August 15th, 2007

[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

New Firefox article

Livejournal Tries Again to Placate Fans.

Meanwhile, [info]elaboration has been un-bolded....

"However, after extensive review of our policies we have come to the same conclusion as you have, as well as many of our site's members: that it was not fair to suspend your account without warning in this case, as the subjects depicted were fictional and the art itself was a drawing rather than a photograph, meaning that no actual children were harmed in the creation of this image. We have decided to alter this policy in the future so that warnings will be issued to those posting images that are in violation of LiveJournal's standards for appropriate content."

...and there's discussion about law enforcement getting involved.

[info]stewardess in [info]07refugees

A Counterpoint to the Fanfic is Illegal Hysteria

[info]perseph2hades has written a brief essay titled "I'm sorry, did you say the apocalypse is here?"

Getting pissed off and yelling back at LJ and demanding accountability does not kill fandom and doesn't mean we're ruining the fun. It just means we respect ourselves enough to not want to be treated like trash.

[info]teh_kittykat in [info]07refugees

I'm linking this as a drive-by becasue I'm lazy:

Strikethrough: The Saga Continues

Apparently LJ will still give you strikes if your fanart gets caught in a cache file on the server, and age statements don't help despite the fact that rachel said it would be a reasonable out in the lj_biz thread.


[info]uniquewonders in [info]07refugees

"Open Letter to LiveJournal/Six Apart"

This letter asks for "LJ/SA to not conflate the terms 'child pornography' with 'content LJ deems obscene or objectionable.'"

The OP asks you to "please sign this post if you were insulted or are upset by LJ/SA's repeated conflation of the terms 'possibly obscene explicit under 18 fan art' and 'child pornography.'

You can sign it here.

Thanks, keieeeye.