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Dec. 29th, 2011


The Great Hunt!

Who: Students who Stayed at Hogwarts
What: Scavenger Hunt
Where: Hogwarts Castle and Grounds
When: The 28th, after Lunch
Rating: TBA, Fun
Status: IC/OOC

So, Lavender and Derek had the idea to have a scavenger hunt on the grounds as an activity after Christmas for the students who stayed. This happened yesterday! Basically, Derek put together a long list of items to be found in the castle or on the grounds, and gave a copy to everyone as they came to play.

A suit of armor with a dent
An astronomical model
A carpet with three holes
A WWW Basic Blaze Box
A non-explodable luminous balloon
A book on Anti-burglar Buzzers
An enchanted candle
A card from an exploding snap game with purple backing
half a cauldron
A box of Cribbage's Wizarding Crackers
a wrapper from a Cribbage's Wizarding Cracker
A serving plate
an enchanted tea set
frog spawn soap
A blue gobstone
Reusable Hangman
A box of Hiccough Sweets
An everlasting icicle
self-correcting ink
A portrait of the Knight Bus
An empty portrait
a magical megaphone
A talking mirror
Pink Parchment
A busted quaffle
A remembrall
A screaming yo-yo
A Twigger brand broomstick
A cat with no tail

When the player finds an item, they mark down the time and where they found it on their sheet, and when they've found all of them they bring the list back to Derek at the Great Hall. He also scrounged together some prizes for the winners! Gift certificates to Weasley Wizard Wheezes for the fastest three! (Which... I guess I'll somehow figure out from the people who tag in?)

Who's playing?!

Oct. 8th, 2011


Who: Open to All
When: Saturday
Where: Hogsmeade
What: Hogsmeade Weekend!
Rating: Low (If anything adultish happens, please break it off and segue to a separate thread!)
IC/OOC: Open to any who want to appear. Feel free to check in with what your character did, or thread IC, whichever you prefer.

Hogsmeade weekends are good for business. )

Sep. 5th, 2011


Who: Jimmy & Alex
When: Monday after curfew
Where: Gryffindor 4th Year Dorm
What: Jimmy can wander around naked as much as he likes!
Rating: PG-13/R? For Alex's disgraceful potty mouth
Open/Closed: Closed

I watched a change in you, it's like you never had wings )


Who: Rabastan (As Theo Nott, Sr) and Remus
What: Setting up a Nott
Where:  Outside of Bats and Bludgers, Hogsmeade and then to a pub
When: late morning, September 5, 1997
Warnings // Status: Pg-13 for language, in progress

Sep. 4th, 2011


An official Owl to Minister of Magic )


Who: Neville and Luna
What: Talking about Dumbledore, the DA, headhunters and holding hands
Where: The Great Hall and then down to the lake
When: Sunday morning, Sept. 2007
Rating: barely PG
Status: In progress!


Sep. 3rd, 2011



Who: Rabastan and Theo
When: BACKDATED, Monday evening, 29 August
Where: The Nott Family home, and then the Lestrange flat
What: Getting Theo out of that mad house
Rating: R (Possible Non-con due to the nature of their relationship)
Open/Closed: Closed

He decided that he wasn't even going to send an owl this time... )


WHO: Rubeus Hagird & Alexander William
WHAT: Alexander 'moves house' AKA Hagrid doesn't like seeing a student staying at the Hog's Head
WHERE: Hagrid's hut
WHEN: 29th August (backdated)
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

My place is nowhere, my name is cursed. Before you come here, call friends and family first )

Sep. 1st, 2011


Attn: Hitwizard Department

Pushed onto the desk of a trustworthy Hitwizard who was then nicely bullied into taking care of it immediately. )

Aug. 31st, 2011


Who: Greengrasses, Slytherin Students, High Society Pureblood Students
When: The 31st
Where: Greengrass Estates
What: Astoria's Birthday
Rating: TBA
Open/Closed: Open, IC/OOC

Just in case she finds her romance novel hero... )


Who: Gavin and Zoe
When: August 31/Early Afternoon
Where: Gavin's house
What: A tiny musical competition and fun
Rating/Status: PG at most?/Closed

Music is always changing and the changes are unpredictable )


Who: Bex and Zoe Montgomery
When: August 31/Evening
Where: Their house
What: Sisterly bonding and packing
Rating/Status: Low-ish/Closed

Double the giggles, double the grins, and double the trouble )


Who: Augustus Pye (open to Staff).
What: Augustus settles into a new life and a new classroom.
Where: The new Ancient Runes classroom of Hogwarts (located in one of the towers).
When: August 31st, 1997; early evening.
Status: Openish.
Rating: Low.

And the Chinese symbol for 'breathe' is...? )


WHO: Audrey Wadcock & Fiona Kemp
WHAT: chatting about the kiss
WHERE: Aud's room
WHEN: The night before school starts

just shared stolen little moments, quick kisses during the day and longer, lingering snogs at night before falling asleep in each other’s arms )


Owl to Geoffrey Hooper )

Aug. 30th, 2011


WHO: Angelina and Toad, Verity and Toad
WHAT: Angelina give Toad “the talk.”
WHEN: (whenever we finish, not time sensitive) Breakfast times!
WHERE: Angelina’s houseboat! Kitchen!

Well, since she was asleep.... Honestly it was better than sending him a journal message and having to meet him somewhere. She had things to discuss with him. )


Who: Wayne & Layla Hopkins
When: 30 August, night
Where: The Hopkins house, Tottenham
What: packing for school
Rating: PG (there's a parent involved)
Open/Closed: Closed

Wayne was in his room, deciding on what would stay home in London and what was going in his school trunk. He hadn't really emptied his trunk from last year, so the process was turning into a voyage of re-discovery. He picked up an item he found hidden in his Quidditch robes... Something Jonesie had done for him one night. A scrap of parchment, with words on it... His words, in her handwriting.


Owl to Rita Skeeter )


Who: Alastor Moody and Poppy Pomfrey
When: Monday, August 29th, afternoon - Backdated
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
What: Lunch and talk
Rating/Status: PG-13 for Moody's foul language / Closed

... )

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