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Aug. 21st, 2010


RP: Aftermath

Characters: Lily, Severus
Time/Date: August 21, evening
Location: Kitchen
Warnings/Rating: tired, emo!Lily is tired and emo
Summary: Lily attempts to recover
Status: complete

Sad day was sad )

Aug. 20th, 2010


RP: Reavers in the Hotel

Characters: Lily, everyone else
Time/Date: Early early morning, August 20
Location: Hotel, everywhere
Warnings/Rating: Violence (including rape), character death, swearing, more violence, blood, guts, etc.
Summary: Reavers, man
Status: Wrapped up

Oh, the Chaos we will bring )

Aug. 18th, 2010


RP: The Fun Has Arrived...!

Characters: Balthazar, Lily
Time/Date: Afternoon, August 18
Location: First floor. He's wandering.
Warnings/Rating: Probably none?
Summary: Balthazar arrives, and explores
Status: Complete

As a warning? I have a sense that Lily will claw the eyes out of anyone who tries to tag this post before her... )

Aug. 15th, 2010


RP: Preparations and Organizations

Characters: Lily
Time/Date: August 15, late afternoon
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Lily attempts to prepare for something that might not be coming
Status: Closed

There was at least one upshot to this ... )

Aug. 10th, 2010


RP: Special Delivery

Characters: Lily, Remus
Time/Date: August 11
Location: Remus' room
Warnings/Rating: None?
Summary: Lily brings Remus some clothing
Status: complete

She was pleased to see someone here she knew ... )

Aug. 8th, 2010


RP: Emerging

Characters: Lily, Spike
Time/Date: Morning, August 8
Location: Kitchen
Warnings/Rating: emo!Lily
Summary: Lily attempts to recall how to be social
Status: Complete

Numb was better than what she'd been having )

Aug. 2nd, 2010


RP: The Future Unfolds

Characters: Lily, House
Time/Date: mid-morning, August 2
Location: her room/lobby/by the line behind the hotel
Warnings/Rating: character death, devastated Lily
Summary: Lily sees a video she'd like to unsee
Status: Complete

She just felt ... broken )

Jul. 24th, 2010


RP: Bored ... I mean, Board Games

Characters: Lily, Jaime, Tyler
Time/Date: Evening, July 24
Location: Lobby, rec area
Warnings/Rating: None. Or Jaime's mouth
Summary: the trio set ups board game night
Status: Closed

First, we read the rules ... )

Jul. 22nd, 2010


RP: Snowday!

Characters: Lily
Time/Date: Late morning, July 22
Location: Hotel kitchen
Warnings/Rating: None expected
Summary: Lily bakes. Again.
Status: Closed

Someday ... )

Jul. 11th, 2010


RP: What did it Mean?

Characters: Lily
Time/Date: Sunday, late morning, July 11
Location: Lobby, couch
Warnings/Rating: distressed Lily is distressed
Summary: Lily finds something in her room and she doesn't know what to make of it
Status: Closed

What did it mean? )

Jul. 10th, 2010


RP: In Which we Party

Characters: Everyone's invited
Time/Date: Evening, July 10, 2032
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: Jaime's mouth, possible drunk and disorderly conduct
Summary: It's a party. or a war meeting. Who knows.
Status: Closed

She would be perfectly content whichever way this went )

Jul. 8th, 2010


RP: Moonwatcher

Characters: Lily, House
Time/Date: Nighttime, July 8
Location: Hotel front steps
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Emo Lily is emo
Status: Closed

High in the sky, the song that I’m singing // A sweet little lie, I cry wolf, cry )

Jul. 2nd, 2010


RP: Stealth

Characters: Regulus Black, open
Time/Date: July 2nd, afternoon
Location: Rec room
Warnings/Rating: TBD - PG-13 most like for language
Summary: Reg learns how to work muggle objects
Status: open, ongoing

So, all right, he hadn't been very social... )

Jun. 30th, 2010


RP: You Might Need This

Characters: Lily
Time/Date: 8ish AM, July 1
Location: Her room, the hallway
Warnings/Rating: Very low
Summary: Nobody was home
Status: Closed

By the light of the moon ... )

Jun. 26th, 2010


RP: Marshmallows and Hot Chocolate

Characters: Lily
Time/Date: late afternoon, June 26
Location: Lobby/rec room area
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Lily makes hot chocolate
Status: Closed

Well, what else were you supposed to do in winter? )

Jun. 24th, 2010


RP: Pool Party

Characters: Lots of People
Time/Date: 3PM onward, Friday, June 25
Location: Rooftop pool
Warnings/Rating: a semi-bare butt and a screaming child
Summary: There's a party. at the pool.
Status: Completed
Do feel free to pop up new trees for smaller groups of characters. Names in the subject line is never a bad idea. Dr. Matt will be locking the door 'round about 4:30, after which point it will begin to get very very cold and start to snow. There is very little shelter up on the roof. Bwahahaha.

There was a pool, a grill, and a cooler full of cans of pop ... what could go wrong? )

Jun. 23rd, 2010


RP: Brave New World

Characters: Elizabeth, open
Time/Date: Afternoon, June 23
Location: Mall
Warnings/Rating: TBD - likely none
Summary: Elizabeth goes shopping
Status: Open, Ongoing

Everybody come and play // throw every last care away... )

Jun. 20th, 2010


RP: Which Idiot Did This?

Characters: Severus Snape & Lily Evans
Time/Date: 20 June, mid-morning
Location: Room 213 then the second floor corridor
Warnings/Rating: Possibly SS for Severus' Snark
Summary: This is not where Severus is meant to be
Status: Complete

He absolutely could not be taken away from his tasks, not now. )

Jun. 17th, 2010


RP: Evaluations

Characters: Lily, Barney
Time/Date: late morning, June 17, 2032
Location: hotel kitchen
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Lily contemplates
Status: Complete

There were people here ... )

Jun. 13th, 2010


RP: Day Four and Counting

Characters: Lily, Norrington
Time/Date: Evening June 13, 2032
Location: northern edge of the island, near the white line
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Lily goes through the motions of another day
Status: Complete

I'm just a stranger in a strange land // Running out of time )

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November 2010



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