August 2015



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January 11th, 2015

[info]headweasel in [info]fourteenshades


WHO: Arthur Weasley | Open to multiples
WHAT: Disco Night shenanigans
WHERE: Strikes & Skates
WHEN: Backdated to Saturday night.
NOTES: I'd love to thread Arthur some more to get him fleshed out. It doesn't need to be crazy long - even a few exchanges could be fun! If you tag in, will you please put ARTHUR + YOUR CHARACTER NAME in the subject line so it keeps order in my inbox/the thread? TY. <3

Arthur had been in the village for three weeks, but the place still felt surreal. On one hand, he couldn't help how excited he felt that such a thing could exist, but on the other? He missed his children, his job, and his shed. He was just glad Molly was from roughly the same time period. He could see how an age difference could put a damper on a relationship. Still, he mourned the loss of five out of seven of his children. He thought having Ron and Charlie all grown up was better than not having them at all even if he missed their little selves at the same time. He adored meeting all the additions to his family too. Grandchildren? A nephew? A sister-in-law? Great-grandchildren? Daughters-in-law? He came from a time of war, a time where he faced loss, so it was good to know the future would bring happiness.

One thing he couldn't feel okay about yet? Living with Death Eaters. He knew they were not the right age and technically innocent, but they made his skin crawl, especially when he heard tidbits about the village's past. He hadn't asked for too much information about either the village's past or his future, but hearing some things could not be avoided. He didn't always like what he heard either.

He wasn't thinking about Death Eaters or time travel as he looked around the fantastic disco-thingy. He had no idea how to work roller skates or what half the songs meant, but he welcomed the scene. He couldn't stay upright for more than a minute, but he laughed every time he crashed into a wall. Hey, he was a wizard. He had protective charms set up obviously.