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Posts Tagged: '%21rooms:+2:+day+2'

Nov. 20th, 2019



WHO: Laurel & Sara Lance
WHAT: Sister reunion
WHEN: Backdated to Day Two, sorry <3
WHERE: Tim's
RATING: Mentions of death
STATUS: Incomplete

If the sky comes falling down, for you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do )



I have to admit, I'm still really confused about...well...all of this really. But it seems like it could be fun. And definitely better than some other things. And hey, this isn't even my first time in another world, if that's what this is, so...yeah

I'm Quentin. Quentin Coldwater.

orange team.
I guess just let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Uh, it's nice to meet you all.

Have I mentioned I'm glad you're here? And I'm especially glad we're on the same team for this thing. I'd hate to have to absolutely destroy you.

Nov. 19th, 2019



steve + gansey
"It was a comfort to still be able to get a cup of coffee"

WHAT how the hell does technology work?
WHEN Day 2
WHERE Tim Horton's
RATING low, but language
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Rrrroll Up The Rim
When: Room 2, Day 2 Where: Rosebud Inn Status: Ongoing Rating: Low
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Jim Hopper & OPEN
What: Task: Talk loudly on phone in a quiet place
Where: Cafe Tropical
When: Afternoon, Day 2
Warnings: Nah
Status: OPEN, Incomplete
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where can i get more soap chocolate?
i want all of them
so i can eat all of them



It's not a very funny joke to mess with people's food you know.



I didn't realize house-keeping were also given tasks to do.

[Red Team]

I would suggest locking your phones.



Okay, which asshole painted my soap with clear nail polish?



Blue Sargent + Valkyrie
WHAT Prankin'
WHEN Late Afternoon
WHERE In and around Blue's room (room 17)
STATUS Ongoing
RATING Low for now
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Who: Gladiolus Amicitia
When: Later afternoon Day 2
Where: Room 7
Status: Complete

It really only seemed fair after the saran wrap incident that Richie be on the receiving end of steal someone's towel while in the shower task Gladio had signed up for. And it'd been all too easy really to sneak into the room he knew Richie and Constantine had nabbed and then into the shower while it was occupied. A quick nab of the towel and that was that. But as Gladio started to leave he glanced at the fogged over mirror and decided on one last thing. He leaned over the sink and drew a happy face in the fog. And then, towel in hand, Gladio left the bathroom and room just as quickly as he'd come in. Task completed.



Would've thought someone hacked in and changed the desktop of my TARDIS if I didn't know what I already know, hah! What a start to a brand new adventure. Classic! Intrigue, tasks, teams--it's brilliant! Provided no one is getting hurt here. Right, I've gotten carried away, haven't I?

Hello there! I'm the Doctor! Never worn a jersey before, and certainly not any of these dresses. I suspect... I'd look brilliant in any of the latter, but! There any parties that I missed where they'd be required?



Wanda Maximoff & The Doctor
"It was just a bit of harmless fun."
When: Mid-Day 2.
Where: Outside.
Status: In progress.
Rating: Low.
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WHO: Noah Czerny & Gansey
WHEN: Room 2, Day 2
WHERE: Their room
WHAT: Pranking one of your best friends
STATUS: Closed, in progress

... )



[written on the wall in Luther's room]

message sent later:

It was just to catch your attention.

Nov. 18th, 2019



What starts as androids meet a cow turns into androids talk about personal trauma...in front of a cow.
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WHO: Opal & [OPEN]
WHEN: Day 2, night
WHERE: Rosebud Inn
WHAT: Prank wars!
WARNINGS: TBD, probably none
STATUS: In Progress

excitement nearly surged right out of her. )

Nov. 19th, 2019



Who: Hermione Granger & OTA
Where: Rosebud Inn
When: Lunch time
What: Phone Conversations
Rating: TBD

I'm sorry we've accidentally double booked your room

OOC Notes: Please feel free to randomly tag into the thread, seamless and rapid fire threads with multiple people will make this the most fun.

Nov. 18th, 2019



Nadia & Peter
If you like jalapeƱo coladas; getting caught in the rain
When: Day 2 Where: Rosebud Inn / Cafe Troical Status: In Process Rating: PG, probably, they cute
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OKAY. Now who replaced all of my toilet paper with duct tape?