Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


Layout By

Powered by InsaneJournal

January 26th, 2021




I know what I want to ask for in exchange for your debt.



[No Subject]

Who: Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala
What: Arriving and finding each other
When: Backdated to their arrival
Where: The hotel lobby and then the bowling alley
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete

Thank the Force for that )



[No Subject]

Can’t say I’ve ever had to text for a clue before. Feels cheap. Unprofessional.

So what’s the hint? Can’t be a riddle since the recording is female and the Riddler hasn’t seen a woman since he was inside his mother’s womb.

If this is more Injustice League bullshit…



[No Subject]

Who: Loki & Stephen Strange.
Where: The mini-sanctum.
When: Tuesday night.
What: Work work work.
Status: Completed.
Warnings: Nah.

📚 )



[No Subject]

There are some times I wish a good bit of my blood wasn't six-thousand years old...
After that horrid week with the bugs, I'm quite glad for it being so powerful.

I don't know what I would have done without my powers.



[No Subject]

Left outside of Five and Darcy's door this week are the following items. Make of it what you will. No note is attached. They're always left at approximately 7:30AM.

MONDAY: A cup of coffee and two vegan cinnamon-pear muffins.
TUESDAY: Two strands of paper orchids, purple.
WEDNESDAY: An opalite guitar pick, and an enamel pin.
THURSDAY: Two frames of 35mm film taped to the door which, when inspected, show a far shot of the cemetery and a close-up of a keyplate in a door.
FRIDAY: A bunch of acorns.