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Posts Tagged: 'riverdale:+jughead+jones'

Dec. 14th, 2019



Does anyone need any help? I can't go to work again. They told me no. I just...I don't understand. And I'm running low on what I had.



how is anyone supposed to work efficiently under these conditions. they won't even give anyone medication when we fall ill.


not to be ironic but i feel like death incarnate.

Dec. 5th, 2019



So that we can all communicate, I would like to offer Russian lessons. I had just moved to St. Petersburg to live with my fiance before the haunted house happened. Being here without him feels strange, and I wonder if he might exist in this place.

Anyway! I had been learning Russian before I moved, so if anyone wants to learn at least conversational Russian, I can help!

Dec. 4th, 2019




When the Open Mic begins to slow down, characters begin to make their exit. But when they leave Rose Apothecary, instead of reaching the street, they walk right into a hallway. They cannot return to the party, and one by one they must choose: Room 3, or Exit.

Feel Free to include a narrative about your character's choice on this post.

Nov. 21st, 2019



Charlie, Jughead, Gansey & The Doctor
"We’re going to fill someone’s bathroom with them. Floor to fucking ceiling."
When: Room 2, Day 3, Morning
Where: Rosebud Motel, Room 8
Status: Closed/In Progress
Rating: PG-13 for language
Read more... )

Nov. 20th, 2019



[Filtered to Red Team]

I need someone whose lung capacity isn't fucked to help me blow up a shit ton of balloons. Any takers?

Nov. 19th, 2019



It's not a very funny joke to mess with people's food you know.

Nov. 14th, 2019



Filter: Scooby-Doo*

Hi. For anyone who doesn't know who I am, my name's Eddie. I'm your mom now. Can I get a roll call of all the younger people? Who's here from the nightmare funhouse? Any new kids on the block? That one's for you, Ben and Bev I grabbed some first aid stuff so if you need that in the future, I can hook you up.

Anyway, I'm gonna start seeing if I can stockpile basic essentials—batteries, flashlights, water bottles, that kind of shit. Add to the list if you need and I'll see what I can do. We could also use weapons, but I don't have as much experience in that beyond, you know, this pointy thing could maybe stab someone.

Everyone okay? Who needs what?

[ *ooc: the usual! if your character is 25 or under, they're on this filter. no need to have spoken to eddie before. he's keeping a list of all the youngins. ]



Canada? Can we leave the hotel this time? Does anyone know if there's an ice arena nearby?

Also, does anyone need or want a roommate? I'm Yuuri!

Oct. 26th, 2019



Tony and I have been trying to sort out some of the things in our hoarder nightmare bedroom.

It's, um, well -- been interesting. Dusty. Took up like, most of the day.

If you come by, I'll give you a random thing? I don't want to destroy anything in here since that -- well -- seems like it was a bad idea...But I'd appreciate it if people could just come and take, you know, something.

Just so we had a bit more room to breathe in here. It's already spilling out into the halls.

OOC: If you show interest in the comments and tell Peter you're coming by, I'll send you a link on Discord or the dropbox of the random treasure you've aquired. Who knows, it might end up being useful...

Oct. 25th, 2019



Since this apparently needs to be written out, could everyone please stop trying to:
1. Throw things into the bottomless hellpit.
2. Plan on climbing into the hellpit.
Thanks. Really appreciate it. I'm keeping watch, so don't try pulling a fast one or I'll knock you the fuck out. I'm not kidding around here.

Also: found a human ear in formaldehyde in case anyone's keeping track of random creepy shit. I really love this place.

Filtered to All Minors/Young Folks*  )

[ *ooc: if your character is under ~25ish, feel free to assume he's got you on this filter! no need for them to have talked previously. ]

Oct. 20th, 2019



It says something about my life when this isn't the weirdest thing to have happened to me, it really does.

Also, FYI, I'm the big green hulk-like person but I don't bite, promise. I just can't tap into the power that lets me look like everybody else right now.

Oh! I'm Teddy by the way.




This is so cool!

I love solving mysteries! It's like Scooby-Doo up in here!

Has anyone seen my friends? Kate Bishop, Clint Barton, America Chavez, Quentin Quire, Johnny Watts?



This is exciting, isn't it? Been a long time since I've been in a haunted house. Miss my jacket, though. And my TARDIS.

Speaking of which, anyone happen to see a blue police box anywhere?



These pants are itchy.

This definitely isn't my kitchen and if someone's counting on me to help them save the day they've kidnapped the wrong dude.



Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck FUCK Where is everyone else? Oh my god I'm dead jdjdjkdnfkdjfk Breathe, Eds What would Bill do?


Okay, hi, who's a kid here? You don't have to say anything, just I don't FUCKING know come to the stairs so I can get a headcount and die from an aneurysm, no big deal!!!!. We should stick together while we're figuring all this out.