Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


Layout By

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May 1st, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Thor and Diana
Where: Starting in the lobby
When: 5/1, around 3:30AM
What: A walk around the grounds
Status: Complete
Warnings: Intense emotions, discussion of trauma

That conversation got heavy. )

[No Subject]

Who - Diana Prince // Natasha Romanoff
Where - Bar
When - Roughly 7pm on 04/30/21
What - Uh, drinks. It’s bar.
Rating - Still PG for cussies because Diana can’t technically get drunk yay.

And now the party heated, 'cause they got a hot girl in the club. I'm feelin' so conceited, 'cause everybody is givin' me love. )

[No Subject]

WHO: bucky + natasha
WHERE: the kitchen
WHEN: backdated to April 4
WHAT: a baking lesson
STATUS: completed (warning - cookie death)

an assassin and a spider walk into a kitchen ... )



[No Subject]

WHO: Ciri and Everyone attending
WHEN: May 1st
WHERE: The Dining Room
STATUS: In Progress

Savoury scents of the variety of foods wafted through the hotel. Anyone who wished to stop in and join in was welcome. Ciri did not mind making new friends for her birthday.  )



[No Subject]

Who: Caduceus and Caleb
What: Dinner date
When: 30th April
Where: Their room
Rating: I'll mark it NSFW pre-emptively
Status: Ongoing

Everything we do is a declaration of our love and adoration... )



[No Subject]

Looks like I've got the room all to myself now. Woke up and Mary and her things were gone.



[No Subject]



Everything is English. Is English better?


Who is that woman on the phone?



[No Subject]

For anyone who knew him, I think Jinn is gone.

[No Subject]

Who: Diana Prince // Thor Odinsson
Where: The pool
What: Ya girl likes to swim
When: Midmorning 5/1
Rating: PG-13 in case of cussies

I want to swim away but don't know how; sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean. )



[No Subject]

Who: Abra Stone and Dan Torrance
Where: The kitchen
When: April 28th, after Dan met with Richie
What: Family Reunion. 
Status: Closed, Ongoing
Warnings: None at the moment, will update if needed.

Uncle Dan! )



[No Subject]

It's really starting to feel like everyone who shows up here is just going to get sent home eventually. Or wherever.



[No Subject]

Talking with Ciri earlier today gave me an idea.

Any warrior or soldier who's come here and wants to keep your skills sharp, what if we start a training group?



[Dean Winchester]

You doing okay?