In The Tardis - In Character


Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+tony+stark'

Mar. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

Well this sure ain't California. One minute I'm in my lab, the next I'm in someone else's. Not the first time that's happened, but usually there's more dancing and alcohol before I forget where I've been. Having gotten a look around, I've got questions. Half of this tech looks like something out of my dreams as a kid.

On the up side, somehow got to Vegas. Peg's gonna have a field day with this one. Hmm... what table to try first?



[No Subject]

So I don't know when it happened but Cerebro showed up!

I got back from walking through the Casino to get back from the pool - seriously you can't get anywhere without walking through that place and if you aren't of age, they look at you like you're going to steal something. What would I steal in a casino? All the guards are like two feet taller than me! They could take me out with one punch.

Anyway I got back to my room here on the TARDIS and it was here, in it's entirety, in it's bag! COOL!

Mar. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

While I understand the need to make sure that I'm in good health, the least you could is make sure that it's administered by someone who's actually attended medical school, and not a damn child.

How the hell do you get off of this thing?

Feb. 28th, 2023



[No Subject]

Am I still dead? Is that what this is? Some sort of Hell loop?

I need to get home. This is non-negotiable. I have a kid at home that needs me

I can’t get a straight answer on where we are and how to leave but I’m willing to jump through hoops to make it happen.

Feb. 21st, 2023



[No Subject]

You have all made a very grave mistake.

Feb. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

The guy in the doctor's office is nice. Someone give him a raise. [...] Gilbert needs a raise.

And it's bullshit that I need an "adult" to sign me out of here. I'm sure you all know, but I need to say it. Gilbert agrees.

I've got questions:
  • Can my 18 year old boyfriend be my guardian, or are there rules against that?
  • Does whoever my guardian is have access to my medical files?

    But seriously, kidnapping me out of bed and then making me have a guardian before I can get out of this room is bonkers.
  • Feb. 16th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Oh, crap. This is so very cool and I wish I could properly fanboy, but it's really not safe for me to be here at allllll.

    Feb. 11th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Strictly speaking, this place doesn't make a lot of logical or spatial sense. We've accepted this, simply going about our business in a place that has no business existing in the form that it does? I'm just making sure that's the culture, here.

    Are introductions the expectation? I'm Sherlock. I've just arrived.

    Feb. 8th, 2023



    Network Post - Voice to Text

    round and round and round
    old is new new is old
    repeating on and on
    shes seen it
    wibbly wobbly timey wimey

    Feb. 4th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Apparently, whatever powers that be have just decided that I'm meant to time travel or world-hop.

    Though the TARDIS is definitely an upgrade. Kinda wish the Doctor was here so I could poke his brain.

    Anyway, I'm Daisy Johnson. Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, but not sure if that really means anything here.



    [No Subject]

    Being stuck in the medbay aside, I'm going to take a moment just geek out that I'm on the freaking TARDIS.

    All of this future tech is so cool.

    Hello fellow TARDIS people! I'm Morgan Stark.

    Jan. 27th, 2023



    hours after her arrival


    I want to speak to Dustin. Dustin Henderson. I want to speak to him right now.

    Jan. 24th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Very real vacation vibes right now. It looks like Bali.


    Any idea how many more checks you plan on running before you’ll agree to the TARDIS’s assessment?

    Jan. 23rd, 2023



    [No Subject]

    We've had a lot of new arrivals while I've been ensconced with data, so I suppose I'll start with a reintroduction. I'm Martha Jones, I'm one of the doctors on board. If you've any questions about what's going on here, I'm just one of the many people here who can help. If you've questions about the TARDIS specifically or the Doctor, I'm able to help specifically. As a note, as you may have noticed the TARDIS is sentient, there may be part of the ship she does not allow you into, please do not try to force the issue, she doesn't take well to it.

    That out of the way, yes, we've landed. All scans show that food on the island follow Earth patterns - so if it was poisonous back home, don't eat it. Other than that all metrics: atmospheric, oceanographic, geographic, are similar to Earth if not identical. But as we are cutting through dimensions, please be cautious.

    I've been able to determine that we are not doing any damage to the dimensional fabric of universes as we are passing through. The TARDIS' footprint is apparently not big enough to leave a permanent mark. I've set the systems to continue monitoring just in case.

    Anyone who needs a change of clothing, feel free to raid the Wardrobe if the TARDIS hasn't left something in your rooms. Believe me there are enough clothes in there to outfit dozens of theatre companies.



    [No Subject]

    Y'know... the last time I dealt with a body of water, really bad things happened. So not sure how I feel about the beach these days. Do we have any guarantees that there's not gonna be a giant hole in the bottom of the water that spits out monsters? Because this feels like we just walked into the island where the Cyclops was in the Odyssey. (What? I've been planning a new campaign!)

    Also, Bobby has buried himself in the sand and is LOVING it.

    Jan. 22nd, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Everyone felt that, right? We might have landed somewhere, or the TARDIS hit something solid in space.

    Jan. 6th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Anyone have a good line on ways to distract yourself from the knowledge that you die in about two seconds back home? Is there a club for people like us? As an alternative, I'd take a solid punch to the jaw. Maybe then I'd

    If anyone's got a way to tell the TARDIS "Cheers" from me.. cheers.

    Dec. 22nd, 2022



    special delivery!

    when they wake to leave their rooms on this day, adam, dream, gansey, gilbert, kol, lucifer, morgan, & simon will find a floating fish attached to a string that was looped around their door knobs. they each were distinctly different from the other:

    adam's changed colors like a chameleon, blending in almost perfectly with the background.

    dream's fish was dark as night. brown and black, with a large head and ridiculously enormous, crescent-shaped white eyes.

    gansey! his fish was flashy. when the light hit the scales just right, they glinted. all sorts of magical colors. balloons and bubbles accompanied it. because, you know, his birthday had passed. or re-birthday. delirium forgot.

    gilly! his fish changed colors. all sorts of colors, but they were all soft hues.

    kol's fish was as almost as dark as dream's. this fish was a dark dark crimson.

    lucifer's fish was very majestic - it was also a shade of red with a flowing and swooping tail.

    morgan's lil fishie was very energetic, just like her. red with flecks of gold.

    and finally, there was simon's fish companion. a seahorse in fact! well, it looked like a seahorse. it changed colors to match simon's mood.

    each fish had a little tag at the bottom of their string with delirium's haphazard signature.


    Dec. 13th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    [ pete ]

    You down for some winter webslinging?

    [ mj ]

    Did you maybe want to go ice skating with me?

    [ mr. stark tony ]

    Hey, Mr. Stark. I just wanted to give you a quick heads-up that Peter and I are going to hang out today.

    Nov. 27th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    Aliens again, huh? What’s a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?

    Nov. 23rd, 2022



    [No Subject]

    [Filtered to MCU people]

    What's the plan for Thanksgiving? Do we have a plan for Thanksgiving?

    [Filtered to Nat]
    You? Me? Some vodka and catching up?

    Nov. 22nd, 2022



    [No Subject]

    Okay. Seriously. Are we doing Thanksgiving? I've been telling Bobby about it and he's either hungry or excited. Might be a little of both. Either way he's super enthusiastic and I think he wants to try the greens.

    We've also got about a month till Christmas and... I just realized that I'm not gonna be with Mom for it this year... And-

    That's... that's a thing. Hawkins is a mess and we're not gonna be there for it...

    Nov. 21st, 2022



    [No Subject]

    Love informs me that Thanksgiving is coming up. I am aware that it is a midgardian holiday, but beyond that I am at quite a loss. Can anyone explain what it entails, please? She seems quite keen to partake in it.

    Nov. 20th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    With the TARDIS essentially out of action while she refuels, I’m sure anxiety is running a bit high, and given the potential for people to go a bit stir crazy at the moment, I feel as if I should maybe extend the offer of a friendly ear if anyone feels like they might need to air anything. No pressure or obligation, obviously, but my door is open to any of you if you feel like you need it.

    Nov. 13th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    Um […] are alpacas particularly suited to space travel?

    Nov. 12th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    it's me
    you know who i am
    let me tell you what kind of drink i'd make for you.
    do tell me!



    [No Subject]

    [ The Stark Fam ]

    It's Thanksgiving this month you probably already knew that. I was thinking [...] we could do something?
    because that would be coo
    because I miss Aun
    because we're fa

    Nov. 11th, 2022



    (Important plotly stuff here)

    I realize I've been quiet for a bit, as Poe pointed out. Not something I intended, but the 'simple question' I began looking into became a much more... delicate issue than it first appeared. One that required not only equations, research and reviewing technical documentation and readouts, but whatever else I could find that might shine light on this.

    Firstly, some good news. As I promised Mr. Wilson Sam, I looked into those who had disappeared from the TARDIS. Biometric readings, internal sensor records and the TARDIS' memory banks all confirm that they are no longer aboard. I can confirm these individuals have returned home, but this is where things get interesting.

    To Explain: The last time the Doctor undertook communication - simply communication - with a parallel universe, it took the TARDIS using up the power of a dying sun to puncture the walls between universes. In the last weeks, the TARDIS readouts have been showing immense energy outputs every time we move. They have been larger than anything I've ever seen from her before. At first, I thought that it was solely related to bringing all of us here. However, now with the slowdown in new arrivals, the two weeks without movement, and the calculations I had Kelly do last night regarding our current position vis-à-vis relative astral bodies, I can say with general confidence that the TARDIS is currently... well... refueling, for lack of a better term. She's brought us as close to a dying star as she can without risking our safety, and is taking on its energy in preparation for her next jump.

    This is where things get complicated, or have been complicated, and what I've been trying to figure out since this all began. For Time Lords and TARDISes, travel between parallel universes is something that has been largely impossible since the end of the Last Great Time War. I was taught it could only happen under the most extraordinary of circumstances. As of this point, the TARDIS has undertaken it on her own twice! This means she is foregoing what she knows to be protocol because her Doctor is out here somewhere, and that is... That leads to many questions that will have to be answered later.

    For all of us, at this moment, the use of this particular 'fuel' means a few changes to things. Likely we'll be making fewer stops as she needs to refuel. Additionally, we're going to need to do maintenance checks. Going through universal barriers is physically hard on a TARDIS. A well maintained one may have few issues, but the Doctor's is a Type 40, an old model. We're going to need to ensure that we're taking care of her, as she's taking care of us, to ensure that we're all getting where we need to be in one piece.

    So.... now that that's out of the way, I want a drink. Anyone else want a drink?

    Oct. 25th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    Could someone explain to me the functionality of these tiny multicoloured bricks? I have found a room filled with them - some of them fashioned into tiny buildings - but I cannot fathom what purpose they would serve in this state. They are not sturdy enough to be used for actual building material, surely?

    Oct. 20th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    This place is very strange. Between the medbay doing a medical scan without any doctor present, to just how large this place feels to how tiny it is on the outside, and the strange little creatures outside.

    I seem to have already attracted the attention of one of the creatures. It seems to like me, and doesn't want to leave my side.

    I also feel at least three familiar presences, but the Force isn't as strong here. Though perhaps I am bit disoriented.

    Since I am apparently going to be here for awhile, I should introduce myself. I'm Rey Skywalker.

    Oct. 17th, 2022



    [No Subject]


    This was definitely not the appointment I had scheduled for today.

    Oct. 16th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    Why is this thing-

    You know, a long time ago I'd probably have asked if this was heaven. But just because I know better, doesn't mean I'm not real happy to be here. Kinda wish you'd showed up before the giant monstrosity broke free of the Rift and started destroying my city, but that'd probably be pushing my luck.

    You could have at least left a banana in my pocket when you took my sidearm, though.

    Why did you l-

    Oct. 15th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    I caught a cute green guy with a green bulb on his back! He keeps saying Bulbasaur and responded when I called him Bobby. He's got a name!

    Oct. 14th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    For those of you that expressed an interest in learning swordsmanship, I thought perhaps we might convene tomorrow afternoon? It likely won’t be anything too taxing, I shall need to get an idea of what levels of ability I am dealing with to determine how to best move forward. There will be a small stock of weapons but if you have your own do please feel free to bring them.

    Everyone is more than welcome to join, even if you had not already expressed an interest.


    I wondered if you might perhaps consider assisting me if a demonstration might be called for?

    [ooc: directions are attached to this post, to a room on the TARDIS that contains a large open field.]

    Oct. 13th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    she follows she knows sight beyond eyes sense beyond dreams

    not the moon not a crack impressions in oil

    like to like like to like like to like

    friend 镜子
    (oog: Jìngzi [Mirror])

    Oct. 8th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    Okay so Mr. Stark Tony and I analyzed a large amount of data and made some discoveries.

    There is a massive spike of activity in the data just before someone pops up or disappears. Markers indicate which way to go and, in the case of disappearances, an information gap immediately following to reveal who it was. Everyone's readings are available, but then X mysteriously vanishes.

    We are also investigating any anomalies to determine why people are being returned.

    For all upcoming departures, we programmed the network to receive notifications.

    [ ooc note: mod approved ]



    [No Subject]

    Well, I needed that like a hole in the chest.


    Since I’m pretty sure this time the answers not me. Who’s flying this thing?

    Oct. 5th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    I've investigated the recent disappearances. In addition to T'Challa and Shuri, going through the records in the TARDIS' console, there have been five other disappearances, Kate Bishop, Logan Echolls, Veronica Mars, Mel Medara, and Jinn.

    There doesn't really appear to be a reason why they were sent home, and judging from the data we were able to pull, they were sent back to their home universes. It would also seem that when someone is sent home, all of their belongings vanish, and their rooms are cleared out. Out of these seven, Shuri and T'Challa were here the longest, the others weren't here very long.

    So, apparently, we can get home, there just doesn't seem to be any control over how and when we get home. Like being pulled here, it appears to be done at random by the TARDIS herself.

    I know Martha and myself will be looking into this further, but Martha's the TARDIS expert, and this is still something that she's never experienced.

    For the time being, we'll keep looking into this, and if there are any more disappearances, maybe we can try and pick up on a pattern or something. But so far, it appears to be at random.

    I'll try and answer any questions as best as I can, but Martha probably has better answers than I do.

    In the meantime, I hope everyone's enjoying Kalos. If anyone wants someone to go exploring with, I'm here.

    Oct. 4th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    I took Morgan to the Lumiose Museum in the city this morning. She didn’t have a lot of patience for the audio guide, but she liked a few of the paintings. Her favourite was the picture of the hedgehog. Shaymin, I think? Anyway, it’s a nice little outing, if anyones looking for something a bit more low key.

    Oct. 3rd, 2022



    [No Subject]

    It seems Shuri and T'Challa are no longer here.

    I tried to reach both of them and neither answered.



    [No Subject]

    Hello, everybody! Welcome to the Pokémon universe.

    I wanted to give everyone some time to get used to the situation. There is definitely a lot to take in. Pokémon was originally an animated television series where I grew up, and Nintendo later produced games based on it. Since many of you are new to Pokémon, I figured I could share my knowledge. I can point out locations for supplies like additional pokéballs, revives, and other necessary items when you are on your Pokémon adventure. 

    [ mj ]

    Want to go to Aquacorde? It's the nearest town where we can get supplies.

    Oct. 1st, 2022



    The Royal Ball...And A Farwell To Avalon


    Earlier in the day while walking in the woods, Steve Harrington stumble across an elegant white stag. As soon as the stag disappeared, King Oberon appeared to him, and named him as official Lord Of Avalon. In honor of Steve's new nobility, King Oberon and Queen Titania have thrown a grand royal ball starting in the evening, and all are welcome to attend in their finest attire, which the wardrobe room in the TARDIS will provide.

    At the stroke of midnight, characters will find themselves onboard the TARDIS, where she will depart Avalon and head off for destinations unknown...

    There will be the option of IC/OOC threads in the comments! Have fun!
    Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,



    [No Subject]

    Someone has really been taking her stealth training seriously since her sleepover with Love. I’ve lost count of how many times she’s pounced on me, or jumped out from a hiding spot to surprise me. I think my favourite was the laundry hamper - Clothes everywhere.

    Sep. 28th, 2022



    [No Subject]

    [ pep. ]
    Tell me no.

    [ peter. ]
    If you feel like coming up for air, I've got a surprise for you.

    Sep. 24th, 2022



    [No Subject]


    I'm not dreaming based on the fact I just banged my arm into something and didn't wake up, but...

    You're telling me the TARDIS really exists?



    [No Subject]

    Twenty minutes of being flung around the ship has left me completely disoriented and I have to say, the large white wolf is an interesting new hallucination.



    [No Subject]

    [ peter. ]
    We should tal You feel like escaping the ship for a bit?

    Sep. 23rd, 2022



    [No Subject]

    My kid is a kid and I am not impressed.

    At least she's still cute?

    I got nothing.

    unfiltered - flist saver )

    When the hell are we getting off this rock? Because I'm over it.

    Sep. 22nd, 2022



    [No Subject]

    After everything that’s already happened this week, I figured it might be an idea to continue the trend of friendly advice - especially since I’m guessing a lot of people won’t be hugely familiar with having dealings with fairies.

    - the buddy system is obviously great advice if you really have to venture out. It’d also be a good idea to arm yourselves if possible with something made of iron or silver. It won’t kill most fairies but it’ll sure as hell slow them down.
    - you could also carry some kind of grains or seeds. If you drop them in front of a fairy they’ll have to stop and count each grain. Salt or sugar works too. Again, handy for slowing them down.
    - offerings are good if you want to try and keep on their good side - apparently cream is a favourite with certain types.

    If anyone needs any kind of help here or if you think you’re in over your head, reach out to me or my brother, Dean. There is a spell that can banish them, but since it sends them back to Avalon that may only be useful if they’re causing trouble on the Tardis. and to be honest it might just piss them off

    Given what happened with the kid, I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask what you know about changelings? People who go missing around fairies don’t always come back the same.

    Sep. 21st, 2022



    [No Subject]

    Okay, I know I didn't hit my head, so this has to be real.

    And while I'm hoping it's real because this is extremely cool- Seriously is this the TARDIS?! It looks different, but it meets the specs from the show and when I wanted a drink it was suddenly right there! But we've got some serious stuff going on back home. So... uh that I'm done with those medical tests... Uh... Anyone home?

    Hellllllo? Kinda stuck in here!

    Oh my god. TARDIS! So frigging cool!! But... Hawkins.