Feb. 1st, 2012


WHO: Audrey Wadcock & Fiona Kemp
WHAT: Aud & Fi talk and snuggle
WHERE: their teeny tiny bedsit
WHEN: Wednesday evening
WARNINGS/RATING/STATUS: Cuteness & snuggling!/G/Finished log

aw you're soaked! )

Jan. 4th, 2012


Characters: Fiona Kemp and Audrey Wadcock
Setting: The Leaky Cauldron/Diagon Alley shortly after the Drama at Platform 9 3/4
Summary: After Fi is prevented from getting on the train back to school, she and Aud discuss whether or not going back at all is the best idea.
Rating/Warning: G

Fi leaned back in her chair and nodded a thank you as Tom set down their tea tray. She watched him walk back behind the bar before she turned back to her girlfriend and gave her a tiny, forced smile )

Jan. 3rd, 2012


King's Cross?

Who: Any students returning on the Express, and their families
What: Things are not well
When: Today
Where: King's Cross Station, Platform 9 3/4
Rating: TBA
Status: Open/Closed

The first thing out of place was the obvious presence of very official looking wizards at the barrier to the Platform. At least it opened as usual for anyone who knew how to pass through - but inside the oddities were more obvious: Ministry officials and hitwizards posted throughout the Platform, checking the names of every student against some sort of list.

Bethanne Reynolds, a muggleborn second year in Hufflepuff, looked confused as the hit wizard asked her name, but she gave it easily. Beside her, a Slytherin boy whose name she didn't remember did the same, and after a moment was allowed onto the Express. The witch who was checking the list clucked her tongue, though, at Bethanne.

"Doesn't look like you're on the list here, dearie. Suppose you're not a witch after all. Off with you."

"But - " Bethanne didn't know what to say. Not then, and not when she was pushed out of line by the woman so that the student behind her could step up.

Soon it was obvious, all of the muggleborn students on the Platform that day were receiving the same treatment.


Oct. 23rd, 2011


WHO: Audrey Wadcock & Fiona Kemp
WHAT: Snuggling, cuteness
WHERE: Hufflepuff common room
WHEN: Sunday evening

cut!! )

Sep. 15th, 2011


Characters: Fiona Kemp & Natalie McDonald
Setting: After classes, Entrance Hall/Hogwarts Grounds
Summary: SCENE LOTTERY: I used to be so certain
Rating/Warning: Mild
I used to be so certain )

Sep. 1st, 2011


When: After the Welcoming Feast
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room
What: Drama Badgers care too much about everything.
Rating: variable?
Open/Closed: OPEN to all student Puffs
IC/OOC so go for it!

The mass of students representing Hufflepuff House made their way to the cellars of Hogwarts, to the warren behind the barrels that they would call home for the next year. The prefects and other older students herded the newly-sorted first-years into the room first, and all the rest followed in turn, bringing their excited chatter and laughter with them. For some, however, the mood in the common room was not so cheery...

Aug. 31st, 2011


WHO: Audrey Wadcock & Fiona Kemp
WHAT: chatting about the kiss
WHERE: Aud's room
WHEN: The night before school starts

just shared stolen little moments, quick kisses during the day and longer, lingering snogs at night before falling asleep in each other’s arms )

Aug. 26th, 2011


WHO: Audrey Wadcock & Fiona Kemp
WHAT: hanging out and... more! :O
WHERE: Aud's room
WHEN: Friday evening
WARNINGS/RATING/STATUS: Kissage/PG13/Finished log

i reckon i could've just tickled you if i wanted to hear a squeak )

Jul. 29th, 2011


Who: Fiona Kemp and Natalie Fairbourne
When: Friday July 29th/early afternoon
Where: Diagon Alley
What: A random encounter while school shopping

School shopping is how she combats summer boredom )

Jul. 21st, 2011


WHO: Audrey Wadcock and Fiona Kemp
WHAT: Friends meeting up after far too long
WHERE: Fi's house
WHEN: Thursday night

pizza makes me sleepy )

February 2012




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