Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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February 24th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Bucky & Pepper
What: The Birds™
When: 2/24
Where: Laundry Room
Status: Ongoing.
Warnings: Mentions of V-day activities and Avian violence.

she'd made a new friend. )



[No Subject]

I don't really know how to ask this without sending super creepy, but has anyone died here lately? Because I saw what looks like a fresh grave in the cemetery.



[No Subject]

With all the weird stuff going on right now, does anyone have any leads? Because it sounds weirder than normal even for this place.



[No Subject]

Does anyone want to join me for archery practice this morning?



Filtered to Erwin, Sabrina, Theo and Levi

Thanks to Sabrina, I got all of the ingredients and the right cauldron. With Theo's help, we brewed the skelo-gro. He's included in this filter, even though some of you don't know him for this reason.

We can go ahead with the next step. As I said, it will take a few hours for the bones to regrow, so make sure that you have nothing to do for those hours.



Regulus and Levi

Who: Regulus and Levi
Where: their room
When: Evening, 24 February
What: the two roommates do something strange: They talk!
Status: Closed
Warnings: None

Today is not so bad )



[No Subject]

I believe I saw someone asking about a missing cat awhile ago. Did it have wings by any chance? I ask because one has been following me around since yesterday. If I didn't know better I'd think it was Helios



[No Subject]

I found a book about me in the library.  If anyone's read it, don't believe it.



[No Subject]

Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta...



[No Subject]

Who: Jinn, Tandy Bowen, Abra Stone
Where: The cemetery
When: After this
What: The empty(?) grave
Status: In progress
Warnings: TBA

What Tandy had spoken of was concerning )



[No Subject]

After the bugs and whatever that was last week, I definitely wouldn't mind going home right about now.