Sep. 1st, 2011


When: After the Welcoming Feast
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room
What: Drama Badgers care too much about everything.
Rating: variable?
Open/Closed: OPEN to all student Puffs
IC/OOC so go for it!

The mass of students representing Hufflepuff House made their way to the cellars of Hogwarts, to the warren behind the barrels that they would call home for the next year. The prefects and other older students herded the newly-sorted first-years into the room first, and all the rest followed in turn, bringing their excited chatter and laughter with them. For some, however, the mood in the common room was not so cheery...

Aug. 29th, 2011


Who: Charity Weller and Finn Cadwallader
What: Charity invited Finn over.
When: I wanna say... Sunday afternoon?
Where: The Weller house, Charity's bedroom
Rating: Pretty low, Char's only 14. Girl kissing though, so maybe PG-13?
Open/Closed: Closed

Charity felt like she'd been scurrying around shoving things in drawers and under the bed for an age, but it had really only been ten or so minutes, once she'd factored in all the time she'd spent scribbling in her journal to Verity. She glanced around herself and bit her lip, hoping she'd succeeded in making it look clean but not scary.

She'd changed from the skirt and blouse she'd worn out shopping with her mother that morning, into a clean t shirt and her favorite old blue jeans. Since she wasn't leaving the house, she'd left shoes out of the equation, but had carefully chosen her socks, one yellow and one black, since Finn would see them and they were both in Hufflepuff.

She was pretty keyed up but managed to sit on the edge of her bed and wait for Finn to get there, remembering at the last minute to shove some gum in her mouth, chewing it anxiously.

Aug. 28th, 2011


Owl to Charity Weller )

Aug. 15th, 2011


Owl Post to Finn with note

Owl Post to Finn with note )

Aug. 11th, 2011


Who: Cadwalladers
Where: their kitchen
When: wee hours of Thursday
What: insomnia and tea.
Warnings: SEX! DRUGS! PENGUINS! no, just kidding. none.

The sun is blinding. I stayed up again. )

Jul. 26th, 2011


WHO: Charity Weller & Finn Cadwallader
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon, July 26, 1997
WHERE: meeting up at the Leaky and then into Diagon Alley
WHAT: Finn has some evil ideas that involve poor Charity who doesn't realise that Finn has an end game in the future involving the other girl. Tarot card buying time for Finn and Charity!

Dun dun dun )

Jul. 25th, 2011


Owl parcel to Imogen Stretton )

February 2012




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