August 16th, 2007

[info]buggery in [info]07refugees

LJ turning against its own defenders?

Does anyone have a screenshot of or remember who posted the top-level content in this thread? As you can see from the responses, the commenter had been defending LJ's actions on the basis that 'fan art depicting UNDERAGED characters in explicit sexual situations is child porn and possibly obscene under US law.'

I doubt it was this comment the user was suspended over, but the fact that someone ostensibly arguing that LJ's inconsistent and baseless 'policy' 'clarifications' are laudable and required in order to comply with the law could themselves be found guilty of a TOS violation, nearly simultaneously with the comment, is surprising.

Depending on the circumstances of the suspension, perhaps this example might even be the wake-up call other LJ users need to get them to to realise that ambiguous and arbitrary policies are a danger to all users, not just some theoretically expendable fringe of fandom.

ETA: Now cross-posted to the fandomtossed community on greatestjournal, here, and the innocence_jihad community on livejournal, here. Thanks to [info]brownbetty for the technical assist.

[info]shusu in [info]07refugees

tech note

I've been updating the technology how-to post, aka how to move your journal in a few days. Still looking out for good posts, so if you know of one, please comment to the skunkworks*!

* Skunk Works.

[info]digitalmeowmix in [info]07refugees

Help with feeds

If this is to OT feel free to delete

Can someone with a perm account please add a feed for me, I can not pay for an account at the moment but in order to really settle in here i need a feed for my flist

Jut name it MyFlist please?

[info]yohjideranged in [info]07refugees

LJ's new advertising

LJ has found a new way to get advertising -

Virtual gifts brought to you by Diet Pepsi Max.  

Does anyone else have a WTF?  

Suble, aren't they?