August 10th, 2007

[info]nosselinfea in [info]07refugees

intro, huh?

1) Give your name and a little about yourself, including interests and hobbies.
You can call me Cas. I'm from the UK, am the wrong side of 40. Interests are broad but include writing, various fandoms, music, science fiction, gaming, transgender issues.

2) Tell us why you came to InsaneJournal. Did someone from IJ tell you (and if so, who)?
[info]kenobi told me about a muse writing asylum here, which I joined. Quickly made new friends, and decided to move in and stay. I'd already decided several weeks before that I was going to leave LJ even before this, but IJ was new to me.

3) What is your favorite thing, so far, about InsaneJournal?
[info]voicesinmyhead. And Squeaky rocks. The whole community here reminds me of Diary-X, which I and my friends used to love (may it rest in peace).

4) Have you joined any other asylums? If not, would you like to?
A few, yes, nearly as many as I was in on LJ. I'm also running [info]urbanasylum for fans of the actor Karl Urban, but it's new and empty so far. May start up a community for Second Life players, but not got around to doing that yet.

5) Is there a certain kind of asylum or type of friends you are looking for?
Fandom - people who are into muse writing, (eg Theatrical Muse type), soulbonding. My main fandoms in which I participate are LOTR/Silmarillion and RPF, but I have interests in many others.

6) Do you want to be an active member of InsaneJournal? (Meaning, do you want to promote IJ, update, and get involved in asylums?)
Definitely. I am very much liking what I see here, have already bought a Permanently Insane account and providing the servers can stand the influx of new refugees I'm sure staying.

[info]queenprosecutor in [info]07refugees

We like following the trend y/n?

1) Give your name and a little about yourself, including interests and hobbies.
I am queenprosecutor/modernquill/Terrahawk/Nicole/God/Nokolo/That slut... yes, I have a lot of names. Let's see... I'm British (Newcastle born and bred) with German and Ukraine heritage on my mother's side. Currently awaiting my A2 results and taking a gap year so I can resit said exams as they were a catastrophe. My interests include writing, reading (biiiig English geek here), some Psychology, Manga/Games/Music/all the standard stuff, as well as cooking and baking, HTML, crack (not the drug), learning random skills and facts that will probably never be used.

2) Tell us why you came to InsaneJournal. Did someone from IJ tell you (and if so, who)?
I admit to being a sign up whore. I'll sign up for most things. So when fandom wank was going on at LJ, someone (I can't remember who) mentioned IJ and I was like 'THIS SOUNDS LIKE THE PLACE FOR ME' so I came along to see and was like "FUCK YEAH" (seaking) and set it up in case. Now it's my srs biznis / long post journal while I only really go on livejournal because of the size of my friendslist and community activity.

3) What is your favorite thing, so far, about InsaneJournal?
I love Tweak. Tweak rocks. And I like that it has my favourite layout here (the one that's currently on my journal). Hm. I suppose my favourite thing is that I don't feel like I'm in a sea of users- the community seems more personal.

4) Have you joined any other asylums? If not, would you like to?
5_kinks, 30_somethings, gyakuten_saiban, fandomdirectory, finish_that_fic, pokemon, ouranhostclub, statements and I run gyakusai100 and have a fic dump comm shared with [info]macey_muse called siamese_quills.

5) Is there a certain kind of asylum or type of friends you are looking for?
Not really. I like people who I have things in common with, and also those I don't. I like the variation in opinion and people who can just tell me to stfu and that I'm being stupid.

6) Do you want to be an active member of InsaneJournal? (Meaning, do you want to promote IJ, update, and get involved in asylums?)
I'd like to think I'm doing so.

[info]letmypidgeonsgo in [info]07refugees

Just a few icons for us

Made with those of us who've recently arrived in mind...

snag if you want, just please upload to your own server!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

the same 3, with a grey background instead of white )


[info]nerami_siela in [info]07refugees

I am abusing posting option, because... well, because I can *nods* also, because I read too much serious stuff to not post the few amusing things I found

If you were too damn tired to read all 5000 comments on the lj_biz... warnings for non-con fandom sex

Guiness record? Probably... yeah.

[info]sylumgator in [info]07refugees

if you were affected, or want to complain

here are a couple more links:
"Apparently, an internet business is not something the Department of Consumer Affairs can help with." but, there is info to the California Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General (AG)

and I posted on GJ's FandomTossed about BBB info:
which, yes, is not a government agency, and they can ignore complaints. However, it all goes on Public record. Records that *are* looked at when companies go public/try to sell.

[info]guiltyred in [info]07refugees

"So-and-so has added you as a friend"

Another handy feature that's darn hard to find: the email notification option for new friend notices.

It's right here:

I think that the "all comments in my journal on any post" option will copy your own replies back to you in email; if you're getting comment notifications okay, leave that one alone.    ^__^

So far, all I've done is go back to LJ and see what the web address is for those useful things, then add the necessary stuff to the end of the InsaneJournal addy -- and so far, it's worked like a charm.

Now to figure out if/how to get notifications for individual journal updates/community posts, and if it's not available, to ask Squeaky most humbly to make it happen.  ^_____^

ETA: The thumbtack feature to keep track of posts et al is found when you actually click on a cut/view comments/otherwise go to the actual post. It's right there in the little toolbar -- just like on LJ.

[info]sapphoq in [info]07refugees

El Jay staffers and volunteers link, interesting

Aura218 has gathered a list of staff and volunteers at El Jay and things they've said throughout the lj_biz comments.
Anyone who wishes may gander a look.

She requests direct link rather than copy and paste of her entry should anyone want to do so.


[info]sth in [info]07refugees

If this is not allowed, please delete it!

I am helping people get to new journals. :) If you are interested in a Deadjournal, Lostjournal, or Journalfen please head here where you can request any of them or all three.

Also, if there is enough interest I can find around here, I'm thinking of starting a community on insanejournal just for people to help others get codes. (If it hasn't been done, has it?)

[info]sapphoq in [info]07refugees

El Jay staffers and volunteers link, interesting

follow the bloody footprints... )from with some
follow the bloody footprints... )
How will you be suspended from LJ? by Anonymous LJ User
Anonymous LJ User
Anonymous LJ User
Anonymous LJ User
Years on LJ
Hours left until your suspension 69
Your crime Speaking out against the current "new policies" of Dick Apart/El Jay which in reality is a new TOS version but not admitting that lest they be forced to give refunds.
Who reported you Frank the Goat
Your fate You go on to write a book that is good enough to be banned, have a fatwa put on your head by the Whackkkos4Installationofspyware, and unexpected financial windfalls forever!

[info]girlanachronism in [info]07refugees

just in case...

I hope this is okay to post here. And feel free to plug this anywhere you see fit.

On the off chance that anyone wants to relocate to Blurty for whatever purpose, here is a comunity you will want to see.

[info]sagami in [info]07refugees

Linking to suspension-worthy material

I came across this post talking about how posting a link to suspension-worthy material might get you suspended too (unless you removed the link).

A second thing that's quite interesting: yourlibrarian posted here that some feeds above 300kb will not be synced on InsaneJournal because it goes over the limit. So if your feeds aren't working, you might want to check this out.