Dec. 3rd, 2011


Death Eater Fun

Who: Bellatrix, Rabastan, any Death Eater Who Came Along
Where: Azkaban
When: Friday night
What: Getting Rabastan Out, Getting Reinforcements
Rating: Plotty, TBA
Status: IC/OOC

Alright, here is finally the post with the information about the Azkaban run. Bellatrix had orders to get reinforcements and to free the loyal from Azkaban, and also to make it look as if it weren't the Death Eaters doing it. Her personal goal, of course, was to get Rabastan out and punish him herself for being a dolt about going out and throwing a wrench into things.

She would have gathered whoever was going with her, and they had to apparate as close as they could and then fly in from the coastline. Once there, there could have been some minor scuffles with the Dementors if you want there to have been, but once Bellatrix landed and killed a few of the wizarding guards, she had something to offer the Dementors and brought them a message from Voldemort that if they turned against the Ministry, turned to his support, that they could have all the souls they wanted, basically. After that, they let the Death Eaters pass.

It was a relatively simple mission, they freed a bunch of prisoners and let a handful of the wizarding guards live - though they had to have their memories modified to show Harry Potter being the one who did the prisoner freeing, etc. Any obliviator DE who wants to have done those modifications, feel free to have had that been your job.

It was a success, though, with quite a few newly freed Azkaban prisoners (of varying levels of crazy) ready to join in the fight.

IC/OOC - if you were there, have at it.

Nov. 8th, 2011


Owl to Alecto Carrow )

Aug. 9th, 2011


Who: Voldemort, Death Eaters
When: Tonight
Where: A desolate house in the moors.
What: Summoned, ordered, etc.
Rating: Dark and Plotty. Warning for murder.
Open/Closed: IC/OOC

To find the disloyal and burn them down.  )

Aug. 7th, 2011


Who: Antigone Ivanova & Alecto Carrow
Why: Scene Lottery FTW. Female Bonding Time?
What: Stalker Killing
Where: Near Antigone's new home
When: Backdated to after this. So the 6th.
Rating: R for Violence.
Status: In Progress, Closed
Prompt: DEAD

I loathe Stalkers.. they need to get themselves dead )

February 2012




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