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Oct. 21st, 2010


RP: Interesting

Characters: Dora, Spike
Time/Date: 8:30ish AM, October 22
Location: her suite
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Isadora wakes up and isn't as alone as she thought she'd be
Status: complete

Well, something had to get him up )


RP: Thank God!

Characters: Severus, poking Mercy, if she wakes up any time soon...
Time/Date: Oct. 22, morning
Location: Their suite
Warnings/Rating: Sev being a sullen arse
Summary: Someone is relieved, even if the other someone is still asleep
Status: Complete

There was only one way to find out. )


RP: Out of the Darkness...

Who: Harry and Open
What: Harry wakes in the new island, and realizes the long week is over. He might get choked up. There may be tears.
Where: AS, from Harry's room to the new lobby area.
When: 11 A.M., 10-22
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Status: Ongoing

At last, a light... )


RP: A Ghoulish Endeavor

Characters: Faye, Open
Time/Date: Noon-ish, October 20
Location: Algul Siento, Faye's room (#513)
Warnings/Rating: None, yet. TBD?
Summary: Faye has found the Halloween store and avoided the network. This proves to be an unfortunate combination of circumstances.
Status: Player drop/Closed
[ So, it's a day late. My eyes were made of fail last night. ]

Inappropriate Halloween festivities underway... )


RP: New Digs

Characters: Tristan, Hugo
Time/Date: 8:15ish AM, October 22
Location: His room, the suite, Hugo's room
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Tris wakes up and thinks he smells a live Hugo
Status: Complete

Funny how it still smelled like Hugo )


RP: The Return

Characters: Lily, Balthazar
Time/Date: early morning, October 22
Location: her room, Sev's door, kitchen, back to her room
Warnings/Rating: FtB smut
Summary: Lily wakes up to a very pleasant surprise in her bed
Status: Complete

So ... not dead ...? )


RP: Like a Ghost

Characters: Katrina
Time/Date: Evening, October 21
Location: old!island, her room
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Katrina is unsure what to do
Status: Complete

She felt a bit detached )

Oct. 20th, 2010


RP: It wasn't fair

Characters: LilyLu, John
Time/Date: Late night, October 20
Location: old!island, rec area
Warnings/Rating: her mouth, angst
Summary: Lily reacts
Status: Complete

Unfair didn't begin to describe it )


RP: He had watched the video

Characters: Balthazar
Time/Date: Late evening, October 20
Location: old island, his room
Warnings/Rating: Your mom. Jk. None.
Summary: Balt is sad.
Status: Complete

we'll be washed and buried one day, my girl // and the time we were given will be left for the world )


RP: The video surely lies?

Characters: Ichabod Crane
Time/Date: Immediately following his viewing of the video
Location: AS, his room
Warnings/Rating: Sorrow
Summary: He cannot believe what he had witnessed, but it's hard to deny yet another horror
Status: Closed. Just a narrative.

It cannot be true... )


RP: Like Warm Milk

Characters: Jayne
Time/Date: Late night, October 20
Location: old!island, kitchen
Warnings/Rating: Jayne's ... mouth?
Summary: Jayne mulls
Status: Closed

If there was logic, he didn't see it )


RP: Bears

Characters: Bears, Harry, Lee, Vance, Luke, Dug
Time/Date: 6 AM Thursday October 21
Location: Old!island, outside the hotel
Warnings/Rating: Violence, maybe? idk
Summary: Bears, yo
Status: Complete

We're here, let's be clear, we want our armor! )


RP: Wronged

Characters: Isadora
Time/Date: Late afternoon, October 20
Location: old!island, her room
Warnings/Rating: angst
Summary: Isadora angsts and ponders
Status: Complete

So very wronged )


RP: Breaking the News

Characters: Tyler, Ariana, with mentions of Simon and Jaime
Time/Date: morning, after the video, October 20
Location: Infirmary, Ari's room
Warnings/Rating: Angst
Summary: Tyler tries to take charge
Status: Closed

Inconceivable! )


RP: Too Much to Take In

Characters: Spike and River
Time/Date: Noon-ish, October 20th
Location: Algul Siento, Spike's room
Warnings/Rating: Language. Violent thoughts. Angst.
Summary: Dora's alleged death has Spike on the brink of mass homicide. Mutual angst happens. And... not so much with the homicide?
Status: Private, ongoing
[ Yes. There is a lyric theme for the title and cut text. Shh. ]

If I hide my pride and let it all go on, then they'll take from me 'til everything is gone... )


RP: As It Was Before...

Who: Harry and Rock Lee
What: Harry tries to face the video's news, and finds memories rising of other dark days, then is cheered by Rock Lee.
Where: Old Island, In the Lobby Kitchen Area...
When: Mid-day, 10-20
Warnings/Rating: TPG-13
Status: Complete

..So It Is Today. )


RP: I give!

Characters: Severus and ... anyone who wants to check on him?
Time/Date: Oct. 20, morning
Location: AS, his room
Warnings/Rating: Angst, language
Summary: He has apparently thrown in the towel.
Status: Open, ongoing

Why would they do that? )


RP: When Disaster Strikes

Characters: Tris
Time/Date: morning, after the video, October 20
Location: old!island, roof
Warnings/Rating: angst!!
Summary: Tris freaks
Status: Closed

[Insert expletives here] )


RP: Lost

Characters: Lily, Didymus
Time/Date: morning, October 20, after seeing the video
Location: Algul Siento, kitchen
Warnings/Rating: angst!!
Summary: Lily is having trouble coping
Status: Complete

They couldn't be so cruel ... )

Oct. 19th, 2010


RP: Dying

Characters: Jaime, Simon, Mal
Time/Date: Evening, October 19
Location: old!island, infirmary
Warnings/Rating: Jaime's mouth?
Summary: Jaime's in pain
Status: Complete

She was starting to feel like she lived here )

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November 2010



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