August 2015



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September 16th, 2014

[info]sweetflower in [info]fourteenshades

WHO: Arianna Dumbledore & Gellert Grindelwald
WHAT: A run in and a chat
WHEN: Tuesday Afternoon
WHERE: Community Garden
RATING: TBD, but likely pretty low. Definitely safe for work.
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

Ari caressed the rose's petals... )

[info]madmalfoy in [info]fourteenshades


Separate owls are sent to the students and supervisors for apprenticeships.

Updated Apprenticeships 9/16/14... )

Belle also receives a second owl with a personal note saying Draco is around if she wishes to discuss what he found.

cut for image )

[tree credit to [info]bellesringing]

[info]blueseaweed in [info]fourteenshades

Owls to Family & Friends

Albus sends a copy of the graphic novel he is currently working on. If you would like to be included in this 'friends & family' ward, you are! The note says:

Dear _____,

Hello! This was my news! This isn't one of the novels that gets published (I don't think anyway) since I started it here, BUT I didn't want to share one of those with you. They don't feel like mine yet. This one? It is mine and I want you to have a copy. It is not quite finished, but that is alright.

I love you!


[info]becrouchy in [info]fourteenshades

I thought you were a man

Who: Gellert & Barty
Where: The boathouse
When: Monday evening
What: A meeting!

But you are nothing but a boy )

[info]bravespear in [info]fourteenshades

to guy avery

for your actual birthday )

[info]cutacorner in [info]fourteenshades

Happy birthday, Pete!

WHO: Friends/family of the Corner brood.
WHERE: Mike's house followed by All Night Long
WHEN: Forward dated about twenty minutes to 9/17 since I don't know when I will be on the computer again.
WHAT: Birthday celebration!
NOTE: This is for OOC notes, but feel free to write threads too!
RATING: PG (Language? Hints of sexual themes? Keep anything directly with the kids clean, please.)


There is a small party for close friends and family members at Mike's house. He cooked Peter's favorite dishes. The above pizza definitely made an appearance, but there was a real birthday cake too. After the kids were in bed and a sitter made it over, the party moved to All Night Long where anyone of age is free to meet and mingle.

Mike is sorry he can't fill one part of his kid's wish, but he is glad he can help with the alcohol bit! He is not very good with sentiment, but hopefully Pete notices how proud Mike is to be his dad! Peter gets a general (and generous) gift card to the village's shops.