April 2nd, 2013

[info]charliepats in [info]horror_story

WHO: Charlie Patenaude and Avery Weston
WHEN: January 9th, evening
WHERE: The Gas Station
WHAT: Just fillin' up before a long night of restful sleep, nothin' special. Not even important enough to use 'g's over.
WARNING: Blood, Stabbing and Death

I wake up in the morning and I wonder why everything's the same as it was. )

[info]teaganmitchell in [info]horror_story

FAIRY TALE AU: Title Pending

Who: Marcus, Tatum, Teagan... TBD
When: Once upon a time...
Where: A nondisclosed, anachronistic land where there aren't really any strict laws about parenting, or commerce.
What: TBD
Warning: TBD (in progress)

Don't open the door for anyone. And never - ever - go into the forest. It's not safe. )

[info]a_straychild in [info]horror_story

Who: Tatum & Annie.
When: Immediately following this thread. January 10th, around ~3AM.
Where: Annie's apartment @ Black Gate.
What: Tatum goes crying to her cousin after her fight with Emma.
Warnings: None, unless you're allergic to cute and teenage girl tears.

By the time that she had reached the door, Tatum's righteous anger had ebbed away and dissolved to self-pitying despair.. )

[info]thefoxknight in [info]horror_story

Who: Ethan, Jenny and a special guest
When: January 9th
Where: Ethan's house
What: Ethan finally finds somebody for his ghostly girlfriend.

Read more... )

[info]fiendlyghost in [info]horror_story

WHO: Casper Decal and Hunter Sommer
WHEN: January 11th, afternoon
WHERE: The Market and Bakery
WHAT: Bitches gonna fight

This is your last warning. )