[info]sapphoq in [info]07refugees

El Jay staffers and volunteers link, interesting

from http://www.memegen.net with some
alterations to the html to provide more realistic answers under "Hours left...", "Your crime", "Who reported you", and "Your fate" just because I felt like it.  spike
Note: only the first three answers are changeable before hitting the link to go to the website.

How will you be suspended from LJ? by Anonymous LJ User
Anonymous LJ User
Anonymous LJ User
Anonymous LJ User
Years on LJ
Hours left until your suspension 69
Your crime Speaking out against the current "new policies" of Dick Apart/El Jay which in reality is a new TOS version but not admitting that lest they be forced to give refunds.
Who reported you Frank the Goat
Your fate You go on to write a book that is good enough to be banned, have a fatwa put on your head by the Whackkkos4Installationofspyware, and unexpected financial windfalls forever!

How will you be suspended from LJ? by Anonymous LJ User
Anonymous LJ User
Anonymous LJ User
Anonymous LJ User
Years on LJ
Hours left until your suspension 69
Your crime Speaking out against the current "new policies" of Dick Apart/El Jay which in reality is a new TOS version but not admitting that lest they be forced to give refunds.
Who reported you Frank the Goat
Your fate You go on to write a book that is good enough to be banned, have a fatwa put on your head by the Whackkkos4Installationofspyware, and unexpected financial windfalls forever!


Great ! *Applauds*

Pssst, make that 'liveurinal' --- I found that term at encyclo-dramatica !
