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Posts Tagged: 'dc:+comics:+renee+montoya'

Dec. 7th, 2019



[Filtered to Lois Lane]
Join me for whatever passes for coffee here?

Dec. 6th, 2019



Well that's an oopsie doodle dandy.

Hi, I'm Kobik! Where do I get more chocolatey eggs?

Dec. 4th, 2019



For the Glory of Kolechia and Arstotzka. Welcome.

I expect to see you all at factory tomorrow for your work assignments. But if you have question, now would be good time to ask it.

Nov. 26th, 2019




Nov. 14th, 2019



Is this town seriously called Schitt's Creek? Someone must have had a fucking laugh when they came up with that one.

What the fuck is going on here? If this is a kidnapping, it's the shitest (Schittest?) kidnapping I've ever heard of.

Nov. 8th, 2019



Found the D, in case inquiring minds were wondering where those encyclopedias went off to. Interesting read after being up all night with an Oz tornado going on outside and Willy Wonka's goose under my head this morning.

Jesus Christ in a chicken basket. I need coffee, stat.

private message to ash williams )

Nov. 6th, 2019



Rey and I might have solved the ghost typewriter encryption:

A sly cwtch by my crypt curses me to earth.

Nov. 5th, 2019



All these anagrams and word problems -- I think we should keep track of them. Has anyone else found something strange written anywhere? Maybe they aren't supposed to be puzzles. Maybe something gets lost in communication between whatever is in this house and us. Like how that damn seance needed a conduit.

Maybe the house needs something to communicate more clearly.

I don't know. Right now I feel like I'm being pointed in every direction but the right one.

Edit: LIST


Encyclopedia Letter D

Jane Eyre = "What is Dead May Never Die"

Handwritten Note: I will prevail

From The Rat King: "I am cursed as long as he is"

d fsi brubk mi xi byiwu boyftf xt uq tdyuk. - ???



A typewriter in the study ghostly typed out:

d fsi brubk mi xi byiwu boyftf xt uq tdyuk.

Could be nothing. Could be something.

Oct. 24th, 2019



Any of you assholes know how to crack a safe? Or found anything that goes boom? Feels like there should be a dusty box of dynamite somewhere in this old ass house.

Oct. 22nd, 2019



You know, now that I think of it, living above a morgue would be a really nice gig. Downstairs neighbours are real quiet, and if they ain't it'll scare you to death so it won't be a you problem for very long.



Okay so from what I'm seeing people who did have powers no longer have powers so I figured I should call it out now that if anybody is in need of any medical attention of any sort I'm a fully trained physician and experienced surgeon.

I might not have Jedi mind powers but I do have that so yeah let me know if you need anything.

Oct. 20th, 2019



Well, this is definitely not the way I thought I'd end my day. I think someone slipped something into my celebratory drinks tonight. Don't know what kind of expert this guy's lookin for, but this ain't my problem. If he got himself stuck in a shitty situation, that's not my problem. I didn't read from a cursed book this time, so this shit situation's not mine to fix. Now I need to find two people. One is Kelly. You see a girl that's both filthy and fine with dark hair and eyes that could cut you, that's her. Don't touch her. I'm coming for her. If anything happens to her, I might have to kill you with my bare hands, but I'll do it. Second is Pablo. He's the short Mexican. Dark hair, interesting choice in mustache. I've already lost him once, so if anything happens to him, I don't think I need to repeat myself. You find 'em, you bring 'em to me. Ashley J. Williams.

Now, I need to get back to my celebration because I'm finally being recognized as the hero I am by those assholes in Elk Grove and I need to get back there and rub it all in their faces and make sure they fully understand the fact that I saved all their sorry asses.



Who: The Doctor and Renee Montoya
What: Exploring
When: Day 1
Where: The Kitchen
Rating/Warnings: Med for swearing, maybe?
Status: In Progress / Open

Who doesn't love a good larder? )



My name is Steve Rogers. I don't know where we are, or what's going on. But if anyone here knows who I am, I'd like to know, group up, and see if we can figure this out.



Ok. So everyone's confused. Everyone's mad. And this is weird. We all have places to be probably.

So let's go through, introduce ourselves. If anyone knows more about this Carstairs fellow, share it. And we can get our ducks in a row. Figure this out and get home.
