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Jun. 8th, 2014


AGE THREAD- Mac & Gilderoy

WHO: Mac & Gilderoy
WHERE: His room at the castle.
WHEN: Sunday morning.
WHAT: Mac wants to see her old friend.

Mac didn't want to intrude once she noticed Arianna mentioned visiting Gilderoy, but that didn't mean the young woman waited patiently. Cheering Colin proved a distraction, but once he went off to see Dennis and Draco, Mac was left to fret alone. Colin seemed so sad that Mac couldn't bring herself to mention how upset she was about Gilderoy. It was obvious he came from the future and didn't know everyone. Did that mean he wouldn't know her either? The thought broke her heart.

She wasn't a Gryffindor for nothing. Despite her fears, she set out first thing Sunday morning after picking up muffins, tea, and juice. She knocked loudly in case he was asleep.

Jun. 5th, 2014



Who: Draco Malfoy & his friends, family and miscellaneous loved ones. [ic/ooc]
What: It’s a birthday party!
Where: Community Center!
When: Thursday, 5pm-whenever.

Celebrate good times, come on, lets celebrate! )

May. 11th, 2014


Happy birthday, Myrtle!

[I am going by what was said in emails...this is also backdated to her birthday!]

DRACO helped plan the fancy tea party in Myrtle's honour for anyone who wished to attend, but reserved time later in the evening for casual dress and family time (junk food, films, whatever Myrtle wanted). He doesn't mind dressing up so he was fine doing so for the tea party. Typical tea party fare was served. He gave her some fancy collectible dolls, but also gave her new arrows for her bow and a gift certificate for the clothing shop. Privately, he tells her he loves her and he knows she is growing up so he'll make sure someone else takes up where Salazar left off with teaching her to use a bow and assures her he will respect whatever clothing choices she makes (within reason!) and she can pick whoever she wants to take her.

MIKE went, but he reminds everyone he gave up law when he got here so the extent of dressing up now means nice jeans, a button down, and a dinner jacket. I assume he took CECE to the shindig? Little girls and tea parties, yes? He brought pizza because he knows she likes it and to hell with ALL fancy food. He already gives her free food soooo she got a general gift certificate to the shops.

AL went, but he is not a fan of the dress up thing. He grinned and bore it though! He did his usual picture of something she likes in a nice frame, but added a sweets basket too.

ERNIE went and he is FINE with dressing up as we all know. He gave her some books and apologetically says he is not the best at picking out gifts.

REMUS went and he gave her sweets, puzzles, and a pretty glass unicorn figurine with her name etched into it.

MAC went (with COLIN, I assume) and she gave Myrtle a case filled with make-up, nail polish, hair ties, and a book on magical beauty charms.

May. 3rd, 2014


Happy birthday, V!

[backdated to May 2nd]

AL gives her a framed drawing of something she would like (player's choice). He also gives her several puzzles and some pretty charms to decorate her journal.

REMUS sends a basket of sweets and several books (player's choice).

ERNIE sends a gift certificate to the clothing shop and a basket of biscuits (he is Fleur's good friend, which is why he is sending Victoire a present).

DRACO sends his gift a day late since he didn't know about it until Albus wrote to the village. He sends flowers and sweets (sorry, pretty much generic gifts for people he knew before until he gets a feel for them again).

MAC didn't know about it until the journal entry, but considers Vic a friend SO she sends this outfit a day late. She also writes she wants to buy her drinks and go dancing in the card.

Apr. 29th, 2014


Happy Birthday, Peter.

[posting now because it is really 4/30 on the other side of the world]

Remus: Peter receives something from this list (player's choice) that will help and is easier done with a muggle device over a wand. He also receives a sweets basket and an invitation to go out for a meal at a place of Peter's choosing.

Mac: Peter receives this outfit (I know it is ridiculous for him, but she doesn't, okay??), sweets, and an invitation to go dancing with her.

Apr. 19th, 2014


Teddy's Surprise Party!

WHO: Any friends/family of the Lupins.
WHERE: The community centre.
WHAT: Surprise!
WHEN: afternoon/early evening of the 19th
NOTES: OOC summaries, but feel free to post separate threads with the party as a backdrop! Also, I am in the middle of something, but I'll be back later and/or tomorrow. <3

Happy Birthday, Teddy! )

Apr. 15th, 2014


Happy Birthday, Regulus.

DRACO sends a bottle of wine, a basket of sweets, and an offer to take him to lunch/dinner at a place of Regulus' choosing.

MAC sends a bunch of balloons and a general gift certificate to the village's shops. She writes a note in the card saying he can start building his life by buying some things to make it a home.

REMUS leaves a basket of sweets and a general gift certificate on Regulus' desk at school.

Mar. 28th, 2014


Who: The village (IC/OOC)
What: Memorial Service
Where: The lake
When: Friday evening.

The weather was surprisingly nice for such a sad day. There had been a small area set up by the lake for those wishing to pay their respects. On a small table, lay a variety of river rocks of different shapes and sizes, set aside for those who wished to write something on them. Near that lay a small table with a variety of drinks, charmed to stay crisp and cool despite being out. There was also, hidden under the table by Rowena, a small case of calming draught for anyone who would need it.

The evening sun was starting to set over the water. Floating lanterns and candles hung in the air, and several clustered around the pond as a makeshift candle vigil. Soon, people began sharing stories and memories of those lost, casting their pebbles and the memories with them into the clear blue of the lake.


Happy Birthday, James.

[Due to circumstances, he only gets cards for now]

REMUS gives his in person and promises to take him out when the timing is right.

DRACO sends his and it just has a basic good wishes written in.

ALBUS gives his in person because he promised James a hug. He drew in a small sketch of something awesome.

SALLY sends hers with cupcakes (alright, I lied, she sent more than a card).

MAC is just getting out of the hospital and is blinking, but she wishes you well, Jamie.

Mar. 22nd, 2014




Mar. 9th, 2014


Happy Birthday, Emmeline!

[these were given a few hours after everyone became unstuck]

REMUS: Remus gave Emmy a basket filled with books, cookie dough, and some behind the scenes DVDs of her favorite muggle bands.

MARY: Mary charmed the porch so that it looks like the stars and planets are right there. She didn't count on the storms. She also gave her this bracelet.

SALLY: Sally gave Emmy a rain scented candle that is held in a silver holder engraved with various colored stars. She also gave her a tray of home-baked cupcakes in various flavours.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


Lace & Leather Thread

WHO: Open to Mary MacDonald, Marietta Edgcombe, & anyone else who wanted in on this.
WHAT: Getting magically stuck at Lace & Leather.
WHEN: OOC: 3/3 & 3/4 - IC: one game day (early evening)

Right before Valentine's Day, Mary told Dennis it was way too soon to throw the word "love" around regarding her relationship with Colin. Then Colin had to go and be the cutest boyfriend in the whole world. Her practical side was screaming. It knew better than to give her heart so freely to someone she had only been dating a few months. However, her not so practical side was in love. Completely in love. She barely stopped herself from saying it. She was terrified that Colin would think she was ~that~ crazy girl and run for the hills if she said she loved him. But blokes liked sex right? And if she loved him, why not? No harm in putting in a little research. Of course, she didn't count on getting bloody stuck in a sex shop during her first visit.

"This is not far out," she muttered as every single spell failed her.

Feb. 17th, 2014


Mac | Ari

WHO: Mary MacDonald & Arianna Dumbledore
WHAT: Ari needs help from Mac.
WHERE: Ari's room in the castle.
WHEN: Late Monday afternoon.

Mac pretty much skipped all the way from Strikes and Skates to the castle. She was glad she had employees who knew how to run the place. She liked planning the parties people had there, but she rather hated everything else about the job. Oh, well. She was just glad for the excuse to take a break. She wasn't sure what Arianna needed, but she was glad the girl reached out to her. Mac still remembered she didn't leave the best first impression on Gilderoy's friend, which just wouldn't do. Mac loved Gilderoy like another brother. His friends absolutely had to like her.

She arrived at Ari's door breathless, but smiling. She just couldn't stop skipping and grinning since Valentine's Day. Colin was just wonderful. It was more than she dared to hope for back in the real world. "Ari?" She called. "It's meeee!"

Feb. 14th, 2014


Valentine's Dance!

Who: Anyone who wants to come!
What: The Valentine's Day Dance
Where: Community Centre
When: Friday night, 14 February
Rating: eh, low. Unless some people find dark corners and what not.
Notes: IC/OOC! Tag your characters.

rock the night away )

Feb. 13th, 2014


Happy Valentine's Day!

[These are in addition to any cards/roses that are sent.]






MIKE & AL are not entirely into this holiday, but they like you anyway.

Feb. 9th, 2014


Who: Anyone who went to karaoke at All Night Long
What: Karaoke Night!! IC/OOC thread
Where: All Night Long
When: Saturday Night

Sorry this didn't go up earlier. I ended up working a double today. Anyway, feel free to use this space to post links to songs that your character would've sung and charcter reactions to things. Go crazy, y'all.

Jan. 30th, 2014


Ladies Night

WHO: Any ladies who are 17+
WHAT: Ginny & Mac planned a ladie's night to blow off steam.
WHERE: All Night Long
WHEN: 9:00 p.m. to wee hours

....... )

Jan. 29th, 2014


Happy Birthday, Lily!

[Remus, Albus, Sally, & Mac give their presents in person. Draco & Ernie send theirs via owls]

REMUS gives Lily a book he thinks she'll like (player choice), a sweets basket, a set of pretty potions bottles, and an offer to babysit so she can have a day to read said book. He also has this balloon bouquet.

ALBUS gives Nana Lily a hand-drawn picture of baby Hope and this stuffed cat charmed to purr and roll over like a real cat. He also littered the porch with "happy birthday" sparkles and singing balloons.

SALLY gives her this cat statue, several candles in Lily's favorite scents, and a cooked meal charmed to stay fresh for a week so Lily can have a night off when she chooses.

MAC gives her this outfit complete with accessories and make-up.

DRACO sends a gift certificate to the Beau Mangerie and these flowers.

ERNIE sends birthday fruit and a gift certificate to the beauty shop.


Mac & James Sr.

WHO: Mary MacDonald & James Potter Sr.
WHAT: James is confused & Mac wants some answers too.
WHERE: James & Lily’s cottage
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon

The runaway "child" bride didn’t mind village life. Granted, she wasn’t thrilled with her job at Strikes and Skates, but she liked escaping her family’s pressure. She especially liked being away from the looming war. She learned enough about it after landing in the village to feel grateful that she didn’t live it yet. She had been hexed once for blood status “treachery” so she cringed to think what happened to her in the coming years. She couldn’t even say she missed her family much. She loved them, but she always felt like the anvil was about to drop when she was around them. Here she was free to explore life. She was even dating a muggle-born, which she knew her parents would kill her for, but she didn’t care. She was crushing hard on Colin. He wasn’t at all the type one might expect her to go for, but she loved his adorable awkwardness.

Yes, life was good for young Mac. Well, life was good until some new earth shattering secret or crisis bared its ugly claws. She constantly felt like she was playing a huge catch-up game when it came to people she thought she knew. Most of it wasn’t their faults. Most of it was due to her age. However, this wolf thing? Definitely their faults for keeping it a secret. She felt ridiculous, like they thought she’d run her mouth or something. Or, worse, judge them. She was hurt, but she was also mad. She was waiting for just the right moment to smack them all.

She needed to clear the air before Lily’s birthday so she headed over to the Potter home late Wednesday afternoon. She hoped someone was home. She knocked lightly in case Hope was napping.

Jan. 25th, 2014



WHO: Anyone who cares about Gilderoy.
WHAT: Mac & Arianna planned a party.
WHEN: Slightly forward-dated to Sunday, Jan. 26th
WHERE: Theatre portion of the centre.
NOTE: Writing this up now because tomorrow is a bit busy for me.

I think there is no world without theatre. )

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