[ action / class / early morning ]
18 October 2010 at 06:11 pm
[ It's time for another sex ed class! Today, Suzaku has a Mysterious Box on his desk, which -- contains some examples of toys. With some of the questions he's been getting, he decided it was time to try gently introducing the concept of kink.

Suzaku has also gathered a few different methods of protecting yourself during sex: a box of individually-wrapped condoms, a little package of birth control, a dental dam, etc. This, too, is for an overview. ]

((ooc: Event-style post! In your subject line, specify whether you're tagging Before Class, During Class, or After Class. Threadjacking is encouraged. If you have an ANONYMOUS QUESTION, however, you can tag Suzaku's Question Hat thread to put a question in the hat. Suzaku will answer these out loud for the benefit of the whole class~!))
09 October 2010 at 06:44 pm
Good evening, everyone.~ [Josak's voice sounds as upbeat and laid back as usual.] The day is nearing for the grand opening of the Fashion Boutique.

But a boutique can't open without clothes. And clothes cannot be advertised without models.

So who's up for volunteering?

{OOC: Here's the IC sign up post and please check out the OOC sign-up post now on Joak's journal.}
06 October 2010 at 12:17 pm
[Orihime is at a table outside the ramen shop with her head rested on her folded arms and a stack of plates in front of her. She'd decided to treat herself to just one plate of gyoza with mustard on them, since she had a picnic to go to, but then she'd decided to have another, and another... And now she's just sitting here with her head burrowed in her arms, trying to cheer herself up so she doesn't bring everyone down.

[But it's getting hard to keep pretending that she doesn't notice Kuchiki-san and Kurosaki-kun are gone.

[Kurosaki-kun is gone...]
24 September 2010 at 12:45 pm
[For everything going on today, what BB is doing almost isn't unusual.

The green-coloured teen is hanging in the park, trying out his various transformations. Little ones like the cat and dog seem fine, but big ones like the T-rex and his current elephant shape are tiring to hold for long. He's being stubborn and holding them for as long as he can though.

Feel free to come across the walking green zoo. If only he could actually change colour]
[action / accidental voice]
21 September 2010 at 03:46 pm
[ He's never really liked places without windows or that were closed off from the outside -- ships come to mind, though the shelter fits -- but he's never really been claustrophobic.

But, this morning, it almost feels like the walls are closing in; it started this morning with Allen, and has just gotten worse. He's starting to feel like he's going crazy. A little bit ago, he had started to panic again, then suddenly felt euphoric -- then angry -- melancholy -- giddy and... a few he can't put a name to.

He's been trying to leave the Shelter for at least a half an hour (maybe, he's sort of lost track of time) but right now he's just standing in a hallway, staring into space -- starts to smile, but it sours, and then he holds onto the sides of his head and starts laughing, slightly unhinged. ]

'm losing my mind...

((Lavi's "superpower/mutation" is empathy. He can't project his emotions on others, but until he gets what's going on, he's susceptible to being projected at/on.))
Location: Day 81 / Shelter, Sector 0 / Morning
[action/open | video/closed to broadcast only] PLAY BALL!
08 September 2010 at 11:25 pm
[Gino announced the second official Marina baseball game just like last time, giving the exciting play-by-plays and the occasional commentary about the players and the cheerleaders. He tries the occasional video feed, but the communicator doesn't have the best ability to take in a large setting, so nothing is very clear.

There is really never a dull moment in a game where the players include, but are not limited to, dragons, angels, and vampires, oh my!

The Purple Dragons won in a last minute upset. AND THE CROWD GOES WILD! ...Right? Upsets are pretty exciting.]

ooc note )
07 September 2010 at 12:14 am
[This was not where he last remembered being. And the chain is not something he remembers either. The basket is useful only for the information it provides that he had not had before. He has no memory of being moved, but his change in location, the addition of the restraint, and the basket implies everything otherwise.]

The warden seems to have made up its mind about my stay here. [deadpan]

Are there others who have been kept?
08 September 2010 at 10:26 am
...so much for going home.

This crime list is so bogus. I'm a good guy! Good guys don't go to prison! We're supposed to put the bad guys in prison! Aww maaaaan...

This is so not fair...

((Whiney BB is whiney. Also tags will be sporadic until I get home))
[ action | open ]
06 September 2010 at 11:09 pm
[Saki's already disposed of her school uniform -- how many days was she wearing it, trapped in that world? -- and changed into something plain and non-descript before she even considers attending to the world around her.]

[Welcome message, welcome basket. Prison. She's ignoring that for the moment.]

[Right now, she sits on the steps of the cinema, paying no attention to the gleaming movie posters or the marquee over head. You might see her, watching. Not staring, just... watching. Not quite disinterestedly, but not with anything that could be considered effort.]
[ action / open ] Paintball!
01 September 2010 at 09:18 pm
[ Chuck's standing in front of a table. On the table are three boxes. In the first box, there are bags with paintball "markers" (guns) and ammunition. In the second box are goggles. On the third, there are thinly padded helmets and chest pieces, all in black. Chuck is wearing all the gear, but his headgear has a little white flag attached to it. ]

Okay! [ Very excited. Sort of looks like a spaniel puppy who has to go to the bathroom. ] Thanks, everybody, for coming out. [ Waves! ]

I'm Chuck, and I'm going to be your ref. Behind me -- [ Indicates the fields behind him that are littered with hay bales of various sizes and heights. Both fields have been set up into one large play area. ] -- is our game field. The boundaries are the white lines along the perimeter. If anyone just wants to watch, they can sit in the bleachers.

[ Rubs his hands together. Sort of nervous now, but hey, still soldiering on. ]

Here's how we're going to do this. Everybody get in line and come up. You give me your name, I'll put it down and then I'll give you your marker and ammo, and you can pick out your gear. Everybody has to wear the headgear and goggles. The chest piece is optional. Once everybody has their stuff, we'll play.

I just have a few rules. First, no head or face shots. I mean it. [ Srs face. ] Second, no shooting someone more than once per encounter. And third, no attacking with anything other than a paintball. The markers can't be modified, and you can't hit someone with your marker.

I've got white paint. I'm the only person. If I see you someone breaking a rule, they're going to get hit with white paint. That person has to sit out on the bleachers for ten minutes. If I catch them more than once, they can't play anymore. Also... no shooting the ref.

No teams, and we'll count the hits at the end of the hour. Whoever wins gets... ah... the pleasure of bragging rights. [ Ehehehe. ] After, party at the club.

Okay, let's go!

((ooc: Event style tagging under the headers. Threadjacks are encouraged. People can skip the sign-up process and/or mingle pre-game, or just go straight to playing. More details here. :D))
[ action | open ]
30 August 2010 at 11:32 pm
[Back at the beach, sprawled out on a long folding chair. Across her stomach is a bolt of black fabric, embroidered delicately with gold and being sewn into a sleeve. There's a bag at her side, filled with an open sewing kit and a few fashion magazines she has no intention of returning to the library.]

[It's still the morning but she's been up since Acumen's sun has risen, caught somewhere between the tolerable repetition of her task and the splash of water at a distance.]

[Maybe she'll go back to see the kittens later...]
Location: Sector 4, Beach
[ Voice ]
25 August 2010 at 06:49 pm
Wow... Just wow. That's all I can really say about that. Don't think I could even get names down if I tried... Wonder if those guys will work things about better than some of us still here.

[Probably not but hear the sound of clapping.]

Okay, I say no more talking about it. Good or bad, can't change it now. Gotta keep just moving forward, am I right?

So I wanna hear everyone give one reason to be happy today, okay?
17 August 2010 at 03:47 pm
...okay, I can get the whole being transported to another place thing. And I dig the fancy comms.

But dude, WHY is my shape-shifting so off? Not cool!

And where is everyone? I know you couldn't have just dumped me here on my own. There's always at least two of us on these things. Cyborg? Rob? Starfire? Heck, Raven?

Guys, where aaaaare you?
10 August 2010 at 03:08 am
So dis be de second night now. While de change is good for me, I'm guessin' it ain't de same for a lot a' you.

If it happen again, you give me a call, ja? If you don't mind de gore, I can handle a few monstuhs. And... it's kinduva bonus for me. Win-win.

Name's Cielo.

[Feed the hungry demon, boys and girls. He'll eat raptors and protect you at the same time!]
[voice / backdated to evening]
02 August 2010 at 12:17 pm
...is it over?

[The Engineers sound kind of tired right now. In fact, that female voice just now sounded hoarse. Probably because...]

This has been the best day ever. In -- in the history of our system!

Yes, yes! [A brief bit of renewed giggling as they consider it.]

You all should have seen yourselves at the dance party. I think -- I think I hurt myself laughing.

It-- it was really the best.

What a wonderful change of pace! And the pizza? That was inspired.

Can this one stay in charge?

[--then, more laughter.]
29 July 2010 at 06:02 pm
Do a little daaaaance.

[Suddenly, more demanding,] OBEY. [GIR laughs while he orders some angry bots to escort every single one of you to one of the parks. Fighting back will only result in punishment...and believe him, you don't want to know what GIR has cooked up for you then.

While you walk you may notice that dawn has suddenly become night again, the lighting is still working though it's all very...vibrantly colored and disco-y--maybe a strobe light here and there--and that the once peaceful silence has turned into blaring techno.

GIR starts to sniffle happily.]

Y-you're all so beautiful.

OOC info under the cut! )
[SEMI-accidental video]
28 July 2010 at 04:33 pm
--oddammit, the fuck!

[ a series of thumps, some louder than others, and what sounds like someone's head cracking hard. have a video of what looks kind of like the floor of an apartment, Marina, as seen from -- well, a cranky bird's eye view.

[ the video jerks around and then twists, until the "camera" seems to be pointed up at the ceiling. hands come into view, and Kanda slowly pries himself away from the plaster, grunting and cursing. after a moment, and several different clicks, switching video and voice both off -- then on again, because Kanda clearly didn't realize he'd hit those buttons during his undignified journey to the ceiling.

[ now the camera is pointed at Kanda's face, which is red with anger and also exertion. stray pieces of rumpled hair are in his eyes and his teeth are bared. ]

...Is this supposed to be funny, you sick little freak?!

[ yeah, someone is NOT happy right now. ]
[voice || open]
28 July 2010 at 03:10 pm
[Hello again, inmates! Are we having fun yet? GIR has been quite aware that some of you aren't exactly happy with what's happening at the moment, so that's why he's got more plans up his sleeve for the rest of the day! The giant pizza, for one thing, he let fall from the sky, he's allowed the sun to gradually come up, and now he is BEATBOXING for your entertainment!

This carries on for...five minutes give or take--are your brains Jell-O yet?--before GIR starts giggling that same creepy giggle.]

Are you haaaappyyy~~?

I gave a pizza to the Tallest! I hope it didn't squish him...


((ooc: GIR is referring to Gino as his "Tallest," a.k.a. a leader of the Irkens and as for "cranky man," that is Kanda who will be blessed with the gift of 'flying' today. ♥))
28 July 2010 at 01:10 am
What a day. Well, at least all this is taking my mind off people disappearing. [Gino's smiling, though, if not terribly broadly. he's noticed Anya and Kallen's disappearances. he's just focusing on the important stuff, heading up to the education center to pick up some things, carrying an umbrella even though the rain is trickling off]

So, about my first self-defense class! Can I get my students' votes on whether or not we want to hold it in the dark and the fruit-punch rain--

[but he glances up. what's that shape blocking out the stars, rapidly growing larger]

That's-- Holy--!

[he dives out of the way as the ground suddenly shakes, a tremendous crash thundering through the communicator. Gino pries himself off the pavement after a second and glances up at the -- immense pizza that just smashed to the ground just outside the education center, as far as he can see, blocking the entrance to the school]

.........you... you know what? Self-defense class is canceled. Uh, and, can my -- DF guys keep a watch out for more like this?
[Voice, Open]
27 July 2010 at 05:27 pm
[This is the most serious voice you will ever hear ever Sakamoto speak in. His voice is lower and almost unrecognizable unless you are Japanese and can pick up his accent.]

Fellow inmates, I fear I must inform you of another great tragedy.

[There is a long dramatic pause, as if to honor someone who died.]

There appears to be no alcohol left on the premises.