August 14th, 2007

[info]ladykaiyu in [info]07refugees

It seems that the LJ admins posted an update on lj_biz.

Y'know...I'm having difficulty accepting the possibility that the folks at LJ are being sincere this time. It's not the fact that there are still large gray areas insofar as what is and is not acceptable. It's the fact that this sort of thing happened once before with Strikethrough and the LJ admins promised that they would no longer ban users without warning, yet did exactly that earlier this month. They're trying to seem sincere with this newest post, yet how can any of us have any faith in their promises when they've made promises a couple months ago then turn around and break them?

[info]myuutsu in [info]07refugees


These are mirrors of comms on LJ and GJ!


[info]greenet in [info]07refugees

List of asylums

This is a categorized list of asylums. My source has mainly been [info]asylum_promo. I made it for my own use, but I thought some of you might find it handy as well.

Listings of asylums on ij with comments. Will add as find more interesting places. By 'recently started', I mean recent on ij.

ETA: Have added asylums from the comments to the post. Will continue to update it as long as new asylums are added to the comments.

ETA2: The first Community Directory!

ETA3: Edited 17/8/07. 18/8/07. 19/8/07. 20/8/07. 21/8/07. 24/8/07. 27/8/07.

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