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Posts Tagged: 'the+good+place:+jason+mendoza'

Dec. 21st, 2019



If anyone would be so kind, I am searching for a place to stay or alternatively have my name reported to the authorities. Either is acceptable.

[Filtered Against Soviets]
I've drawn out detailed maps of the yulelag including guard locations and rotation schedules, defenses, and weaknesses. If anyone wants them, do with them as you will.

Dec. 8th, 2019



Day 2: Janet


Unfortunately, due to a recent change in circumstances, I will be required to activate certain energy use reduction protocols that will allow me to maintain adequate power for a longer period of time.

However, this may result in reduced cognition, functionality, and accuracy of up to 46.8%.

If I begin acting in an erratic manner, please insert a paperclip into my left ear, and alert Jason Mendoza. Please also present Jason with any marbles that you may find at the scene. This is very important.

Thank you!

Dec. 4th, 2019



Rose Apothecary: Open Mic


Willkommen! And bienvenue! Welcome!

Rose Apothecary, a store that sells local products on consignment underneath a unifying brand name, is hosting another open mic night as a thank you for staying in Schitt's Creek. A percentage of all purchase revenue will be donated to Ted Mullin's Puppy Rescue, so load up on fun products and delicious snacks!

If you signed up, you're guaranteed a spot to perform! If you didn't sign up and are interested in getting up there, you still can, in the spirit of it being an open mic evening.

If you're a performer, write a brief narrative under the "Performances" section below, folks can then respond with their reactions, heckles, or praise. Otherwise, you're free to mingle. Everyone is supernaturally compelled to attend the open mic night, so even if your character didn't think they were going to go, they find themselves outside Rose Apothecary almost by surprise.

This event will continue until the end of "Room 2". At the end of the night, (later today) a post will go up more information regarding how "Room 2" will end.
© tessisamess

Dec. 3rd, 2019



[Filtered to Blue Team]

So I know we're not like good at being a prank team or whatever because prank videos are like super 2014 and we're lke postmodern and all. BUT I've always thought we could be a tight Dance Crew.

So I signed us all up for the open mic night.

Which is tonight so we should choreograph something.

Also Janet, we're gonna need like 30 pairs of light up sneakers and dope track suits. Maybe in like Jags colors cause they're blue too?



Hey Everyone :)

My amazing partner in business and in life who would never make me do anything I didn't want to do because I'm so good at compromise had the brilliant idea of throwing a putting together an Open Mic night this evening at the store.

It's so great that he absolutely planned this in advance and isn't asking me to phone in a half-dozen favours to our suppliers to get wine and cheese for an event he certainly didn't pitch to me literally over this morning's breakfast scones. So fun.

As a thank you for staying at the Rosebud Motel, please show us your room key to get two complimentary drink tickets (Drinking age is 19, so if you aren't 19, you'll get to sample our new non-alcoholic sparkling cider)

It would be really great if you could all stop in, shop in, or otherwise show your support for local businesses as a thank you and an apology for all of the weird things inflicted on us this week. I'm not going to say attendance isn't mandatory or anything, just that not attending wouldn't be a good look for anyone.

Patrick, that adorable business partner of mine who would never drop an intense last-minute idea on me in a million years, would appreciate if people would sign up with me if they'd like a spot in the Open Mic line-up.

Nov. 30th, 2019



Please allow me to cordially invite all adults to Room 7 for some delicious brownies - they're for adults only because the secret ingredient is a little bit of the chronic, if you know what I mean (and I think you do).

And like, don't all rush at once now. Form an orderly line if necessary. This isn't the Szechuan sauce from McDonald's, I don't want complete chaos all up in here.

Nov. 17th, 2019



Yo I think there's been a mistake cause it says I'm like in charge of something.

Are we putting together a dance crew?

Nov. 13th, 2019



If anyone was curious, Dolores and I found Carstairs in the billiard room. Took his head off with a pool cue and all that, but the rest of his body got away. We burnt the head and I got the ashes. Since we're supposed to. So you're welcome. If someone wants to come sit with Dolores for a bit, she's kind of in shock right now. Not used to people getting decapitated.

Nov. 12th, 2019



connor + jason + open to mod input
"I would not recommend consuming those..."

WHAT "I ate jalapeno poppers for the first time!"
WHEN Day 8
WHERE the kitchen
RATING low to start, who knows where the language will take them
Read more... )

Nov. 10th, 2019



Yo that mean ghost set the room with the couches on fire.

Nov. 2nd, 2019



Do you think the old guy in all the paintings would mind if we took some of them down?

He's got so many of them, I bet he wouldn't even notice.

Oct. 20th, 2019



This place is absolutely filthy and could stand a decent decorator.



Either Thor was wrong about the afterlife, or Valhalla really loves a theme party.