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Posts Tagged: 'dc:+tv:+sara+lance'

Nov. 21st, 2019



Say, so I've been tryna learn some more about Canada since we're here, an I stumbled across this one book. Now it's considered like, "the most controversial novel ever written in Canada" and it even won The Governor General's Literary Award. (The things you learn on Wikipedia!!)

So I read it and it's super good and really compelling. A really empowering, 1970s look at being a lonely librarian in an Ontario time, just like this one!

I was thinking of maybe starting a book club? Maybe getting a bunch of people interested in a real Canadian cultural experience involved? We could all read it together so I can share it with you 😘😘

Nov. 20th, 2019



There's a special place in hell for people who use glitter as a weapon.



WHO: Laurel & Sara Lance
WHAT: Sister reunion
WHEN: Backdated to Day Two, sorry <3
WHERE: Tim's
RATING: Mentions of death
STATUS: Incomplete

If the sky comes falling down, for you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do )

Nov. 17th, 2019



I still have absolutely no idea what's going on, but at least this seems pretty harmless. And definitely better than death

Sara? John said you were around. Is that true?

Nov. 6th, 2019



Right, so, hit a bit of a snag this afternoon in the basement and suggest nobody else pop down here anytime soon unless you want to stick around. Literally. As in I'm stuck here and can't move my feet from this spot.

Related query... I hope. Anybody find a combination lying about? Three numbers.



I think I found something unusual in the ballroom, anyone want to come take a look with me?

Oct. 30th, 2019



Right, so. Anybody happen to find a crowbar in their explorations, by any chance? Pickax? Something of the prybar variety?

Oct. 28th, 2019



Could someone find me a bit of sage, black pepper and salt from the kitchen -- and cayenne if you see it.

I also need a broom and some candles - any colour - and something silver.



We've I've found an engraving on the Dining Room table, underneath the tablecloth: letters (A-Z) and numbers (0-9), along with the words "Yes", "No" and "Goodbye" at the top right, top left and bottom centre respectively. It's all carved right into the wood.

It apparently looks like someone has been practicing engraving in calligraphy there or perhaps it could be a tool for teaching a child to read, something like that.

It just seems strange that it's on such a grand and expensive-looking table so, we I wondered, has anyone heard of anything like this before?



So can we start keeping a daily round up of Shit Going Down In Hell House?

I'm never quite sure of who has found what, who's caused what, who's seen what. I know someone started a list of things to be noted, skills, etc. Do you intend to keep updating that daily?

Oct. 25th, 2019



Since this apparently needs to be written out, could everyone please stop trying to:
1. Throw things into the bottomless hellpit.
2. Plan on climbing into the hellpit.
Thanks. Really appreciate it. I'm keeping watch, so don't try pulling a fast one or I'll knock you the fuck out. I'm not kidding around here.

Also: found a human ear in formaldehyde in case anyone's keeping track of random creepy shit. I really love this place.

Filtered to All Minors/Young Folks*  )

[ *ooc: if your character is under ~25ish, feel free to assume he's got you on this filter! no need for them to have talked previously. ]

Oct. 24th, 2019



WHO: Sara Lance & Katniss Everdeen
WHERE: The Dinging Room
WHEN: Room One, Day 2, early afternoon
WHAT: Searching the dining room
STATUS: Complete

it's raining knives, hallelujah )



Annnnnd for the record just in case anybody's keeping score or whatever, but house 1 Arthur Curry 0

Literally no way to break any of these windows and I tried, on numerous occasions, with several different things. One of which was myself.

I maybe also broke a couple things in my attempts.

So, yeah, fun times.

Oct. 23rd, 2019



Upon investigating the library, I found a distinctive stain on the carpet. I am unsure what it is exactly but it could possibly be blood.



Since just asking seems to be the thing to do for those of us who weren't fast enough. Does anyone know of another free bed or sleeping space somewhere?



Who: Manfred Bernardo & Sara Lance
What: Idle wandering
When: Day 1
Where: The Billiard Room
Ratings/Warnings: TBC [Will update as needed]
Status: In Progress

Maybe he could have been doing something productive like bonding or working with other people )