August 2015



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January 13th, 2014

[info]rose_az in [info]fourteenshades

Since wards don't work, Rose mailed out the invitations to Lorcan and Lysander's party tomorrow (last minute IK. I suck) individually by owl. disclaimer: I'm also guessing owl post will still be fine after the magic is gone, but if I'm totally off pretend she had delivered them. So they got them in some way...

-->Invitations were sent out to Rolf, Luna, Anthony, Victoire, Remus, Jaime, Demelza, Mike, Albus, Emmeline, & basically anyone who is decent friends with Lorcan and Lysander. If you think your character fits then they got an invite. It just can't be everyone, obviously. Just use best judgement, and ask someone if you're unsure! Though I'm sure it'll all be okay ;) <3

Pretend they were really gorgeous. Maybe silver and black, because those colors are classy together.

You're invited to a surprise party for Lorcan and Lysander Scamander!

Please be at house #36 by NO LATER than 7 PM. We will hopefully be rounding up the twins right after that and if someone shows up late it could ruin the surprise! You're welcome to show up later though, just please wait until after 7:30.

Gifts are encouraged, but not required. Food, drinks, music, socialization, and really bad comedy provided by Rose Zeller, Albus Potter, Demelza Robins & Mike Corner though maybe not in that order.

We sincerely hope to see you there! Also, if you want to bring a +1 you are more than welcome! We are just trying to keep it kind of small for the twin's sake.


[info]noprincehere in [info]fourteenshades

Happy birthday, Cress!

DRACO gives his presents in person. He gives her a basket filled with hot chocolate mix, a book of silly jokes, and a gift certificate to the clothing store. He also puts in a "coupon" for a daddy/daughter date of her choosing in the near future.

ALBUS gives his present in person too. They once discussed a very sweet moment involving a sick pony at her birthday party so he sketched that and framed it. He also gave her this adorable thing. And hugs.

ERNIE also gives his present in person. He gives her a basket of sweets and a gift certificate to the book store.

REMUS sends several books he thinks she might enjoy (player choice) along with a sweets & tea basket.

MIKE told her he wouldn't forget sends a bottle of wine and a card.