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Posts Tagged: '%21rooms:+2:+day+3'

Nov. 23rd, 2019



You lot are nuttier than trail mix. I feel like I need to introduce myself as Beyoncé just to fit in. But I'm trying this thing where I get to be me I'm a little less full of it first thing, so. I'm Jordan.

It's funny, I knew this bloke who played this video game called Fallout. I remember because he wouldn't shut up about it. Anyway, there was this company in the game that made fallout shelters, but they were proper villains, so all the shelters were secretly twisted experiments on the people they convinced to live in them.

I hope I've got a good test subject name, that's all I'm saying. Exhibit J, maybe. Makes me sound like a DJ.

[OOC: There are stealthy Call Down the Hawk spoilers in here, just fyi.]



Quentin Coldwater, Hazel Levesque & Eliot Waugh
"And then they could go about ruining everyone's night."
When: Day 3, midnight.
Where: Outside.
Status: In progress.
Rating: Low.
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filtered to hazel and eliot.

Want to help me with something?

Nov. 22nd, 2019



So, I'm little sad I didn't find an ice rink. It's Canada! (And I say this knowing Canada had some of the best skaters out there. Even JJ was good.)

UM. If you haven't tried Tim Hortons, I recommend it. Coffee tastes great and they have delicious food besides donuts. But, I can't just eat that the whole time. I guess it's better than canned soup.

Anyone know if we can cook around here? There's a few people I know who would love to try ramen.



Best. Day. Ever. It's official. I mean maybe I should make it the second best day? Does finding new music by a band you like come in second to not being dead anymore? I don't know.




Day 3
time. MORNING | location. ROSEBUD INN
rating. TENSE?? | status. COMPLETE

What did you DO? )

Nov. 21st, 2019




Whoever has absconded with my ring, I would like it back.

Whoever has absconded with my ring, I would like it back.

Since everything on this primitive mobile device is taking an eternity, I'm not going to remove where I've written it twice. Consider it extra emphasis.

There will be a reward for its safe return, though it seems you've stolen my money too. Keep the money, use it to reward yourself for returning my ring. If that's not enough, I'm sure we can work something out.

You can find me in room 46. The name is Lucifer Morningstar.

Someone around here has an interesting sense of humor and a lot of free time considering the balloons and the towel. Nice touches, but perhaps you can channel that energy into finding my ring.

And I'm disappointed that I wasn't at least given a Devils jersey.

But really, I want my ring back. This is not the day



WHO: Amilyn and Lucifer
WHAT: Lucifer moves in
WHEN: Day three
WHERE: Room 46
STATUS: Complete

'I'm glad you're here. We seem to have a helium-filled latex problem in the bathroom.' )



Fine. I know that you

My name is Luke Skywalker.

And I'm not here to rescue you.

Nov. 22nd, 2019



I didn't realise how empty my life was without a picture of Shia LaBeouf in leggings as my background.

Nov. 21st, 2019



Declan's here. Somebody get him off my ass. I'm gonna go finish gluing these weird ass beaver nickels all over town.

(If one of you finds the set that are in the shape of a dick, I'll give you a prize.)



Rey & Amilyn Holdo
"Do you mind if I join you?"
When: Room 2, Day 3, Afternoon
Where: Tim Hortons
Status: Complete
Rating: Low, Mentions of Death
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Say, so I've been tryna learn some more about Canada since we're here, an I stumbled across this one book. Now it's considered like, "the most controversial novel ever written in Canada" and it even won The Governor General's Literary Award. (The things you learn on Wikipedia!!)

So I read it and it's super good and really compelling. A really empowering, 1970s look at being a lonely librarian in an Ontario time, just like this one!

I was thinking of maybe starting a book club? Maybe getting a bunch of people interested in a real Canadian cultural experience involved? We could all read it together so I can share it with you 😘😘




Alexis, poppet, I've got a bit of a favour to ask.

Nov. 20th, 2019



I keep hearing random animal noises, and they don't seem to be any locally native species. Has anyone else experienced this?

I'm afraid my audio sensors may be glitching? Or perhaps my programming is faulty again?

Nov. 21st, 2019



Charlie, Jughead, Gansey & The Doctor
"We’re going to fill someone’s bathroom with them. Floor to fucking ceiling."
When: Room 2, Day 3, Morning
Where: Rosebud Motel, Room 8
Status: Closed/In Progress
Rating: PG-13 for language
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Nov. 20th, 2019



WHO: Ash Williams & Dolores Abernathy
WHEN: Room 2, Day 3
WHERE: Across from the motel outside
WHAT: Practicing self defense
STATUS: Closed, in progress

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WHO: Ava & Richie, Markus
WHAT: Bolting furniture to the floor
WHEN: Day three
WHERE: Room 30
STATUS: Complete

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Yeah, uh. About that glitter bomb [...] thing. And the pine cones. Is there any way to abstain from these pranks for like, a day or two? I need time to compartmentalize a ton of messed up shit I just found out and this isn't helping Does anyone else need a break? Maybe we could use white flags or something.



[Filtered to Red Team]

I need someone whose lung capacity isn't fucked to help me blow up a shit ton of balloons. Any takers?