August 11th, 2007

[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

Mod Post

If you've been following the comments you should be able to guess pretty well what I'm going to say.

I've updated the info page again with new guidelines for the asylum. Originally there weren't really that many of us coming over from LJ, but as they dig their hole deeper and deeper there's been a huge influx of new users.

So, from now on we'd appreciate more with the 6A-related links and information, and less with the introductions and asylum pimps. I know we have a large membership here compared to [info]newcomers and [info]addme, but it's starting to get a bit unwieldy, especially when there's a lot of cross-posting. I think there was discussion of creating an asylum friending meme, so there will hopefully be a good place to take it to. (And since that asylum is directly related to refugees immigrants from LJ, it can be posted about here. :-))

There's also a link in the userinfo to the list of tags. I'm adding tags to new entries if I catch them but of course it's easiest if the OP does it, so people can go through the archives as painfully painlessly!! as possible.

Thanks everyone!

[info]snakeling in [info]07refugees

IJ sitescheme customisation

I've seen a lot of people saying that the siteschemes on InsaneJournal are eye-searing, so I made a tutorial on how to prettify them.

Unfortunately, this tutorial is only valid for people using Firefox, Opera or Epiphany. I *think* there's a way to make it work on Safari, so if someone could test it and write a tutorial, I could add/link to it from my post. I'm afraid IE users are stuck, though.

Feel free to pimp the tutorial far and wide, and to create new styles on

[info]guiltyred in [info]07refugees

About that email notification option...

Several folks commented to my last post about the email notification of new friends and such ( ) -- apparently once you fill in the ticky-boxes and hit SAVE, the page reloads with no boxes checked. Did it work? Did it not work? Is it different for paid/non-paid accounts?

I just tried setting up notification for my free account and then friended it on my paid one -- don't know how long it should take, but so far, no email.

I'm going to notify the support squad and see what they say.

[info]redscorner in [info]07refugees

More ponderings on why this place rocks the effing casbah

Part of what makes me love this place a little more every day is how community oriented it is. I posted in [info]ideas about having the notification center become active and in my post, asked how I could help in testing or whatnot to get the function to work. Someone immediately responded with a comment saying they'd also like to have the function work and also asked how they could help.

This is what a community is supposed to be about. It's supposed to be people suggesting things, offering to help where they can, interacting with site administration. This is what has been sorely lacking since "that other journaling site" was bought out, though, honestly, it was lacking for a bit before that. This is why I love it here so much more and feel so much more at ease here than I had on "that other journaling site" for so long. And like I said in my previous post, I love how it really is a tight-knit community and I very much want it to stay that way.

Not that I don't want a huge exodus from "that other journaling site," because I do. I want them to go down in flames. I just hope that the people migrating over here continue to foster and encourage this sense of community, of belonging.

There just aren't words to express my love for this place.

(cross-posted from my personal journal)

[info]catwoman69y2k in [info]07refugees

Can importing get easier?

Well, I am thinking that IJ is the better alternative (vs. GJ) but sadly I dont see if there is a way to import my LJ journal entries from the past into this journal. Anyone know?
