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May 19th, 2014

[info]about_abbott in [info]fourteenshades

Who: Hannah and Zach
What: People watching
When: Monday mid afternoon
Where: Disney in the village

She wasn't much for the big thrill rides. )

[info]ernie_macmillan in [info]fourteenshades

Ernie & Lisa

WHO: Ernie MacMillan & Lisa Turpin
WHAT: Running into an old classmate.
WHERE: Hollywood Studios
WHEN: Monday afternoon

Ernie thought the theme parks served a good purpose. The villagers experienced an awful lot of terrible things the last few months, but he couldn't get over the fact so many had their inner thoughts exposed. No one deserved that. Everyone thought (and wrote) things they wanted hidden, including Ernie. He knew the Board did the best it could to get the entries warded again, but he was sorry it took so long. He wasn't sure who suggested Disney World, but the idea seemed to work. He already saw happier entries on his page. Still, Ernie wasn't really sure how to act in such a place. He wasn't like some of the other purebloods; he knew about muggle things thanks to his friends. However, Disney was a whole new thing altogether. It was really nothing but a frivolous good time and Ernie MacMillan didn't really...well, Ernie didn't really do frivolous good times. He was trying though. He really was trying. He just didn't know how to act.

He'd meet up with his loved ones again later. For the moment, he needed some time to wander and collect his thoughts, which was how he wound up in front of the Muppet Water Fountain. It reminded him of his parents. They always said never to pass up a fountain wish. He smiled, dug out a coin, and closed his eyes before he tossed it into the water.

[info]madmalfoy in [info]fourteenshades

Draco & Ted

WHO: Draco Malfoy & open until filled Ted Tonks
WHAT: Wandering around somewhere entirely foreign.
WHERE: Magic Kingdom
WHEN: Monday afternoon

It took a few weeks, but Draco fell into a routine since returning to the village. He still sometimes needed to talk himself into leaving the Manor, but his therapist had been right in saying repetition helped. He got up most days, ate with the girls, went to work, returned home, ate again, repeat. He even managed to see those friends he trusted most although he still preferred hanging out in quieter settings with only a handful of people. However, he couldn't escape this Disney thing. Not only was he plain curious, but he promised some of his family and friends that he'd at least give it a chance.

Well, he gave it one. It was terrifying. No, really. The loud music. The death contraptions. The crowds. He wasn't ready for this.

"Get a grip," he muttered. He was starting to think he would forever talk to himself. He took a few deep breaths before finding a refreshment cart where he purchased something called a Pineapple Float. He thought it tasted pretty good, but after a few bites, his stomach started to turn. People kept rushing by. Some nodded at him, others avoided eye contact, others yelled a hello. He wondered how it was possible to know so many people and feel so impossibly lonely. He still felt like he was playing a part. He didn't know these people. They knew him. Heck, many of the people who once darkened his pages hadn't even said hello since he returned. He didn't know what to think because he felt like he was trying to fight two demons - his real life ones and then his past self's ones too. "No, really, get a bloody grip," he said into his float.