June 5th, 2013

[info]eris_allisti in [info]horror_story

Who: Charles and Elijah
What: Taking a break and enjoying the party
Where: Tahitian Lounge
When: Friday, May 31st - 10:30PM
Rating: Low - some alcohol may be served

Sometimes, it's just fun to watch. )

[info]arcarius in [info]horror_story

Family Time

WHO: Archer and Hunter
WHEN: 31 May, morning, long before guests are set to arrive
WHERE: starts off in the captain’s quarters
WHAT: Uncle Archer’s genuinely glad that Hunt’s here for another summer. And no, not ‘cause now he’s got someone to go running with him.
WARNING: dunno yet; scene in progress... though they’re probably gonna use Bad Words

She’d done good. He was proud of her. )