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Posts Tagged: 'star+wars:+poe+dameron'

Mar. 24th, 2020



Well, at least this feels pretty familiar.

Feb. 1st, 2020



I don't know what my job as leader really means or what my responsibilities are meant to be -- but I just wanted to say that I do think it's the responsibility of our block to do what we can to support the folks who volunteered for this "Survivor" competition.

So - Holtz, Finn, Renee, Yuuri & Archex? If there is anything that any of you need, please look to the rest of your block for help.

Otherwise, I know that I've talked to a few of you, but I'd like to get a better idea of everyone's strengths, talents, weaknesses, hobbies, and what they like and don't like. I want to make sure we do our best to unite and support each other - and I think a big part of that means breaking the ice and learning about the kind of people all of us are.

So I'll start. My name is Poe, I'm a mechanic and a pilot. Both my parents were pilots, too. It runs in the family.

Back home, I'm second-in-command to an organisation that is fighting against the current government in our galaxy because we feel like that government infringes on the rights and freedoms of citizens of the galaxy. So I've got some leadership experiences.

I'm up for answering any questions people have about me, too.

Jan. 23rd, 2020



Knife fight happening at the fire pit to see who's leading team red. Come watch and take bets.

Jan. 22nd, 2020



[Ritchie Tozier, Connor, Luther Hargreeves, Blue Sargent & Tony Stark]

Hey Folks,

I know we've all got our own social circles we've developed in this place, and more recently our attention has been pulled in a few directions, but I've noticed that you - and a few others - seem either invested in really figuring out what's brought us here, or otherwise trying to find the line between pushing back, and not making waves to keep everyone safe.

I'd like some input from a few of you, of course, but I was thinking of putting together a group that really focuses on trying to sort out what's behind everything that's happening here - I don't want the group to get too large or unwieldy, but if you think of a few people who ought to be involved, you can invite them in.

Figuring out what's coming, I think, also means maybe sometimes pushing back against what seemed to be expected of us. I'm not thinking like the Soviet-Christmas Tree-Takeover kind of pushback, but things a little more calculated and a lot more subtle.

What's everyone thinking?

Jan. 20th, 2020



I'm not sure what sort of statement all of this wretched yellow is meant to make.



Okay. Sure. This might as well happen.

We all make it through?

Jan. 19th, 2020



So, is this it? Are we going home?

[GFFA Filter]
I don't trust it. We still don't know why we're here. We haven't really had to do anything beyond solve a few riddles. It doesn't make sense to just let us go like this.

Jan. 11th, 2020



[Galaxy Far Far Away Filter]
I'm inside, are we all inside?

Jan. 7th, 2020



I'm starting to feel more and more like I'm stuck on some giant Dejarik board.

Are you done being a pissbaby?
Did you make your choices - with that quiz?

Dec. 29th, 2019



Would someone be so kind as to tell me where I might find Senator Leia Organa? Is she here?

Dec. 28th, 2019



apt building's on fire

anybody still in needs to get out

Dec. 23rd, 2019



I'll just come right out and say that I turned in several of you, I do not regret it, and I'd do it again.

Dec. 18th, 2019



I'm beginning to hate snow.

Anyone else getting tired of this place and want to do something about it?

Markus says you have spoken about a trade?

You know, nobody would have to break anyone out of prison if there weren't people putting them in there in the first place.

While it's a legitimate strategy to ensure getting food and resetting to green status if you time it with the rations (which is what I chose to do) it's clear some people are just doing it to be petty jerks. Peter did nothing to any of you.

Anyway, if you're desperate and want to take advantage of the window of opportunity, getting yourself yulelagged by the end of today would let you get out for the next delivery. And maybe get a friend that's also in a lower status to do it, so you both benefit. Play rock paper scissors or something if you have to, I really don't care right now.

Dec. 14th, 2019



If we're at all lucky, we probably only have a few days left of this. But most of us are starving or close to it, and a lot of the food we're getting from ingenious other sources isn't all that appetizing on it's own.

So I have a proposition for everyone - let's make a scavenger soup.

Bring what you have or get what you can that's savoury (a rarity, I know) and we'll throw it together with what we can to make something that's passible.

If you contribute, when it's ready, you get some soup.



Finn and I got two loaves between us. Anyone real stuck for food? I don’t have a lot but I’ll share what I got.

Dec. 7th, 2019



Anyone have an idea as to where I might get more plates?

[General Organa (AU]
So. You talked to Ben, huh?

Dec. 5th, 2019



[Ben Solo]

Your mom says hi.



001. Leia Organa

Being kidnapped and taken to a place that reminds me of Hoth is not something that was on my schedule today.

I'm looking for someone called Hermione Granger, who appears do be the other occupant of my living space.



The room keys. Mine is green. Are these teams again? What colour is everyone? I'm not sure I understand it.

[OOC: For easy reference]