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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+the+gifted:+lauren+strucker'

Nov. 6th, 2019



Rey and I might have solved the ghost typewriter encryption:

A sly cwtch by my crypt curses me to earth.

Oct. 30th, 2019



So I don't know art as well as I'd like to, but there's a whole lot of new art pieces in the billiard room that I'm sure weren't there before.

There's no artist signature on any of them, except footprints that kind of look like they might fit the rats. Some of the paintings are still fresh.

They're also really twisted. Like people being tortured or something twisted.

Oct. 24th, 2019



Is anyone here named Kensington?

[after this]

[The Doctor]
You checked out the blood stain, right? Is there any way it could be fake? I found a recipe for fake blood.



Any of you assholes know how to crack a safe? Or found anything that goes boom? Feels like there should be a dusty box of dynamite somewhere in this old ass house.

Oct. 23rd, 2019



Who collects and kills bugs, then pins them all over bedroom walls? Hello, future nightmares.

Oct. 22nd, 2019



Who: John Proudstar, Clarice Fong & Lauren Strucker
What: The Mutant Underground reunites and the two adults go looking for Lauren
When: Sometime after this
Where: Ground floor staircase & eventually the conservatory
Ratings/Warnings: TBC [Will update as needed]
Status: In Progress

John Proudstar didn't really do nerves )



Okay so from what I'm seeing people who did have powers no longer have powers so I figured I should call it out now that if anybody is in need of any medical attention of any sort I'm a fully trained physician and experienced surgeon.

I might not have Jedi mind powers but I do have that so yeah let me know if you need anything.

Oct. 20th, 2019



If this is somebody's idea of joke you definitely shouldn't quit your day job.

John Proudstar here, if there's anybody from the Mutant Underground present, let me know.