July 14th, 2013

[info]missherocomplex in [info]horror_story

Who: Hunter & Max & open to anyone else trekking to the falls!
When: Late afternoon on Tuesday, June 4th.
Where: Dominica, near Trafalgar Falls.
What: Hunter exploring the rainforest, running into.. somebody.
Warnings: TBA.

Last time that they had docked in Dominica, Hunter had opted to spend most of her shore leave with the whale watching.. which had turned out to be pretty boring. )

[info]dontevergrowup in [info]horror_story

Who: Jenny & Dahlia.
When: Night of Wednesday, June 5th.
Where: Their cabin.
What: Jenny does not like being off course. Jenny wants off.
Warnings: Just some mild panic!

In the last twenty-four hours, Jenny's short-lived enjoyment of the cruise had all but dried up entirely. )