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April 17th, 2014

[info]youngmolly in [info]fourteenshades

Package sent to Regulus Black )

[info]littlescorpion in [info]fourteenshades

WHO: Scorpius and Cressida Malfoy
WHEN:Thursday Morning.
WHERE: Village
SUMMARY: What is the purpose of the thread
WARNINGS: There might be a few choice words
STATUS: [Incomplete | Cressy]
What is Going On? )

[info]ernie_macmillan in [info]fourteenshades

Ernie & Fleur

WHO: Ernie & Fleur
WHAT: Ernie checks in on an old friend.
WHERE: the bank
WHEN: Late Thursday afternoon.

How many times had Ernie wished to leave? How many times had he felt like the village wasn't meant for people like him? Yet, despite feeling like he had little use in the place, he remained. He found solace in thinking maybe the village pulled him because he needed to meet Liam and finally started feeling like he had some ties in the place over the last few months. Then what happened? During his first few weeks in serving on the Governing Board, he managed to send home Rose and Draco. He knew what Cressida said about not shouldering the blame, but how could he not? How could they not? Like the twins before them, they were working with magic outside their control. Their reasoning for keeping the place going might have been good, but was it good enough when it tore friends and families apart regularly?

In the end, his feelings did not just stem from his sense of responsibility toward the villagers, but to the fact he lost a friend. He once thought he'd never have people like Draco, Pansy, and Daphne back in his life, but the village changed that. He knew he'd eventually have them at home again too, but when he was in the village and one of them was not, it was a cold comfort. He already felt like he only had a handful of close mates; he couldn't really afford to lose more. That was selfish, wasn't it? Fleur, Draco's kids, Myrtle, the Potter kids, Colin...they all needed him more. With that thought, Ernie tried to reach out to some via the journals before he headed to the bank. He didn't know if she noticed Pansy's journal yet, but, either way, he couldn't let his friend and longtime jogging buddy face more loss alone. "Fleur?" He called softly as he stepped through the doors of the bank. He saw no one else was there, which he was glad for. He didn't want to be around too many people. "Are you here?"