. What is a few hundred more? ]
02 January 2012 at 08:44 pm
[ On the video screen: an expression-less gold-plated robot, who adjusts the focus of the video several times, fussily. ]

Hello. Hello, is this thing on? [ He taps it. ] All right. [ He straightens proudly. ] I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations. I am a... recent arrival to this planet and only seek to be of assistance to the residents here. I am fluent in over six billion forms of communication and would be glad to assist in issues of protocol and diplomacy.

[ And then he sighs -- or at least, it sounds like a sigh, even though he doesn't have real lungs. ] Oh, what's the use? I'm sure I'll be in pieces before morning.

[ On that despairing note, he turns the video off. ]
02 January 2012 at 08:42 pm
[ someone's clicking on the communicator at this point. she's already been shunted off to breakfast and there are these bot things watching her and she's very much firmly in the do not want camp. the ball and chain thing on her ankle is again do not want. it's heavy.

so, one redheaded witch is turning on the video feed, trying to figure out where she is and why. ]

Okay I-I've just got a couple of uh... questions... [ as she glances at one of the bots... they are starting to creep her out like the buffybot did. ] One: why do I have a... prison ball chained to my ankle. Two: ...Why am I here... where am I would be a good start, too. This thing is... vague. And three: uh... are Buffy Summers or Xander Harris here? I'd really like to-

-Hey, I'm not doing anything! [ what?! the bot was staring. and considering how it acted when she tried to get away the first time, she's trying to play calm and nice... but it's really worrying her. ]

So uh, if anyone can answer that for me, I'd really appreciate it.
001 ♥ Action | Video
02 January 2012 at 04:15 pm

[The soft, muffled sound of sniffles floats in the air, voice feminine as the young brunette draws in a shaky breath. Sitting on the cool cement, slumping forward she cries openly into her hands. Long hair shakes, falling over her shoulders as her pale palms grow moist with her own tears. Beside her, a discarded basket sits untouched.]

Wh-what now?

[Hopelessly scrubbing her eyes with the backs of her hands, tears trickle in endless, cascading waterfalls down her cheeks. Her gaze never lifts, the weight of it too heavy beneath clear depression. Her brown eyes shimmer, lashes clumping as salty droplets gather to cling wetly before joining the rest. Her voice cracks, barely above a whisper as she speaks, brokenly.]

I really screwed it up this time. A-And now...I can't even contact them. Ohh...

[Head shaking, she once more buries her head into he palms on a high pitched sob, crying just that much more than before.]
[video/open; action option]
02 January 2012 at 03:57 pm
[The first thing she notices is the sharpness of Ba’ul’s absence. It’s with a bit of will that she evens out her mood in response. The communicator is easy enough to figure out, even if she doesn’t particularly enjoy the weight of it.]

Strange. I used to think it was harder to catch me.

[She’s without her spear, too. A mild grimace is there and gone in an instant.]

I suppose while I’m here, I might as well make myself comfortable. [ -- because she won't be here for long. This is what she’s decided. The first opportunity out, she’s taking it.]

Maybe one of you can help me. My shoes are all muddy. [And that’s terrible.]
[ Gamewide Mingle ]
28 December 2011 at 10:42 pm
[Today is quieter around the shelter -- and there's less food. It's getting kind of cramped in here, isn't it? And boring. There are plenty of games and entertainments left over from the party, but everyone is gathered together and... finding things to do.]

[So what are you doing?]
[Video//Action | Open] BANQUET MINGLE GO!
20 December 2011 at 12:16 pm
Good morning, Marina! [Have a very smiley pink haired girl on your video feed!] For anyone I haven’t met, I’m Lacus Clyne and I’m very glad to meet you.

It seems as though we’re all going to be in the shelter today, so we should make the best of things. I was thinking that we should get together and have a big winter banquet! Anyone who wants to help cook should please feel free to come to the kitchens and assist, and if not you should still come and enjoy the food with us.

Dinner will be served at 5 in the main cafeteria, and after that maybe we could have fun playing games and watching movies together. I hope everyone has a good day, and I hope to see everyone at the feast!

[A few minutes later]

I just learned that today is also Ritsuka’s birthday! To celebrate there will be a cake and some special desserts and decorations. [as many decorations as they can find without access to the store.] Everyone please, stop by to wish him a happy birthday!

((OOC Notes: Mingle post, open to all! Reply to Lacus by [video] or there are several action options: [cooking] any time before 5pm ICly, [dinner] a huge buffet of almost anything you could want, or [after dinner] for card games, board games, and movies throughout the cafeteria and nearby common rooms! Your character is in no way obligated to be at all of these, but they could be if you want~

Also! A link to Ritsuka’s birthday party will be added once it goes up. There will be cake and lots of special desserts and pretty decorations in one area of the cafeteria.

If anyone wants to intentionally or unintentionally sabotage the food, please contact me OOCly before you do so. Thanks and ENJOY!))
19 December 2011 at 11:54 pm
[Sakura is sitting on the edge of the bed and kicking her legs around a little before speaking] If you could have anything for Christmas, what would you ask for? [this is her sneaky way of trying to find out what to get everyone...] I think I'd ask for a new pair of knee guards. My old ones are really scratched up from all the times I've slipped on my AT.

...I'd also like to visit a zoo so I can see penguins and elephants again. [QUICKLY] I don't want them to be arrested though! I just want to see them. ...I'd like to see everyone from back home too. [her legs stop moving] And all the friends I made here. Like Ushiro-kun and Josak-san, and Lavi-san... [ashton nakama kaito teddie kamui kobato adachi fai lelouch everyone. but thoughts like these aren't what she wants right now, so Sakura pushes them away.]

[she moves a hand to her head and moves it forward, measuring her height.] It'd be nice if I could grow a little bit taller too! Taller than my brother. That way I get to call him shortie. [AND STEP ON HIM]


Syaoran-kun, are you busy? I'm really sorry if you are, but I just wanted to ask you something quickly!
18 December 2011 at 05:00 pm
[If you feel like wandering into the Shelter kitchens for a midnight snack, you’ll get a bit of a surprise: there are small tea lights scattered around on counters and floors, lending the dark room a soft, warm glow, and, just beyond the doorway, there’s a techpriest seated on the floor with her legs tucked underneath her. Her head is bowed towards the room’s interior, her hands are clasped in front of her face, and she’s softly reciting a prayer. A dish of incense burning close by is lending the kitchen (and even the hallway outside) a powerfully bitter scent.]

[How long has it been since she’s blessed the kitchens? Far too long, in her opinion. And with the Sanguinala approaching quickly, purifying the equipment she’d use to cook the holy meal was of paramount importance.]
[MAIL 145 + Action | Open]
16 December 2011 at 11:16 am
[Sure, she can't access the post office, and the fact that everyone is in such close proximity probably means that no one will send letters today. PM can deal with that--there have been slow mail days even without extenuating circumstances, after all. Still, she needs to put in the effort.]

[Outside of the shelter room she temporarily shares with WV, AR, and her pet lobster Castell, she hangs a little sign:]

Temporary post office
Slip letters under door or knock for parcel service

[Never mind that putting tape on the freshly-cleaned door seems a bit rude. She'll just have to do her best to remove it later.]

[Since there is so little mail to be delivered, this is also in big part a general social adventure. PM leaves her uniforms behind in favor of a nice winter dress--though she still wears her Postal Service hat and badge--and sets out for a nice walk through the shelter to visit with whomever she can.]

[After she delivers the mail to Orihime and Sasha, that is.]

[Click here for pen pal signups which I will totally get around to cleaning up sometime soon. Mail submissions for Day 146 go here!]
[ Action | Open! ]
13 December 2011 at 07:34 pm
[ It's a simple game, but it has helped the blonde kill a good amount of time. Wolfram usually would complain or bitch about being kicked out, but no today. After being shooed out of his apartment and going through the trouble of finding a new empty room —all while dealing with a killer hangover— Wolfram has been sitting quietly and calmly on one of the Shelter's couches and in front of him is a tea table with a rectangle-shaped structure made of sticks of wood. The game may be plain but it's quite entertaining: Pull a stick and place it on top on the remaining pieces– keep on taking them out and keep going on carefully or the structure will fall apart.

Wolfram is carefully pulling more wood sticks out of the wobbly tower, pulling softly and carefully— until he suddenly falters and the whole thing falls apart.


stupid game. ugh, time to rebuild it all. ]
[ action ] very much backdated to midmorning
10 December 2011 at 05:57 pm
[ It was an interesting sight, watching Fou scuttle around corners, body hunched over something clutched in her arms. She may have been kicked out of the shelter, but she was hardly going to take it standing down!

At least, she won't once she figures out a spot to bunk down for the night. :( ]
[ video ]
10 December 2011 at 05:11 pm
[ The knife in his hand is being perfectly difficult - that's Shinji's excuse, and he's willing to stick with it, as he seemingly tries to stab the blade against the lower side of his right sneaker. Finally, he concedes there's only so much time he can bide before begging acknowledging the camera. ]

Sorry...? Sorry. It won't happen again.. I don't know how to...

[ and his hand slips, the knife ricocheting off the shoe. ]

- tch. How do you remove the soles off a shoe?

[ he picks his tool back up, stopping to stare sulkily at his sneakers thereafer. ]

I want to keep them. So he can't see they're not worn. Run with. That's - if it's only the soles, they can be stored easily. And not get lost if there's another clean up.
☆ video
09 December 2011 at 09:35 pm


All of this snow is making things interesting! I'm so excited to have company, yay!


[Backs away from the screen, holding up the darker one.]

Also, look who's back! I've got Coco back!