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Feb. 4th, 2012


Owl to: Alice + Frank Longbottom, Alicia Spinnet + one, Angelina & Roger Johnson, Bill Weasley + Fleur Delacour, Charlie Weasley + one, Fred Weasley + one, George Weasley + one, Katie Bell + one, Lee Jordan + one, Molly + Arthur Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks + one, Remus Lupin + one, Trevor Scabior + Gretchen Watkins )

Feb. 3rd, 2012


[*Note: If you're unsure if this includes you, it probably does if your character knows either Bill or Fleur. You can ask Lyn or myself too if you want clarification.]

Jan. 31st, 2012


Who: Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley
When: Late hours of January 30th/Early January 31st
Where: Fleur's parents' house, Marseille, France
What: Fleur's hysterical after this and Bill's come to get her
Status/Rating: Closed//PG-ish for possible arguing

Hold onto this lullaby even when the music is gone )

Jan. 27th, 2012


Owl to Bill Weasley )

Jan. 24th, 2012


Who: Fleur Delacour, Bill Weasley, and possibly Marcus Montague
When: Morning of January 24th
Where: Gringotts
What: Visit from immigration
Status/Rating: Closed other than to those listed above/PG at most

Sometimes life isn't romantic, it's realistic )

Jan. 23rd, 2012


Who: Bill Weasley and Alastor Moody
Where: Moody's place
When: this evening
What: Bill needs to talk to somebody, and he thought Moody might be able to help.
Rating: Low, probably some swearing

He had given his encounter with Macnair a lot of thought. )

Jan. 22nd, 2012


Who: Walden Macnair and Bill Weasley
When: Afternoon of January 22nd
Where: Curse-Breakers office, Gringotts
What: An unsuccessful attempt at getting answers about the puzzle box
Status/Rating: Closed//PG at least for language and threats

Failure is a word that is unknown to me )

Dec. 31st, 2011


Who: Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley
When: Early hours of January 1st
Where: Their flat
What: They have things to resolve after Bill's conversation with Oakden
Status/Rating: Closed/PG at most

When you've done all you can do and you can't cope, I will dry your eyes and fight your fight )

Dec. 30th, 2011


Order Meeting

Alright, the Order meeting that got called happened tonight at The Burrow around eight. Things to discuss:

- Minerva has information from a source inside the Ministry that there will be Muggleborn Registration pushed through right after the holiday. The Order has safehouses in place, but needs a method of getting muggleborns to them and was of getting them out of the country if need be. There are some organizations already laying plans to do this, like the Society for Distressed Witches, so someone Caradoc is charged with investigating Societies like those that might be able to help the Order under the radar. Maybe Lee's show can also be used to get information out to Muggleborns and get them in touch with the Order. They'll also probably need safehouses overseas, etc.

- Remus is convinced that anti-creature legislation goes hand in hand with anti-muggleborn legislation, and is going to reach out to the werewolf communities again, but has had very little luck. He brings up that he thinks he should contact Rolf Scamander about it, since Rolf has had better contact than he has. We also need people reaching out to goblins, vampires, centaurs, and giants. And merpeople. We should totally do something cool with merpeople.

- Counter terrorism with terrorism? I don't know if it would come up at the meeting or not, but I know Moody had a plan to take out the Daily Prophet. And it's time to start mounting a real answer to the Ministry occupation. I'm sure that if that's brought up it might cause some strife between the Order members who are still at the Ministry and the ones who aren't? Remus has no ideas on this, though, so he hopes there's some actual discussion and a plan put in place. He's getting a little frustrated that the Order seems to just be responding to things, rather than acting. He's just getting antsy.

- The last order meeting they had there was a list of possible recruits to the DEs. They know now that some of them have been recruited, so they should probably talk about forging ties with allied societies, recruiting more, and also what they can do to sway some of the newer Death Eaters or possible Death Eaters to reconsider - or at least to stay out of the fight.

- Anything else I haven't thought of? I'm sure there is! Bring it up in your IC/OOC comments!

Dec. 28th, 2011


Who: Molly, Fleur and Bill
What: Spying and prying Dropping off a sweater and food
Where: Bill and Fleur's place
When: 12/28 late afternoon
Status: Incomplete

The gift was a bit late for Christmas but that was fine, it gave Molly an excuse to drop by on her newly engaged son and fiance. )

Dec. 26th, 2011

[info]grnthmb_neville last...most of them at least..

From Neville... )
For Alice, his mum
For Frank, his Da
For Luna
For his other friends, he got each a this: A book**the magical version of it, identifying magical plants, accompanying a bag of treats from Honeydukes for Dean and Seamus and Ron and Harry and Hermione and anyone else that I the forgetful mun have forgotten..

From Charlie... )For Arthur
For Molly
For Bill
For Fleur
For Percy
For Fred and George, one for each
For Ginny
Ron....he will get Ron anything he asks for if he only comes out of hiding!

From Rabastan.... )

From Audrey.... )

From Ayers.... )


Astoria insisted she be the one to post the christmas gifts!

Like everyone else, if you think you got something you probably did!

Harry Potter )

Remus Lupin )

Charity Burbage )

Alfie Cattermole )

Bellatrix Lestrange )

Astoria Greengrass )

George Weasley )

Veronica Smethley )

Graham Montague )

Kingsley Shacklebolt )


[OCC: Like everyone else, if there are some of you that will just have to assume that you got gifts as I'm low on time and the like. I'm only going to hit the majors for all my characters, but it doesn't mean the others aren't as lovable and awesome. It's just hard with so many kiddies. PS I hope you all enjoyed your holidays! <3]

Gifts from Penny )

Gifts from Fleur )

Gifts from Adela )

Gifts from Zoe )

Gifts from Flissa )

Gifts from Natalie )

Dec. 25th, 2011


Who: Bill and Percy Weasley
Where: Percy's place
When: this evening
What: brotherly chat
Rating: low, I think?

He really just wanted to talk to his brother and make certain everything was alright. )


Ginny's presents!

Weasley gifts! )


All of Oakden's Family and Friends received: )

And Percy also received...

Dec. 24th, 2011


Who: Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour
Where: Their flat
When: Backdated to the evening of 12/23
What: Bill has a question
Rating: Low

Bill had to admit that he was pants at romance. )


Who: Fleur, Bill, Weasleys, and other invited friends/guests
When: Evening of December 24th
Where: Bill and Fleur's flat
What: La Réveillon dinner/Christmas party
Rating/Status: TBD/Open to anyone related to Bill/Fleur, friends, Order, ect

At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities )

Dec. 4th, 2011


Who: Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour
When: Early evening/Sunset of December 4th
Where: Their flat
What: Questions, answers, talk of the future
Rating/Status: Closed/Lowish

Maybe it's the way the stars are aligned that's making all the pieces fit )

Nov. 29th, 2011


Owl to Bill Weasley )

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February 2012




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