Dec. 26th, 2011


[OCC: Like everyone else, if there are some of you that will just have to assume that you got gifts as I'm low on time and the like. I'm only going to hit the majors for all my characters, but it doesn't mean the others aren't as lovable and awesome. It's just hard with so many kiddies. PS I hope you all enjoyed your holidays! <3]

Gifts from Penny )

Gifts from Fleur )

Gifts from Adela )

Gifts from Zoe )

Gifts from Flissa )

Gifts from Natalie )

Dec. 20th, 2011


Who: Ainsley Pomfrey & Mario Bozo
When: December 19th, backdated
Where: A restaurant!
What: LUNCH!
Status/Rating: Closed/Low

Lunch with friends )

Nov. 29th, 2011


Who: Walden Macnair, Mario Bozo, and Royden Poke
When: Backdated to the evening of November 28th
Where: A boxing match
What: Walden wants to have a little chat with his "friends"
Rating/Status: Closed/PG-13 at least for language

It's like throwing the dice, it could end up disastrous )

Oct. 23rd, 2011


Who: Fleur Delacour and Mario Bozo
When: Early morning of October 24 (pre-dated)
Where: A park in London
What: A random encounter
Rating/Status: TBD/Closed

All anyone asks for is a chance to work with pride )

Oct. 7th, 2011


Anon. Owls to the Following People: Wilda Griffiths & Mario Bozo, Meghan McCormack & Clara Troy for Nikola )

Sep. 30th, 2011


Who: Marietta Edgecombe, NPC Tagoga Yauwii Dobunaba, and open to restaurant patrons! TAG YOUR CHARACTERS IN! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!
What: Marietta and Tagoga go to a fancy restaurant. Marietta realizes that she's Tagoga's "wife."
Where: Some fancy Wizarding restaurant in London, The Bella Luna
When: Friday evening, September 30
Rating: PG-13?
Status: Complete Narrative, but open to reactions of those who witnessed this scene!

Tagoga wanted to witness the glorious moment when Marietta snapped, or better yet, came undone. )

Sep. 21st, 2011


Who: OPEN to any who can and want to attend!
When: Wednesday, September 21, all day
Where: Hogsmeade
What: Annual Hogsmeade Autumnal Equinox Celebration
Rating: Low
Open/Closed: OPEN

What more could anybody ask for in an Autumnal Celebration? )

February 2012




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