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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+comics:+raven+darkholme'

Dec. 12th, 2019



Well, that was a complete waste of time.

Dec. 7th, 2019



Hello, what planet is this?

It's so empty and lonely here and I cannot find my crew.

Dec. 3rd, 2019



Too many of these assholes are failing the what would you name this dog test. If you've met any locals who aren't LAME, tell them to come by the clinic and adopt a fucking puppy. Or try to anyway. I mean, maybe everybody in this town is just a plant and this is all some kind of screwed up test, but I'm still not handing these dogs over to anyone who can't even pick a decent name.

Nov. 28th, 2019



I think someone might have misplaced their collage in the motel lobby.

I hope someone misplaced their collage in the motel lobby.

Rose Family + Motel Staff
I don't mean to pass any judgments on this hypothetical young woman based solely on her name, but I notice that the motel is unusually full. Did anyone happen to rent out some of these rooms by the hour again? It's an honest mistake that's happened to the best of us.

Nov. 23rd, 2019



Why the fuck do so many of you people hate sleep?



You lot are nuttier than trail mix. I feel like I need to introduce myself as Beyoncé just to fit in. But I'm trying this thing where I get to be me I'm a little less full of it first thing, so. I'm Jordan.

It's funny, I knew this bloke who played this video game called Fallout. I remember because he wouldn't shut up about it. Anyway, there was this company in the game that made fallout shelters, but they were proper villains, so all the shelters were secretly twisted experiments on the people they convinced to live in them.

I hope I've got a good test subject name, that's all I'm saying. Exhibit J, maybe. Makes me sound like a DJ.

[OOC: There are stealthy Call Down the Hawk spoilers in here, just fyi.]

Nov. 20th, 2019



I keep hearing random animal noises, and they don't seem to be any locally native species. Has anyone else experienced this?

I'm afraid my audio sensors may be glitching? Or perhaps my programming is faulty again?

Nov. 17th, 2019



Yo I think there's been a mistake cause it says I'm like in charge of something.

Are we putting together a dance crew?



WHO: Mystique and Markus
WHEN: Day 1, morning
WHERE: in front of the Hotel
WHAT: first impressions
STATUS: complete

Location unavailable )

Nov. 15th, 2019



To everyone who arrived here on the party bus from the haunted house,

My paternal figure posted a welcome greeting and now here's mine. Alexis Rose, your number one hookup for all things clambake and good times - also for fashion tips, hair, makeup, nails. I do it all, I know it all. That goes for the guys too - put aside your masculinity hangups and clean yourselves. Don't be smelly and gross.

So yes, ping me if I can assist - also maybe avoid the specially designed smoothies at the cafe, unless you're looking for a good cleanse. Just a little protip for all you new friends.



This is an awfully quaint town.

Nov. 14th, 2019



Welcome to the Rosebud Motel!


Good morning and welcome! My name is Johnny Rose, and along with my partner, Stevie Budd, I'm the proprietor of the Rosebud Motel.

We offer several amenities here, including fresh sheets and towels, a selection of more than three books and puzzles, and a jacuzzi that we're thinking about getting.

If you would like any suggestions for restaurants and activities around town, or anything else to make your stay more enjoyable, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Cordially, Johnny Rose

Nov. 12th, 2019



Think we found the room above the ballroom.

Just some weird ass bedroom that looks like a wild animal tore through it. Something a lot bigger than the rats. Only thing left standing was a a glass box full of rose petals and a mirror.

Well. Now just the box.

Nov. 8th, 2019



Ghost in the ballroom.

Left behind a rather tedious diary entry about some drama between a wife, Carstairs and the wife's brother David. There was to be a duel. Do with that what you will.

Nov. 2nd, 2019



Slightly less interesting than a dead body in the attic but I'm pretty sure I saw Cthulu's younger brother in the ceiling in the foyer this morning.

Not sure what to do with that, but I figured it'd be important... Or might be.

Oct. 28th, 2019



I seem to be malfunctioning. Where am I?



WHO: Gale, Gretel, Hansel, Raven, and… [open to volunteer dancers]
WHAT: Dancing. The forcible, curse-induced kind.
WHEN: Day 3
WHERE: Ballroom
WARNINGS: TBD (definitely language)
STATUS: Open/In Progress

The Skeleton's Waltz )



This is so fucking-- Question for the masses: Does anyone play the piano? If so, would you be free to meet me and Gretel down in the ballroom?

Oct. 24th, 2019



Is anyone here named Kensington?

[after this]

[The Doctor]
You checked out the blood stain, right? Is there any way it could be fake? I found a recipe for fake blood.

Oct. 21st, 2019



Hello, this is Reed Richards. An explorer, scientist, and superhero -  with a wealth of experience with cosmic, interdimensional, and multiversal exploration. From my reading of the various postings here, I believe that we have multiple individuals from parallel universes present.  or that's what our captor wants us to think. In short, the Multiverse is the concept that there are an infinite number of universes, where anything that can happen does happen. And that these vast variety of universes exist in parallel to one another. On one world you are a cop, on another a criminal, on another you were never born, and so on ad infinitum.

You may encounter individuals who resemble friends, family, lovers, or enemies. You will need to set aside preconceptions about a person, and judge them on their actions and what your intuition tells you about them. If you do not feel safe, seek out a group. Trust your instincts. However, I implore you to refrain from violence unless in self defense, regardless of who you may think you are encountering.

I do not say this to increase your paranoia, but to simply suggest that you be careful. If anyone is in distress, contact me and I will come help you. Be safe everyone.