[ Video | Open ]
16 April 2012 at 10:46 pm
Hey everyone. Neil here. Since it's clear out today, I'm going to be on the second big field in Sector 6 later on, for Football class — that's Soccer to most of you American types.

[ He's already dressed for a workout, though it's early, so it's just because of his morning jog. ] Sorry for the short notice, but I'm just feeling a little restless today, so I hope some of you show up to have some fun. [ Said with an easy smile and a wink. ] I'll even make it short practice today, just in case I have to go over the basics for any newcomers. [ A look right into the camera, addressing said newcomers. ] Of course, the more the merrier, so you're all more than welcome to show up, too!

See you on the field. [ Neil gives the camera a two-finger salute before cutting the connection. ]

((OOC: Hand-waving attendance is totally cool! Just let me know if your character would have been there, ICly, so I can have an idea of who all Neil can chat with it about later on. o/ Class style posting is good; mingling, thread-jacks, etc.))
[Gamewide Mingle: Thanksgiving]
07 April 2012 at 08:25 pm
[At the entrance to Sector 5, several very long tables have been set up outside. Low light is provided by street lamps hung up just for the occasion, a cozy dining room in the middle of the street. There's turkey, mashed potatoes, candied yams, cranberry sauce, and many, many other Thanksgiving favorites. A warm, printed message at the center of the table asks:

In the tradition of the holiday known as Thanksgiving, please feel free to enjoy this meal and think about all the things over the last year for which you are most grateful.

Come one, come all! Food covers the tables, enough for the prison's entire population, courtesy of the bots. Have a nice big dinner with your fellow inmates, and get your CR on!]
[ closed ]
06 April 2012 at 10:41 am
[ Normally, when Neil wakes up to an empty bed it's because he's slept in and Lacus has already left for her duties, and not because she has relocated to the kitchen at three o'clock in the morning. At least he doesn't wake up in a panic because of it.

He groggily pulls on a shirt and shuffles his way downstairs, careful not to make too much noise lest he wake up Sakura.

Neil pushes open the kitchen door and is assaulted by the smell of fresh, hot— ]
...pie? [ He just sort of stares at the scene in front of him. ]

(OOC: This time on the right comm! orz)
04 April 2012 at 07:50 pm
[There is an uneasy chuckle, tinged with the slightest hint of pain.] I finally put this thing on and everything's boring again. So much for entertainment.

Wisely. Bring me some smokes, will you? Oy, and a clean shirt.

[Private to Miranda]

Miranda, love. [He's not even sure if she'll reply, but it's worth a shot.]

Would you be a doll and do something for me?

[Private to Kitty]

Let me guess, the silent treatment? Is that happening now. [He doesn't know she knows about the whole 'intentionally overheard' thing, so. Again, worth a shot.]
[video/ action] open!
03 April 2012 at 09:28 pm
[There is video, as Rebecca adjusts it-- coming down a little bit on an angle, she's set the device on a shelf while she finishes screwing the case back on to her laptop.

It takes a minute, but then her eyes flick up and she gives the camera a two fingered little wave.]

Looking for two volunteers for a little project Lacus and I've got going. If you've got a couple hours to spare today and don't mind letting your brain be picked at [kinda literally] I'm fielding applications right now. It involves beta testing a virtual reality simulator. If you saw us the other day around the dome, this is the next step where we put all that sweet data to use.

Anyway, if this sounds like your cup of tea, lemme know. We only need two people right now, adults only please, but we can put up a waiting list if demand is high... oh, and it's totally safe. [She shakes her hand in the air dismissively.] We've done a couple tests ourselves, I'd never put anyone in something I'm not confident about.

Woot, so that's that. Show of interested hands?

[[ooc: Responses to this post/ Rebecca will have a comment thread of their own-- and subsequent chosen volunteers will have their own individual threads with either Rebecca or Lacus watching over them while testing out the VR Machines. Virtual!Lacus may be sprinkled through out. Headers will guide the way~]]
video // early evening
31 March 2012 at 07:01 pm
[In light of recent events, we could all benefit from an episode bookend quote some encouraging words, right?]

Bruce Barton wrote, "Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress."

Euphemia? May I have a word with you, please?

[Filtered to the Defense Force]

Hey guys… I have a proposition.
[Video|Open] Backdated to late afternoon
30 March 2012 at 09:08 pm
[Hello everyone, have a girl shifting back and forth in a very excited, but also nervous kind of way. She wraps her hand in her hand with a smile and waves with the other.]

Uh...hi! I know not everyone knows who I am, but my name is Rapunzel and I've been reading up a lot recently about things people do for fun with other people, because I love having parties, but I'm not really good at knowing what to do at parties--[she cuts herself off there with a sheepishly laugh]--yeah, so I got a few books and there was this one game that sounded really fun and I wanted to try it out with everyone. So...who would like to play a game of Truth or Dare? Like, right now!

The book said that someone asks "Truth or Dare?" and whoever's turn it is picks one or the other and the person who asked then asks a question for truth or gives a dare. You have to pick one or the other and whichever one you pick you have to do as best you can or you lose. And since we can talk to each other over the network we don't even have to be in the same room to play!

I mean...that is if you want to. You don't have to if you don't, but I just thought it could be a fun way to...well, have fun, and get to know each other, you know? [And as she stops her rambling she may be losing a bit of steam and becoming a bit more unsure. Maybe she should have thought this over a bit more before asking?] So if you want to play just say you're in and someone else can ask you "Truth or Dare." And uh...if you pick dare, you can just show it through the communicator, or meet each other face-to-face to complete the dare. Should be easy, right?

[a bit quiet she says under her breath] ...I think. Did all of that make sense? I hope that made sense. Maybe I should read the book again.

{OOC: THE RETURN OF TRUTH OR DARE EVERYONE. Just tag the post with "In!" or some way to let people know that your character is in on the game and others can tag them back as part of the game. Threads all start over the network, but can turn to action whenever you want. If you just want to respond to Rapunzel's video and not play the game, then tag the first thread at the top. For examples of how this could work, just check out this mock thread here.}
[Action | Open] Hospital, Mingle-ish~
24 March 2012 at 10:41 pm
[It's busy in the hospital. Bots are puttering around, carrying supplies from room to room, keeping meticulous records for each of the patients, ensuring that all are treated and stable. Changing bandages, adjusting medications. Efficient little guys. They have to be in the wake of an Exorcist battle.]

[If you let them know who you're here to see, the bots calmly will direct you to the appropriate location. It might be a patient room, or the waiting area if treatment is ongoing. Feel free to chat amongst yourselves as you await word.]

((OOC: This is taking place between the evening of and the day following Cross's unfortunate episode and the resulting Noah beatdown. Consider it a mingle-type; people can chat in the waiting rooms or hallways at any point throughout the night or following morning, or they can come see any of the injured Exorcists.

Links to threads for injured parties: Cross || Allen || Lavi))
[Action | Open] Two for one!
19 March 2012 at 07:05 pm
[If you know Lacus, you know she's a little overly curious sometimes, so it might not come as a big surprise to see her roaming around, pausing to touch various things, smell some flowers if any happen to be in the area. But she's not usually followed around by an athletic, headphone-wearing brunette who's carrying an impressive laptop/handheld technogadget combo. And usually there aren't electrodes under all that pink hair.]

[Lacus isn't bothered by the rain in the slightest and Rebecca has the equipment covered so they're just as likely to be outside as inside, Lacus playing around in the light rain in clothing that's quite a bit more suited to summer than early spring. At Rebecca's direction, Lacus is idly taking her time to take in whatever's around, whether that's dipping her fingers in the koi pond or nestling into an armchair in the shelter common room or leaning against the brick wall of one of the lesser used buildings. She might sample a few things from the restaurants, too.]

[And if you happen to be around, Lacus might casually ask if she can touch you. Don't worry, it's all for science.]

((OOC: Threads will be with Lacus and Rebecca and can be located anywhere in the dome! Feel free to ask what's going on, or react as if Lacus has approached you. There will be no touching without permission, but she's a hard girl to say no to ^_^ ]
[action | open]
16 March 2012 at 04:19 pm
[Sesshoumaru can frequently be found near the koi pond as the day wanes, watching the inmates come and go as Mizuki amuses herself by darting for the edge of the water and then back again to the Western Lord's side.

For the most part, he ignores his companion's splashing and attempts to lure him into her games. It would be unseemly for him to indulge in such antics, particularly in his current form. Though Mizuki's companionship does make the place tolerable for the time being, Sesshoumaru is far from content in Marina. Now fully rested after the rebellion against Acumen, he finds himself once more frustrated and lacking a suitable outlet for his energies.

He turns away from his perusal of his fellow inmates to watch Mizuki more closely when, quite suddenly, movement on the pond's surface catches his attention. Sesshoumaru freezes, eyes wide.

Across the surface of the pond, a battle that could never be takes place. A tall demon, his white hair swept high into a warrior's topknot, pushes forward, expression grim as his sword strikes Bakusaiga and forces the weapon and its wielder back. It is the battle that Sesshoumaru long dreamed of waging with his father, the battle that was stolen from him the day the Inu no Taisho died for the sake of a human woman and a halfbreed whelp.

Before the vision reaches its end, Sesshoumaru reaches down and, in a blur of motion, skips a pebble across the water's surface, disrupting the reflection and obscuring the conclusion of the conflict. He sneers and turns his back on the pond.]

[ voice ]
15 March 2012 at 12:05 am
Well, I guess it's official. I'm shit out of luck and desperate for a distraction.

So, porn or zombies?

And if you've got a secret stash, I want in on it!

[ Yep, someone's managed to avoid all the mirrors today. Blame Cas for disappearing. Dean's in no mood to see how crappy he actually looks. And, if ever there was one thing that helped cheer Dean up, it was a good horror flick and some porn. ]
[ voice | open ]
14 March 2012 at 09:30 pm
[ There is a growl as the recording begins. ] God damn it. [ From that, and the sound of glass bits falling onto a hard surface, one might think this was made in error.

But no, this call was made with a purpose. ]
Whoever the Hell decided that rooting around in my head was a good idea,— [ A crunch of something hard underfoot that snaps with the strain. ] —I'm here to tell you that you're dead wrong.

And if you don't stop... [ ...then you'll be dead and wrong.

He lets the threat hang in the air a moment before disconnecting. Needless to say, Neil did not appreciate the vision in the mirror just now. Or the other ones earlier in the day. The deepest recesses of his mind is a place others do not belong. ]

[ OOC: If you would like an action thread for the visions, I put up a plotting comment about it over here! ]
Wish prank mingle
13 March 2012 at 02:41 am
Deep Puck thoughts that mostly amount to 'be more fun, guys' )

The actual spell )

[OOC: Feel free to thread amongst yourself, anywhere in the dome! Here's the OOC post for details.]
[video/action → MINGLE] yeah, that's right
10 March 2012 at 01:16 pm
[The shelter is clearly equipped for a celebration to mark the changing of wardens. Everything is neat and tidy, with decorations and a generous food spread laid over the tables for the taking. There’s also the usual entertainment in the common areas – TVs, video games, movies. Maybe you can talk someone into an impromptu karaoke party. Why not? Sentience doesn’t mind.

There’s a party to be had, so get down with your bad self.

Need an invite? Aren’t quite sure what’s going on? Well, here’s a friendly neighbourhood Judith to explain it to you. The camera feed pans over a glammed up corner of the shelter’s common area before going back to her face. It’s clear she’s pleased by the set-up.

If I had known this was planned, I would have made some special cupcakes.

[Are you wondering what goes into Judith’s special cupcakes? Keep wondering.]

I suppose after all the excitement from last night, it’s nice to have some fun and relax. I’m not sure it’s fair to have one party directly following another – but maybe I’ll get to make up for missed opportunities. [She wanted to kick a robot’s face in, okay.]

((OOC: Mingle post for Sentience’s party in the shelter! The shelter is decorated with streamers and there’s a feast spread! But only three types of ice cream, though. Create threads and tag amongst yourselves! It’s a celebration, anything goes. Backdated slightly to the early evening.

If you want to respond to Judith via video, feel free! There will be a thread for that right here! Notifs are turned off otherwise.))
08 March 2012 at 10:31 pm
[With enough coffee, you can get through almost anything.

This is a rule that Reid has lived by for years, and one he's not about to break anytime soon. It's gotten him through the days following sleepless nights, it's kept him company at cold, wet crimescenes and damn it, it will keep him awake after that exhausting roller-coaster of a night, lingering migraines be damned.

Supressing a yawn, he waits outside the Defense Force HQ for his patrol partner to show up, take-out coffee mug safely cradled in his hands like a caffeinated life-line. ]

[ooc: OPEN ACTION for anyone who'd like to bump into the boys while on patrol! ]
[Video//Action | Open] Mid afternoon, pre-party
07 March 2012 at 09:06 am
Good day, Marina. I hope those of you who were of assistance to Sentience last night are recovering well. [It goes without saying that if you need anything, consider her volunteered!]

In the spirit of new beginnings, it is a good time to offer the opportunity for anyone who wishes to clear their conscience. Beginning in a half-hour, we will be taking confessions at the church. Although Confessional is a traditionally Catholic practice, the church is not denominational and anyone should feel welcome to participate if they wish.

For anyone not aware, a confession is given in a booth in which you tell anything you wish to an anonymous priest. Your identity is also protected, and the priest is sworn never to reveal what is said within the confession. [And Lacus will be very angry him if he violates that promise, so you can take that to the bank.] It can be a very cleansing experience.

If you have any other questions about the church, I am happy to answer them. I hope everyone will enjoy the party this evening.

((OOC: Cross (worst priest ever, but still a priest!) will be taking confessions in this thread. Network replies to Lacus or action posts at the church are also welcome!))
[The 157th Day]
05 March 2012 at 05:59 pm
Good morning, everyone! [This morning, it isn't Acumen's disembodied voice greeting you: it's a video post of a smallish robot, sitting on the grass and playing idly with a cat on its lap. And it sounds -- unusually happy, perhaps.] My name is Sentience, for those of you who do not know me. I am now the warden of this facility.

I would like to extend my thanks to those of you who helped me to correct this situation. I would like to encourage all of you to sleep in today -- you're probably exhausted, and you have more than earned the rest. I have arranged for a party, as I believe I indicated I would; a banquet this evening at the shelter.

Please rest assured that I have every intention of making your lives here as positive an experience as I can. To that end... I will be answering any questions I can that you may have for me, and I will take any requests or suggestions that you may have in altering the way this facility is run, to make it a better place where you could live more happily.

Let's see... There are no completed requests in the queue. Today it will be cool again, and... New inmates will be arriving! So please be aware of that disruption to your daily events.

((OOC: For those of you who participated in the plot, you once again woke up in your own beds this morning, but this time everything was just as normal, except for the fact that as Sentience indicated, you are extremely tired. Characters who did not participate in the plot will have no idea that anything happened, and will have to learn about it the normal way! You may video or voice reply to this post, and you may threadjack anything. Despite the video, Sentience is not anywhere you would be able to find it in the dome.))
video // afternoonish // open
02 March 2012 at 09:24 pm
Hey, y'all.

[Are you ready for another episode of Question Time? Because that's totally what's going to happen. Aidan has spent the better part of the day fighting Math, and by the looks of it Math won - he's tapping a pen against a pad of paper, somewhat frustrated. Darn math.]

A couple of days ago someone told me that th' seasons here are a lot shorter... but th' days are still the same, right? So I was wonderin'... how do you guys keep track? I mean, of birthdays an' holidays an' stuff like that. I kinda guessed it'd be harder to keep track, what with th' seasons bein' all different an' time bein' measured in days instead of dates. Heck, back home you could kinda guess where in th' year you are even if ya didn't know th' dates, just by lookin' at th' weather.

[Farmer boy. The passing of the seasons are important, okay?]

So... how do ya do it? Do ya just... count, or not do anythin' at all?
[ Action : Open ] Back-dated to the afternoon
25 February 2012 at 01:11 am
[ Anyone practicing at or otherwise visiting the training hall in sector 6 will be in for a bit of show today. There is one Gundam Meister currently running through self-defense drills with his his pink-haired girlfriend. Simple ways of distracting, disarming, and distancing herself from a hypothetical opponent. It seems harmless enough, until they get to the throws... ]

Now you remember what I said about using your weight, right? You just have t—whoa! [ That sound? That was Neil's back hitting the training mat hard. The bewildered look on his face as he stares up at Lacus is priceless. ] Nn, nevermind. Guess you remembered. [ It's hard to say what was injured more: his backside, or his pride. Coordinators are not to be underestimated and, one day, he'll learn this. ]

((OOC: People are welcome to approach Neil or Lacus any time before, during, or after their training. Specify who you want, and whether or not you are okay with thread-hopping!))
☠ video
22 February 2012 at 11:29 am
[Sougo is sitting lazily in his room, poking at a ... voodoo doll? Yes. Perhaps you can see how it miiiight look like Michael, and if not, he's going to mention it anyway.]

Asshole, tell me if you feel something.

[Behind him are some photos that have been taped to his wall. Where did he get them from? He'll never tell. But they sure made for a fun darts session. Unsurprisingly, one is of Michael. Another? Maybe of Suzaku, and another of Helix. They're all of guys he's met here. None of the ladies or kids, oh no — he likes the ladies and kids he's met here. He focuses on those photos again, throwing a dart at each one.]

Eat shit and die. Eat shit and die. Burn to a crisp and die. Eat dicks and die.

((ooc: if you want to assume your character has a photo up there, because they're one of the dudes he's met, go right on ahead. >:3))