In The Tardis - In Character


Posts Tagged: '-player:+jay'

Mar. 26th, 2023



[No Subject]

i think i like this place the mostest
so many mad people
off their hinges
gambling gambling
so many vices
so many poisons
i uhm
i uhm did something before we left
maybe a very bad thing
i dont know

Mar. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

Well this sure ain't California. One minute I'm in my lab, the next I'm in someone else's. Not the first time that's happened, but usually there's more dancing and alcohol before I forget where I've been. Having gotten a look around, I've got questions. Half of this tech looks like something out of my dreams as a kid.

On the up side, somehow got to Vegas. Peg's gonna have a field day with this one. Hmm... what table to try first?



[No Subject]

So I don't know when it happened but Cerebro showed up!

I got back from walking through the Casino to get back from the pool - seriously you can't get anywhere without walking through that place and if you aren't of age, they look at you like you're going to steal something. What would I steal in a casino? All the guards are like two feet taller than me! They could take me out with one punch.

Anyway I got back to my room here on the TARDIS and it was here, in it's entirety, in it's bag! COOL!

Mar. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

This planet never sleeps and neither do I.

I don't care what time it is. Who wants to join me? We can do whatever.
Naked women dancing? Yes.
Hire sex workers? Yes.
Gamble all this real but fake money? Yes.
Try martian drugs? Yes.
Get married on accident? Why not.

Let's go, before the TARDIS sweeps us away and we're left with nothing but our feelings again.

Mar. 22nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Who: Ronan Lynch and Adam Parrish
Where: Their room
When: March 22nd, evening
What: They're reunited and it's super tense
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress / Closed

The guilt crawled up his throat. He wanted to vomit. )

Mar. 21st, 2023



Speech to Text

I thought I might find a friend here, that if he was anywhere then this would be the place we'd run into him. But I finally got to really check out the place and no sign of him.

I guess they don't have the Makker's Wheel here so that makes sense. He must still be in Ketterdam.

Mar. 20th, 2023



phone call → gansey; the morning after

You can come get me now.

Mar. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

Seems I hit a surprisingly lucky streak at the roulette table. If anyone would care to take some of these chips off my hands...? I'm told they come in handy if you're into paying for the local entertainments.

As for me, I'll be returning to the casino floor. The card tables have yet to bend to my will.

Mar. 16th, 2023



[No Subject]

I love Mars.

Would anyone like to join me for some adult entertainment?



[No Subject]

the greywaren dreams
ronan's dreamscape | PG 13

| here

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Mar. 14th, 2023



netpost, video clip

[ the lights are bright and the noise is loud. you don't see ronan, but you certainly can hear his voice, all gravel and gasoline. and you do see the shark-nosed, black-as-night bmw. isn't she a beaut? ]

Any speed seekers out there? Let's race.

Mar. 12th, 2023



[No Subject]

Have you changed your mind, my sister? Is Nada's release from hell no longer a priority?

Or was this your doing, Delirium?

Mar. 11th, 2023



[No Subject]

If anyone wants a buddy to tag along with them, I can be that person.

Mar. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

While I understand the need to make sure that I'm in good health, the least you could is make sure that it's administered by someone who's actually attended medical school, and not a damn child.

How the hell do you get off of this thing?



[No Subject]

They told me that I showed up in a coma.

And that I can't leave the medbay until I have a "legal guardian".

Dustin? El? Nance? They said you were here.

I'd really like to get out of here.

Mar. 7th, 2023



[No Subject]

round round and around
drip drop
i see a cat
smells like fruit
maybe mangoes
the glass is shattering

Mar. 5th, 2023



the gangsey.

It's fucking here.

Mar. 1st, 2023



[No Subject]

No warning when people leave then, eh? One day here, and the other...


Who was it, last time, who offered violence?

Feb. 23rd, 2023



backdated to 02/21

Okay. It's Fat Tuesday, what's everyone giving up for lent?


Is there a chapel here?



[No Subject]

i showeded up to the doctor's room
so funny right

Feb. 22nd, 2023



Network Post

We've had a bit of a mystery in medical and I'm desperately hoping someone aboard can help Kelly and me solve it.

Our latest group of new residents contained a young lady who arrived unconscious. It appears she was recently under hospital care. The name on her identification bracelet is Maxine Mayfield. She is Caucasian, has red hair, blue eyes, is 1.6 meters or 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighs 48 kilograms or 106 pounds.

If anyone is familiar with Ms. Mayfield or this description sounds familiar, please let myself or Kelly know immediately.

Thank you.

Feb. 21st, 2023



[No Subject]

You have all made a very grave mistake.

Feb. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

[Filtered away from Wylan]

There is a different version of Wylan here. He's been collecting materials for bombs, but right now I think all he can manage is a stink bomb. But, Chessie is checking to make sure there aren't any traps in the hallways.

The insects are searching the vents.

Please be careful.

Feb. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

The guy in the doctor's office is nice. Someone give him a raise. [...] Gilbert needs a raise.

And it's bullshit that I need an "adult" to sign me out of here. I'm sure you all know, but I need to say it. Gilbert agrees.

I've got questions:
  • Can my 18 year old boyfriend be my guardian, or are there rules against that?
  • Does whoever my guardian is have access to my medical files?

    But seriously, kidnapping me out of bed and then making me have a guardian before I can get out of this room is bonkers.
  • Feb. 17th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    I would like to go back to my party, please. I worked very hard and everyone was having a fun time.



    [No Subject]

    alternate universe bullshit
    ronan & adam try and figure out sleeping arrangements | PG 13

    | here

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    Feb. 16th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    The information I gathered shows these incidents have been recent events. Could something have boarded the TARDIS without her knowing? A virus? Something she didn't perceive as a threat?



    Netpost; Derek Hale

    Thanks to everyone who looked out for teen me. I’m glad to be back to full size, baggy shirts and pants are far too nineties.

    [VM to Wylan]
    I’ve aged up 13 years, but I’m still Derek. Thank you for keeping me calm when I first changed.

    Did your reflection go back to normal?



    [No Subject]

    Oh, crap. This is so very cool and I wish I could properly fanboy, but it's really not safe for me to be here at allllll.

    Feb. 15th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    I didn't think I'd wake up to some fucking sci-fi adventure, but here I am. Raise your hand if you didn't get probed. ✋

    adam parrish.

    Please tell me I'm your Ronan.

    Feb. 13th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Fuck, That was embarrassing.

    Please line up to collect your apologies.


    You first.


    Actually, thank you. Very much.



    [No Subject]

    Well, I suppose it has been quite a while since I took a vacation. Though some say in the timing and location wouldn't have gone amiss.

    That said, I can't be away from my work for too long or things start to go awry pretty dramatically: any chance I can arrange the return trip sooner rather than later?

    Feb. 12th, 2023



    text: gansey

    ≫ Fuck
    ≫ I think Opal's here.



    [No Subject]

    I've been looking forward to this moment for something like twenty years.

    If anyone has questions about their future on the TARDIS, feel free to ask.

    Feb. 11th, 2023



    [No Subject]




    [No Subject]


    My name is Nancy Wheeler; I arrived a few hours ago. I have been briefed on the current situation — which isn't much information. Not surprised, though. I don't mind digging in deep for answers.

    This has to be a government experiment, in my opinion.

    Feb. 10th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    it's a windy day at the bottom of the ocean
    Mini event | Join In

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    Feb. 8th, 2023



    Network Post - Voice to Text

    round and round and round
    old is new new is old
    repeating on and on
    shes seen it
    wibbly wobbly timey wimey

    Feb. 7th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    I'm not complaining - my wardrobe showing up is a gift I'm not sure I deserved - I'm simply a bit curious as to why the uniforms came in as well. Is she trying to tell me something?

    [ooc: edited shortly after posted so the above bit could have been seen before he thought better of it.]

    Is anyone here a barber?

    Feb. 6th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Who: Ronan Lynch and Adam Parrish
    Where: Their room and then WHO KNOWS?
    When: Feb 6th (start of age plot)
    What: 11 year old Adam's been abducted!
    Status: Closed (with the possible exception of Gansey)
    Warnings: Discussion of child abuse

    He'd never seen this man before, not ever, but he definitely looked like someone you didn't want to mess with. )

    Feb. 5th, 2023



    [Speech to Text]

    --- how it works I think it's writing it it's doing something but I can't tell what. Hello? I'm talking to this box and it's writing something so maybe it's writing what I'm saying. How would I even know what ---

    --- something on the box and it stopped so maybe I've got to ---

    --- yes that's how that works hello? ---

    Feb. 4th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    oh wow
    that was so fun!
    i didn't think we would ever leave
    i hope i dont see them ever again



    [No Subject]

    Being stuck in the medbay aside, I'm going to take a moment just geek out that I'm on the freaking TARDIS.

    All of this future tech is so cool.

    Hello fellow TARDIS people! I'm Morgan Stark.

    Feb. 3rd, 2023



    gangsey group text

    ≫ I'm not saying that we are.
    ≫ But, if we did, I got some earbuds to block out the fuckin' mermaid songs.



    [No Subject]

    Okay, everyone. It's taken awhile, but I think we've been able to pinpoint the exact location of where those that have gone missing have been taken.

    Just as a recap, we've been missing the following:

  • Delirium
  • MJ Jones
  • Sif
  • Pepper Potts

    I'm launching a search party to go rescue them. I've gotten supplies ready, and I'll be leaving within the next twenty minutes. I need at least three people to go with me, though. Martha will be staying behind in the control room to be in our eye in the sky. I've got some basic phasers, though feel free to bring your own weapons, if you've got them.

    Let's get our people back, and hopefully, the TARDIS will get us the hell off this island.
  • Feb. 2nd, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Water people tried to abduct Enid.

    They were trying to take her under the island.

    Jan. 29th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    this is the very best place of all
    but the snow was really pretty
    like a snowglobe
    my brother gave me one
    i found so many pretty things
    like these little small gold things
    all filled up in this locked basket
    i unlockeded it
    im going to splash around
    with my friends
    i love the songs that come out of their mouth
    lllaaa laahhhh

    Jan. 27th, 2023



    hours after her arrival


    I want to speak to Dustin. Dustin Henderson. I want to speak to him right now.



    text: mj

    ≫ Okay.
    ≫ So.
    ≫ We need to be super careful when we leave the TARDIS.

    Jan. 25th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Who: Ronan Lynch and Adam Parrish
    Where: Woods, cliffs, ocean, beach... they're getting around
    When: Jan 24, after their text conversation
    What: A romantic date!
    Rating: Not low... 14+ ?
    Status: In progress, closed
    Warning: Making out and other activities

    Stop being so hot. You're distracting me from the greenery )