February 2nd, 2012

[info]changedmod in [info]changedrpg

Order Meeting

Who: Order of the Phoenix
When: Wednesday night.
Where: The Burrow
What: Meeting.
Rating: Low
Open/Closed: Open to all Order members, plus the trio.
IC/OOC: (As per new IC/OOC rules, check ins are welcome to establish what your character does, but are not counted toward activity.)

This meeting was long overdue. )

[info]bmuggled in [info]changedrpg

Who: Orsino Thruston and Kirley Duke
Where: Their place
When: Wednesday night(backdated a bit)
What: After Lee's owl
Warnings: I don't think so

[info]burbaged in [info]changedrpg

Owl to Alexander William )

[info]parvish in [info]changedrpg

Who: Padma and Parvati
When: Tonight after Dinner
Where: Great Hall, then elsewhere
What: Twin Time
Rating: TBA
Open/Closed: Closed

You don’t think they’re protesting Snape being promoted, do you?. )

[info]crebba in [info]changedrpg

Who: Vincent and Sariah
When: Yesterday
Where: Great Hall?
What: Sariah said she’d find him so they can get to know each other.
Rating: TBA
Open/Closed: Closed

He thought it also meant that she had to sleep with him. )

[info]viktoriously in [info]changedrpg

Who: Viktor and Fleur
When: Tonight, after the Order meeting
Where: His cottage
What: Fleur is staying with him.
Rating: TBA (Warning for illegal immigration? :P )
Open/Closed: Closed

It seemed like a team without a Captain. )

[info]nobrokenbones in [info]changedrpg

Who: Ethan Bones and Penelope Clearwater
What: Getting drinks.
Where:The Burrow then a muggle bar
When: Wednesday, after the Order meeting

Ethan wasn’t going to make her do something she didn’t want, but he was going to make it as hard as possible for her to say no. )

[info]viktoriously in [info]changedrpg

Who: Viktor and Hermione
When: Tonight, at the Order meeting at the Burrow
Where: The Burrow
What: A little time alone before she has to go
Rating: TBA
Open/Closed: Closed

I have been so worried. )

February 2012



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